I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, thank You for Dr. Ben Carson and his public service. We pray our leaders would receive wisdom from You and change course where necessary. Have mercy on all of us.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

“We’ve been having tunnel vision” dealing with the COVID-19 pandemic, Dr. Ben Carson told EpochTV’s “American Thought Leaders” program.

“Let’s throw the politics out. We could solve this problem pretty quickly,” he stated in an interview that will premiere on Dec. 18 at 7 p.m. New York time…

“Let’s look around the world at things that work. Let’s look at the fact that on the western coast of Africa, there’s almost no COVID. And let’s ask ourselves, why is that? And then you see, it’s because they take antimalarials, particularly hydroxychloroquine. Let’s study that. Let’s see what’s going on there.

“Let’s listen to these physician groups who’ve had incredible success with ivermectin. Let’s look at the results with monoclonal antibodies. Let’s look at all of these things. Let’s put them all in our armamentarium so that we don’t have a one-size-fits-all system.”…

“COVID is a virus. Viruses mutate. That’s what they do. And they will continue to mutate,” Carson said.

Carson pointed out that fortunately, most of the time, viruses become a little weaker with each mutation.

“We can admit that and deal with it, or we can take every little mutation and every little change and try to make it into a crisis so we can frighten people and control their lives more,” Carson said….

“We need to have faith in our government. We need to have faith in our health care systems. And by injecting politics into it, I think we have put ourselves behind the eight ball. It’s going to take a while to reestablish that trust,” he said.

“Why not learn how to look at what’s logical and what makes sense? And why not encourage discussion of those things, rather than everybody getting their respective corners and shooting hand grenades at each other?”

The way out is real leadership, he said.

“The only path is strong leadership. We don’t have that.”

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(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Photo Credit: Getty Images)


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Herb Johnston
December 19, 2021

Remember, sanity can only be achieved between two persons or parties when both parties are focused on that-coming from a place of actually caring about retaining sanity-, in the absence of that, and during that time, all we can do is continue to pray and ask the Lord to change the hearts of those who have taken the evil path.. – , obviously Dr Carson is someone that I admire very much, and he’s a brilliant man- much more on the ball about life and everything than I will ever be-, but I do not see anything happening unless the Lord intervenes -, & changes the hearts & minds of those evil people we are attempting to negotiate with..
Lord I just come before you now praying believing as was mentioned earlier I believe yesterday, ifen I think it was on Duchess blog about your power to change the hearts of men- and I pray that’s what you would do.. the entire Biden regime executive branch-everyone associated with him- all the Rhinos in Congress-..any legislator that is decieved.. Lord we must have revival- but I believe it is happening now.. and I pray that the Revival would increase Lord abundantly, in Jesus Mighty Name,Amen

Chap.Linda Rozar
December 19, 2021

When we left God out old sleufoot took over..game over..almost
.His new order is on its way!

Lori Meed
December 19, 2021

Father we ask that You would break through via the Hippocratic oath I to the hearts and minds of doctors, nurses, and politicians. Do not harm. Simple, plain science. Father forgive us for weaponizing this pandemic. Lord have mercy.


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