I Prayed have prayed
Lord, let our nation’s leaders be granted wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

A group of Republican senators on Wednesday sent a letter to Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., expressing their intention to block federal funding for a potential federal COVID-19 vaccine mandate.

President Biden on Sept. 9 announced plans to require businesses with more than 100 employees to mandate COVID-19 vaccines or weekly testing for workers.

“…We will oppose all efforts to implement and enforce it with every tool at our disposal, including our votes on spending measures considered by the Senate,” the letter led by Sen. Roger Marshall, R-Kan., states. “To be sure, we agree that countless Americans have benefitted from the protection offered by the COVID-19 vaccines. Nevertheless, the decision whether to be vaccinated against COVID-19 is a highly personal one that should never be forced upon individuals by the federal government.”

Marshall practiced medicine in Great Bend, Kansas, for 25 years as an OB/GYN and also owned a small business.

The Kansas senator and other Republicans point to the potential COVID-19 vaccine requirement as a hurdle for small businesses to attract and retain employees amid pandemic-related supply chain and worker shortages. They cite potential frontline worker losses that could result from such a mandate, including reductions in police officers, medical workers, truckers, pilots and military service members across the U.S.

“President Biden is waging a cruel campaign to punish unvaccinated Americans—depriving them of their ability to provide for their families,” the senators wrote. “This is nothing short of immoral. There are so many humane ways to defeat this virus. Depriving law-abiding citizens of their livelihood must not be included among them.”

Ten Republican senators had signed the letter as of Wednesday afternoon, including Mike Lee of Utah, Ted Cruz of Texas and Jim Inhofe of Oklahoma. . . .

More than 60% of small business owners support a vaccine requirement, while 56% do not expect business to return to “normal” business for at least another six months, according to the survey of about 500 businesses with 500 or less employees.

Additionally, 44% of small businesses reported difficulties in finding promising candidates to fill open roles, according to the survey.

Many frontline workers such as nursespolice officers and teachers have lost their jobs after refusing to get the shot despite workplace requirements.

Marshall and other senators ask that Schumer be advised that before the end of the current spending period on Dec. 3, they “will not support—and will use all means at our disposal to oppose—legislation that funds or in any way enables the enforcement of President Biden’s employer vaccine mandate.”

Republican senators will also refuse to “vote for or support cloture on any continuing resolution in the absence of language protecting Americans from this action,” the letter states.

Additionally, more than three dozen Senate Republicans led by Sen. Mike Braun of Indiana moved to formally disapprove and nullify President Biden’s vaccine mandate on private employees Wednesday under the Congressional Review Act — the official process for Congress to eliminate an executive branch rule.

Biden’s proposed vaccine mandate is anticipated to impact more than 80 million private-sector workers across the United States. The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) is expected to publish the formal mandate.

Do you think this is a big step in the right direction? Let us know in the comments below!

(Excerpt from Fox News. Article written by Audrey Conklin. Photo by UnSplash)

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Don & Reba Holden
November 10, 2021


November 9, 2021

Father, I pray that this vac, mandate will be overturned, May God arise and His enemies be scattered!

November 8, 2021

Yes, the right direction, but this is a big step that I hoped would have been taken long before now! I pray that every Republican, and even some Democrats, will understand that “we the people” are fed up with these mandates and this administration’s agenda! This is the “crisis”that this administration and all the great re-set people wanted. If Republicans don’t start fighting back and standing up for us, our country, as we know it, is gone! America cannot continue to go down the “mandate lane.” It is destroying our nation…..and that’s this administration’s plan! Father, You tell us that You have a plan, and it is a plan for good and not for evil, to give us a future and a hope. Our hope is in You.

Susan Bouley
November 8, 2021

This is huge! I support anything that stops a mandate for the Covid shots! It is illegal to force someone to take an experimental jab . Check out the Nuremberg code.

Donna Prewitt
November 8, 2021

The harm caused by the vaccine mandates are are not only forcing individuals into decisions that are harmful to their career and their family finances but they are already causing severe employee shortages in so many areas. Public services of all kinds are showing reductions in services because of a lack of workers. This is exactly the opposite of what this country needs.

Lord, we plea to You to wake up our national leaders who are plowing ahead with their own agenda. Wake them up to the immediate harm their decisions and lack of them are causing ! Our economy is in trouble. They seem to care more about the people they have invited in to the country than those of us who are already here. No vaccinations at all for them but mandated for those of us who are established citizens !?!? And now the new awareness of the drug cartels moving in and taking over acres of land for their drug operations, using forced labor from the vast supply in people crossing the border.

Evil forces are running things Lord. We pray for whatever is needed to break through the administrations harmful actions and inactions. Expose their lies. Give purpose and strength to our prayers Lord. Our trust is in You !

Allena Jordan
November 8, 2021

Father, we thank You for these men who are taking a stand for us against this government mandate. Lord, give them protection, wisdom, guidance, knowledge. Help us to stand with them in this cause. Lord, we thank You and praise You for Your mighty work in this matter. We want to honor You by saying, “This country and her people belong to the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords. Amen.

November 8, 2021

We praise You, Father God, for these people taking brave public steps. Bless and protect them. May their statements encourage other government officials to join them & stand boldly for the God-given rights of our country’s citizens.

Please continue to shine Your light on this darkness in our country. Let us repent of the absolute evil taking place. Let us humbly bow our knee to You, grant us Your grace, blessing, & favor.

In the perfect and powerful name of Jesus…

Bob huseby
November 8, 2021

Praise God fr these brave politicians who oppose this evil mandate!!! We lift them up to you Lord and pray that your angels will camp round about them. We boldly stand in th gap fr them as they fight fr America..in Jesus mighty name amen….Last night
I noticed a stat chart on th Washington Post that showed a sharp decline in th number of new COVID cases and deaths since September 6., despite our gathering for football games..


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