About Protection of Life

God is moving! Roe is overturned and now the protection of life falls to the states.

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Post Your Prayer for the protection of life in the states

Sheron L
July 11, 2024, 9:42 am
Father, You have created babies in the womb. Surgeons actually operate on infants in the womb as they do with adults. You, O Lord, have given the surgeons the skills and the babies life.These infants are loved by you. We confess to you that many infants are killed in uteri to hide the sins of their parents. O Lord, bring many people in our country to a knowledge of Your goodness and kindness. Cause them to follow You in purity and love that the blight of infanticide/ abortion might be eradicated. Shower your love and forgiveness on those who have had abortions. Provide for their sexuality needs within the context of Your will,, Your love and Your loving purpose for them. In Jesus name, Amen
Sheron L
July 10, 2024, 6:54 am
Father, Many Christians in China are suffering for their Faith. Freedom to act, think, speak and worship is greatly controlled by the government. I would ask that you would release the Chinese from bondage and draw many of these beautiful people to yourself. Protect Your people here and in China from wickedness in government and cause the truth of the Gospel to go forth in power to both the populace and to Chinese government officials. In Jesus name, let it be.
Holly T
March 2, 2024, 8:57 am
Pray to Keep abortion legal. All educated Christians know it's part of maternal healthcare, if they are honest! Woman will die otherwise! Damm liars that say otherwise; the wrath of a HOLY GOD WILL DESTROY LIARS! ACCESS AID, ULTRAVIOLET AND PLAN C WILL MAIL ABORTION PILL KITS TO ALL 50 STATES, REGARDLESS OF CURRENT LAWS!

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Post Your Prayer

  • Pray that believers would be encouraged by the Dobbs case decision and the overturn of Roe v. Wade, and it would build their faith for God’s miraculous moves in our nation!
  • Pray for people of faith to take action and get involved like never before, on behalf of protecting life in their state.
  • Pray for the legislators in each state, that they would be moved to craft legislation that further protects life.
  • Pray for the Church to come alongside women and men who are experiencing crisis pregnancies, and minister to their physical, emotional and spiritual needs.