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Father God, we pray that like the early Church, every pressure against Christians would produce fruit--the fruit of the Holy Spirit in us and the fruit of salvation of the lost.
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It may feel like government restrictions on religion around the world heightened during the Covid pandemic. However, Pew Research just reported that in 2018 restrictions had reached an all-time high, more than a year before the pandemic. Read on . . . 

Government restrictions on religious practice remained high during the year before the coronavirus pandemic and subsequent lockdowns, according to a recent report by the Pew Research Center.

Pew released findings from its 12th annual study on global religious persecution Thursday, analyzing 198 countries during 2019, the most recent year with data available.

When it came to public policy and laws that infringed on religious practices, 2019 had a similar rate of intolerance to 2018, which was noted as a year with a high rate of government-imposed restrictions.

Pew found that 57 countries had “high” or “very high” restrictions on religious practice, which was slightly higher than 2018’s 56 countries that reported the same and the highest rate since 2012, which also reported 57 countries.

It was also a considerable increase from 2014, when 47 countries were listed as having “high” or “very high” government restrictions on religious belief and practice.

“The analysis shows that government restrictions involving religion, which in 2018 had reached the highest point since the start of the study, remained at a similar level in 2019,” explained Pew.

“The global median score on the Government Restrictions Index (GRI), a 10-point index based on 20 indicators, held steady at 2.9. This score has risen markedly since 2007, the first year of the study, when it was 1.8.”

While government restrictions across the world remained high in 2019, the level of social hostilities toward religion and religious terrorism both saw a decline compared to earlier years. . . .

Additionally, there was a decline reported in the number of countries experiencing “religion-related terrorism,” defined as including “deaths, physical abuse, displacement, detentions, destruction of property, and fundraising and recruitment by terrorist groups.”

“In 2019, 49 countries experienced at least one of these types of religion-related terrorism, a record low for the study. That was down from 64 countries in 2018, and from a record high of 82 countries in 2014,” continued Pew.

“Among the reasons for the decline in the study’s terrorism measures is that ISIS subsequently lost control of a large swath of territory in Iraq and Syria,” The report added. . . .

Pew noted that the numbers reported in this study came before the 2020 government lockdowns that took place in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, which often involved controversial measures believed by many to be in violation of civil liberties, including freedom of religion.

(Excerpt from The Christian Post. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

It is very interesting that although it felt as if governments across the world clamped down on religion during the pandemic, these trends had already been in place. How are you praying about this? Please share in the comments.

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October 5, 2021

Upon reading this article, things seem to make a little more sense to me.
We all know that the Evil One moves in subtle ways.
God allowed this pandemic and its overblown politicization in order to open our eyes to the truth of what’s actually happening.
We need to continue donning the full armor of God and keep moving forward in His Word.

October 5, 2021

Dear Lord, I pray that ALL Christians who are under pressure would produce good fruit – fruit of the Holy Spirit in us and the fruit of salvation of the lost. Help us to pray like that of the Early Church, to persevere under pressure and persecution. In Jesus Name and Authority, Amen.

Tanya Williams
October 5, 2021

Amen Carol!
Thank you Abba! Elohim, El Shaddai, Adonai, you have always been and will always be Sovereign over all….we praise your Holy Name!

October 5, 2021

Our GOD is a very present help in trouble! HE will never leave us nor forsake us! Remember the tower of babel? GOD shut it down! Remember Moses?
GOD had Pharaoh’s own daughter raise up the Deliverer of Pharoah’s slaves, the children of Israel, in Pharaoh’s own house! GOD then shut down Pharaoh’s entire army as they drowned in the Red Sea chasing GOD’S people! Remember Goliath? GOD through David shut him down! Remember Sampson’s enemies that gouged out his eyes? They thought they had Sampson where they wanted him! GOD through Sampson’s last burst of energy shut them down! Fast forward to 1967 and Israel’s 6 day war. Look it up and read about all of the miracles and how GOD fought for them! GOD is our very present help in trouble, and is fighting for us. Remember our GOD is the same yesterday, today, and forever! If HE did it before; HE will do it again! Let’s keep thanking and believing our GOD for our complete, total and quick deliverance from a wanna-be tyrant biden and his entire cabinet of evildoers; as well as the evildoers in big pharma, insurance, medicine, media, media, and all liars in JESUS Name! Amen!


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