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I Prayed have prayed
Father God, help us perceive what You are doing and cling to Your promises in faith.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

As evil seems to continue to rule the day, it’s hard not to be discouraged. Are our prayers effective? Will things ever get better?

We have watched as abortion bills are passed during the night.  The shipping industry grinds to a halt, preventing much needed products from delivery.  Voter fraud is ignored.  Vaccine mandates steal our freedom of choice.  Is there any hope?

Recently I heard a word from the Lord in a dream. He said, “From now on, things are going to be easier.”

In the dream, my daughter, Breanne and I were at work.  But our offices were in a different location than our actual building.  In the dream they sat high upon a hill or mountain, in a very expansive building. She and I were preparing to leave for what felt was the weekend.

I walked to my vehicle, (the same one I have now) and got in to leave. I saw Breanne had left me a note on my steering wheel. It read, “Enjoy! What are your plans for your two days off?”

I started up the vehicle and began to drive out of the parking lot. The first thing I noticed was it was downhill all the way. I didn’t even have to give my vehicle gas. It simply glided effortlessly down the hill. The second thing I noticed was the smoothness of the road. It was newly paved and a pleasant drive. I don’t think I have ever been on such a road, so wide and easy on which to drive. It even felt smooth.

Driving down the hill, I had to slow to veer onto the highway. As I did, I noticed the road was the same—newly paved and smooth. I looked around in amazement and thought, “Wow, these are the smoothest roads I have ever driven on!”

Suddenly the Lord spoke to me and said, “From now on things are going to get easier.”

I replied, “You have said that to me before in times past.”

He reiterated His statement, NOW, things are going to get easier—can’t you SEE it?!”

I knew when He said “see it” He meant perceive it.

I also knew the road on which I was driving, how smooth, pleasant, and easy it seemed to be, was what He wanted me to see. This was how the days ahead would become.

Then I woke up.

“Comfort, yes, comfort My people!” Says your God. “Speak comfort to Jerusalem, and cry out to her, that her warfare is ended, that her iniquity is pardoned; For she has received from the Lord’s hand double for all her sins.” The voice of one crying in the wilderness: “Prepare the way of the Lord; Make straight in the desert a highway for our God. Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low; The crooked places shall be made straight and the rough places smooth; The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all flesh shall see it together; For the mouth of the Lord has spoken (Is 40:1-5.)

Isaiah 45:2 says, “I will go before you and level the mountains to make the crooked places straight.”

In the dream, this is what it felt like God had done. He had gone before us, leveled the mountain and made the crooked places straight.

This encouraged me as we have been speaking to mountains knowing God’s Word says when we speak to the mountain, it must move.

Things are going to get easier. Can we perceive it?

Isaiah 43:19 says, “Behold, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs forth; do you not perceive and know it and will you not give heed to it? I will even make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”

In the Strong’s Concordance, “perceive” is defined as a resonating sense of inner discernment.

To believe “things are going to get easier now,” we must have God’s perspective. We must see things from His point of view.

Looking at our world today, it appears things are getting worse. Are we willing to trust and believe what GOD says?  “Things are going to get easier!”

There is always hope in God and the Word of God says His hope does not disappoint.

He gave this dream to encourage our hearts. We must choose to continue to hope in God and His Word.

We must choose to believe what He said and partner with that truth. God says things are going to get easier therefore, I am going to believe it.  I choose to see from His perspective and not my limited view. That’s my confession – how about you?

Does this word resonate with you? What are you hearing from the Lord?

(Editor’s Note: IFA seeks the Lord for discernment in selecting all of the information we post, and especially when sharing prophetic words. We encourage you to ask the Lord whether and how prophetic words may apply to you personally or to the Body, as well as how to pray. Every prophetic word is to be tested by each believer, in accordance with 1 Jn 4; 1 Thes 5:1; and Acts 17:11.)


Author Kim Potter is a writer and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, Charisma, Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the heart of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, imparting hope. To receive her daily inspirational writings, go to www.anewthingministries.com. Photo by Anne Nygård on Unsplash .


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October 13, 2021

His strength is shown more in our weakness. Times are getting worse on earth. His light is shining. Both are true. Thank you for Your Word heavenly Father. You are at work for Your Kingdom to come! Hallelujah!

Teri Spray
October 12, 2021

I really appreciate this article. The Lord has been cautioning me in prayer that He has this in HIS hands. I don’t have to keep trying to solve the problems, He is doing the solving, my job is simply to agree and work WITH him. That is much easier! He is also showing me that He is not sharing many things right now. Like his disciples, our job is to FOLLOW, TRUST AND OBEY. That seem to be much simpler in the long run anyway.

October 11, 2021

Thank you for sharing your dream, although I don’t see anywhere in Scripture where it says that things are going to get “easier.” We are rapidly headed towards the New World Order and there is nothing that is going to be easy with that. As a matter of fact, it is going to get harder as we are told in Scripture. Jesus’ first words to His disciples when they asked Him about the last days events, were “Do not be decieved, many will come in My name..” The last days are going to be extremely difficult as Christ Himself declares, ‘When I return, will I find any faith at all in those who love me?’ Luke 18:8. Our mission is to continue to love God with all of our hearts and to display His love to others, especially believers in these last days as it is going to get extremely difficult. BUT GOD… He will strengthen us and He will give us the boldness we will need if we keep our eyes on Him and only Him. I am sure that we are all praying for revival and an awakening but unfortunately these 2 things are usually followed by persecution. The Lord bless each of us today as we lift one another up in prayer before our King who listens and who is watching. Ps 116:2 “Because He bends down to listen, I will pray to Him as long as I have breath!” 🙂

Herb s Johnston
October 7, 2021

Im sticking with my pastor,Jack Hibbs.Things that have been written are coming to pass. As far as im concerned,the question of negative-positive is a moot point-..the life of a follower of the messiah,,”In The Dust of His sandals”..is a life of being sacrificed,obedient,and conditioned to be grateful for it.I know for myself,I have been drawn..Forced- really,to be much more consistent in relying on confessing that-.. He..is my provision,no matter how bad I had messed up my own path,..or how or what today’s circumstances look like.That has always been my ..or ..one of my biggest,..in that the personal flaws take turns rotating-stumbling blocks..so that I have been forced to not look at present circumstances..AGAIN- ,..Today.

Phil 3:13-14 brethren,I do not count myself as having already apprehended;but one thing I do,forgetting those thingswhich are behind,and reaching forward to those which are ahead,I press onward toward the upward call for the prize of Christ Jesus”.( I think I reversed a couple words there..)

Lord,let my brrothers and sisters here not be given more than they can handke,or escape from,but be focused on your return..I only pray that as families face these awful torments in being attacked in their homes and families,that You would be their protector,as You promised..In Jesus Name, Amen

October 6, 2021

I KNOW God can do anything! Period. However, nothing short of His miracle can turn this around. What I’m seeing with my finite eyes and ears is not good. I am deeply concerned about what I am seeing and hearing. Kim, I pray you are right!

Diana Robillard
October 6, 2021

As I read everyone’s comments I was surprised at the varied responses – especially the negative ones. And mine is different from all of the others. Five years ago the Lord put me in a position of learning and understanding what was going to be taking place. In addition, He led me to the prophets that I was to listen to and the ‘citizen journalists’ who do research and print the truth. But every time it looked like President Trump was going to get taken down for something, I worried even though I knew what the Lord had said about His servant. Each time, God worked things out for the good. After about 3 years I finally realized what I was doing and I chose to stop worrying and to stand firm on what I believed to be God’s plans. For the last 2 years while others have been worrying and wondering what was going to happen, I was able to rest knowing that God had it all under control. I may not know exactly what He has planned, but listening to those who are ‘in the know’ and speak the truth in addition to standing firm with God’s ultimate plan for ‘such a time as this, I have become much stronger and I believe He is going to use me to help others get through the tough times coming over the next couple months. ABOUT KIM’S DREAM: I have had a similar situation except it wasn’t a dream. A few years back the Lord had provided me with a nice car. But about 6 weeks ago it died. We didn’t have the money to get another car. My husband finally found something that a short person like me could drive but it was just too expensive. A couple days later when he went back to the dealership, they had reduced the price by $3,000! So he was able to work something out to get it for me. What’s even more, I believe that inflation is about to skyrocket and I drive 90 miles per day. The car is a hybrid (gas & electric) and we are getting about 42 miles to the gallon! I had never even thought about getting a car like this one. But just like in the dream, I believe that the Lord was preparing me and smoothing out my path for the tough times coming. (I own a store, and last year when we kept getting closed down by our governor, God worked things out so that there wasn’t a single month that went by when we couldn’t pay the rent. And from the time we opened on December 2nd until last month, our sales were absolutely incredible! We had never done so well in the 20 years we’ve been open!) I feel so blessed! If I were to guess, I would say that Kim’s dream is for her personally. Even through the tough times coming over the next couple months I would suspect that the Lord is going to make a way through it for her just as He has for me!

October 6, 2021

I agree with you. This is not a time…according to scripture taken in context… that things will be getting easier. We are looking next for the rapture of the church. Immediately following that comes the tribulation period. So, I don’t believe things will be getting better only suddenly take an extreme downturn into the time of tribulation which is meant to bring the Jewish people into belief in Jesus Christ. If anything, his dream may have been saying Christs’ return is coming soon. Very soon. And I would definitely agree with that!

Linda k Rice
October 5, 2021

That would be nice. I also would want things to get easier for our brothers and sisters in China, Afghanistan, Nigeria, Iran and so many other places.

Tim Moore
October 5, 2021

This sounds like a devotional my wife published on Monday (if you want to read it: https://ahowardmoore.com/a-birds-eye-view/ ) Yes, we need to look at things from God’s perspective.

October 5, 2021

I believe this word and dream was given to help us “come up here” to God’s perspective! Just because she says God told her “things will get easier” doesn’t mean lay down and do nothing or everything will be “easy” as some may perceive this to mean and therefore they want to throw it out. When we do things God’s way, it will have a flow because we are in His strength, not ours, His wisdom, joy, peace, discernment, provision, not ours so He enables us to walk in a straight, narrow path which through HIM ALONE He will make it easy because we are relying on Him, not us. It’s based on trust, knowing He has us no matter what. Just because we are Christians doesn’t mean life has to be hard, it also doesn’t mean perfect. It’s a balance. We need to know that God only wants GOOD things for us but when hard times come He WILL make the way for us to get through them as we trust in Him, though what we may go through may be hard, it will not “feel” hard as He is with us. He enables the “easy” feel because He holds our lives in His palm like when Jesus was in the boat sleeping as the storm was all around Him but He was NOT moved. He was like “Don’t you know I’m in here with you, so what are you worrying about?”. I think it’s planting hope in us in His Presence WITH us through the coming shaking, that the world will feel, but WE WILL BE KEPT SAFE BY HIS HAND!! He will enable us to do what HE asks and it won’t be hard for us to do it! He’ll make it easy praise God!! New means new so we are on the verge of something that hasn’t been seen before, get ready and get excited!!

October 5, 2021

I believe this dream is actually a warning for the author (Kim).

That being said, I know God has heard the prayers of His people and we are seeing some victories. Praise You, Jesus!

However, the war is far from over, and we can not let the enemy lull the Church back to sleep with a message of “Peace and Safety.” We must keep vigilant, stay alert, and keep our guard up.

Many of us have read 2 Chronicles 7:14–If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

There are many heresies being taught and believed in the Church that God still needs to address. The pruning is not going to be pleasant or easy.

The first thing (among many things) that came to mind when reading this article was: Matthew 7:13-14–“Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.”

And then, as confirmation, this first paragraph was in a daily devotional I read, “If we didn’t have conflict, pressure or trials, we would become passive and lukewarm. Decay would set in, and our temple would lie in ruins. That’s why the enemy’s plan against us is clear: He wants to take us out of the battle.”

All of us need to brace ourselves by keeping our relationship with Jesus tight and listening to His Holy Spirit. We will definitely have the victory through Jesus, as He promises, but it won’t be easy.

October 5, 2021

Thanks John, I think your words are closer to the meaning of the dream for us, people of the Cross…as days grow darker, we pray and Poppa God POURS out His grace because of Jesus, His Blood activates grace, whatever we need, not necessarily desire.
As I read her dream, I literally thought Lord, it will be easier, to know what You want, to see the path made for us to walk with You praying all the way!!
For a long time we Christians have been sincerely wanting to commit to Jesus as Lord, do duty in the good fight, but He says surrender to Me, trust Me-dance with Me in the fire and flood! Sadly we have tended to whine and gnash at those who cause us pain instead of pray for them, forgive them, give the gospel in and out of season, when it’s convenient and when we don’t even see how to give it! HE is making a way for people all over the world to hear His Good News y’all. Even see His love in action. Now THAT is pretty ‘pleasant’ too! Reason for us, His people, to celebrate! Even in the dark….we must never forget, He works His good, even in the dark times…

    October 5, 2021

    Amen. Now is not the time to be taking a vacation from kingdom work. There are no days off in the Kingdom. Every day we are to be doing His work.

October 5, 2021

I feel so strongly about this that I had to post. This dream does not “sit well” with me at all. I feel the opposite is true. Not that God won’t give His people peace and help us, but that it is not going to get “smooth, pleasant, and easy” for at least a while. This woman’s dream has a very strong appeal to the flesh so it is suspect to me. Sadly, it has been the desire of most Americans — and that includes the American Church — to have things be “smooth, pleasant, and easy.” Unfortunately that is a big part of how we got into this pickle in the first place. We didn’t stand up or speak up when we had the chance, because we were busy loving our comfort and security and feel-good sermons. In my view, these are among the biggest idols we have in America.

What I have sensed is that the Lord is calling His people to grow a spine…and that doesn’t come with “smooth, pleasant, and easy” — that comes through trials and sometimes suffering and persecution. Will there be a day when He smooths everything out? Of course. Maybe sooner, maybe later, maybe not til eternity. In the meantime, let’s remove these fleshly idols from our lives and be prepared to trust Him–no matter what comes.

    Lydia B. Miller
    October 5, 2021

    Thank-you for sharing this, I agree!
    These are some very important truths!

    October 5, 2021

    I completely agree with you and also thought the same, that it didn’t sit well with me. Scripture is always the final authority and our guide. Dreams viewed as prophetic cannot contradict scripture.

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Debra J Hall
October 5, 2021

Rest. Seek closer relationship with God. Listen. Don’t miss you time of God’s visitation.
Precious times we are in. Sacrifice to position yourself to hear clearly.

Debra J Hall
October 5, 2021

I am hearing: Jesus gave us HIS peace. In the Armour for us to use in Ephesians 6 STARTS off saying, Shod your feet (put on) withe the preparation of the Gospel of PEACE.
Peace is a WEAPON!
When the enemy is trying to draw you in to a confrontation, use your weapon of peace. Don’t be lured in. His whole purpose is to separate you from God. Peace brings victory!

Beverly Steckler
October 5, 2021

I agree that from Gods perspective things are going to get easier as He performs His perfect will on earth. We do need to still be vigilant in our prayers against the evil coming against Christians from the communist/ socialists even though we are victorious in Jesus over them!
Being naive in this day and time is not wise.

Pat Marrs
October 5, 2021

Oh my goodness!! please go and read Isaiah 40:

This dream is what is waiting for us for Israel!!

“Prepare the way of the Lord
Make straight in the desert
A Highway for our God
Every valley shall be exalted and every mountain and hill brought low
The crooked places shall be made straight and the rough places smooth
The glory of the Lord of the Lord shall be revealed !!
And all flesh shall see it together
For the mouth of the Lord has spoken …

Have you not known ?
Have you not heard ?
The everlasting God, the Lord
The creator of the ends of the earth
Neither faints nor is weary
His understanding is unsearchable
He gives power to the weak and to those who have no might he increases strength ….

But those who wait on the Lord
Shall renew their strength
They shall mount up with wings
like eagles
They shall run and not be weary
They shall walk and not faint “

So beautiful and powerful Gods Word !!

October 5, 2021

Amen! The Lord has led many intercessors to cry out for justice, exposure of top-to-bottom corruption in the US and the nations, for the removal, exposure, and justice of corrupt bought “leaders” and corporations LONG BEFORE the 2020 stolen election.

I believe we will have one more short reprieve of easier times with us seeing justice on many wicked because of these MANY prayers for MANY years with one last HUGE harvest for the Lord. Praise God many have woken up because of the many exposures that have been happening and acting on their faith peacefully, refusing evil.

God is just and hears the cries of His children who have repented on behalf of our nation, even for things we have no partnership or agreement with. He honors the fervent prayers of faith in His promises which cannot return unto Him void. His promises are YES and AMEN no matter what season we are in.

We are living in times like the days of Noah with much INVERTED by the antichrist confusion of the enemy: calling what it good, evil, and what is evil, good. We must walk by the Word and Spirit and be a discerning people, very sensitive to His Spirit and voice.

We must have eyes to see and ears to hear continually with His help and look at who is saying what in these times. Who is saying peace and safety in these times? The wicked are, saying: If you take this (abominable) COVID jab tainted with abortion (human sacrifice), then you will have peace and be safe and things will return to normal. This (Hitler star like) vaccine passport is to keep others “safe.” Isolation and closed churches are to keep you “safe.”

But if you don’t take the human sacrifice tainted COVID jab, then the wicked say of those doing good: “This is a pandemic of the unvaccinated” – this is similar to Hitler when he called the Jews, bacillus (disease causing bacteria). All around us the the antichrist inversion of much.

God will not be mocked. The wicked who mock God continually, who say there is no God and that they will never have to give an account, will reap from what they have sown for many many decades because we have been praying so for many years.

Thank you for this encouraging Word from our sister. God is good, and His Word is true! We are blood-bought covenant children with blood-bought authority fueled prayers of faith that avail much. All glory to God alone!

    Lydia B. Miller
    October 5, 2021

    All very important words of wisdom and Godly principles!
    Amen! Amen! and AMEN!

      October 5, 2021

      Amen, sister. May we pray daily for eyes that see and ears that hear all with His help. We cannot make it in these evil times without total surrender and dependance upon Him. Let’s pray the same for the church because so many of His children are being deceived by the jab and sadly it’s often because of listening to their pastor. Very very heartbreaking – all things He warned us of though in His Word. God bless you and yours abundantly and hide you in His secret place!

    Gail Segars Rainey
    October 5, 2021

    Dear Daphne,
    In the name of Yeshua HaMashich.

      October 5, 2021

      Praise God, He is just and merciful, Gail. I remember Him leading me to walk my yard years ago crying out for the things I mentioned above along with exposing human trafficking, child traffickers, and justice for these wicked ones, etc.

      We must keep wielding the sword of the Word against these evil powers that they be defeated. Just because it’s end time, we don’t roll over for the devil, we occupy with POWER and authority until Jesus comes as His co-laborers. We cry out for continual discernment and wisdom in these times. We need You, Lord! Thank You, Jesus! Bless the Lord! Shalom.

Bruce Alan
October 5, 2021

As I was reading, this kept echoing in my mind:

“For when they say ‘Peace and Safety’ then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains…and they shall not escape.”

Tanya Williams
October 5, 2021

I am also hesitant to receive this prophesy. Perhaps it is one that is really meant for you personally. We all want the road for our nation to be smoother than what it is now, look for the rainbows instead of the storm clouds. This season has been long and hard but consider the Jews who wandered the desert for 40 years for not obeying God (Joshua 5:6). I believe it has been exactly what was needed for the body of Christ to be what we are called to be.
Lord we thank you for the trials of this life, as well as the blessings.
“Rejoice always, pray continuously and give thanks in ALL of your circumstances. For this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus” – 2 Thes 5:16-18

John Douglas
October 5, 2021

Thanks Kim for sharing your dream.
As I was reading, my thoughts turned to God’s grace. I don’t know how things will play out in our nation or the world at this time, but I believe a grace is coming to the bride of Christ in these days. I believe that is the ease that is coming. Is. 60 He calls His people to rise & shine even though there is great darkness covering the land. I see a grace coming to His people to shine in the darkness these days. I see mountains being brought low & valleys raised up to prepare the way of the Lord. I see His beloved coming out of the present wilderness(Hos.2/ Song of Sol.8) leaning on her beloved. The glory of our God will fill the earth & be seen as we are coming under His yoke (easy & light) & going with Him into the fields that are ready for harvest. I believe that the “joy set before Jesus” in Heb. 12, was and is His bride without spot or wrinkle. My prayer is that our present wilderness experience will result in the removal of all that we have leaned on & trusted in & that we will be joined to Him in bringing His Kingdom to earth. I have many other thoughts along these lines. Hope my rambling makes sense. 😊

Amanda Kuykendall
October 5, 2021

I’ve been hearing both Isiah 40 & 43 scriptures referenced in the above word while in prayer over the past month. I believe He is at work and soon we will see it with our physical eyes!

Paul Cirillo
October 5, 2021

I’m a little conflicted about this word, especially since every day things seem to be getting worse.


something happened recently that may be saying the same thing as the author. I was praying about our country, and was impressed with the words, “Holy, holy, holy, Let all the earth be silent before Him.” I could sense the Lord rising from his throne to action, that something big is coming. The funny thing is that after that, (the last week or so) even though I still have been praying, I don’t have the urgency in my spirit that I had before. Maybe the author’s word, “things are going to get easier,” is another way to say the same thing, that God is going to act, that he has heard our prayers. May the Lord strengthen our faith!

Pat Marrs
October 5, 2021

Thank you for writing this!! . We certainly need hope! I love this dream because I know exactly when you say I I have heard those Words before —so what now ?
Yes God is doing a new thing!! God told us “you will do bigger things !!” In this dark hopeless world we have the light in us and people now more than ever need healing, deliverance , salvation and hope !! They need Jesus ! What if when we prayed mountains moved !! our prayers were now smooth and new!! Just like the dream that would be a glorious day !! A smooth and new road. God said if you have the Faith of a mustard seed say to the mountain move and it will move —
Even in dark times mountains fall !!
People get saved
People are healed from terrible diseases
People are delivered from demons
The dead are raised !

What if when you prayed hospitals became empty !!
What if when we spoke to dry bones to come alive people would get up and be healed !!

We think so small !

But God is so so big !!

Even in difficult times God is doing amazing things !!
it’s not all gloom and doom because there is so much opportunities!!
But only if you see through unlimited possibilities!!

(Right in the middle of the fire there were four not three and those three walked out of the fire untouched !! )

To God be the Glory !

Maybe this dream means the return of Gods people back to him !! The road back has now been made smooth and new !! What if those people we had prayed about so long to receive Jesus now saw Jesus !

Or what if the smooth road is the Jews returning back to their homeland is now smooth and new !!

God is amazing and he shows us if we are just willing to think outside our small world !

God said there will be a smooth new road and I receive it! It’s been a long time and I am ready to walk in His promises
I got to experience a miracle last week at my work !!
If you would of told me this Monday at the end of the day this is going to happen I probably would of thought ok sure !! But the total unexpected happened and
it was totally God !!
There isn’t anything impossible with God ! Had I been waiting a long time? yes!! so much that I didn’t even give it thought anymore and then out of no where !! It was happening !

He is working he is changing things
he is moving things around look up , look up and give him thanks and worship Him !

Do not give up do not give in !! Find something to encourage you !
You cannot keep going forward without hope !
And you can’t keep looking back !
Step out in Faith!! you have God on your side!!

October 5, 2021

Dear Lord, help us not to become discouraged by the evil we are seeing at this present time. Help us to have Your perspective and to see things from Your point of view. And help us to have an unwavering trust in You and only You. In Jesus Name and Authority, amen.

October 5, 2021

Dear heavenly Father, help us to cling to Your promises in faith and help us perceive what You are doing. I still pray for a much-needed revival to sweep across our land. May it be so, Lord! In Jesus name, amen.

    October 5, 2021

    Have you seen what God did Sunday evening when Mario Murillo’s tent was opened for the first night of Living Proof Crusade? The largest harvest in his 52-year ministry, and this happened in the midst of nonstop rain‼️
    God is on the move and answering our prayers. Hallelujah to the Lamb✝️✝️✝️

      October 6, 2021

      No, I didn’t see that. Sorry I missed it. May this harvest spread even more! praise God!

Lydia B. Miller
October 5, 2021

I believe the Lord speaks through dreams, but not all dreams are from God.
We live in a a body with a fallen nature and we are in a process daily of being redeemed from this carnal nature!
There are so many Bible principles that apply with these situations.
I would not judge the dream in a negative sense, but I would hold it to the light of Jesus and pray for a season, waiting on God, asking Him to reveal what this means. Then wait and listen…. for an answer.
How exactly does God want to use the dream?
Some prophets have said things are going to get really bad and then they will get better. It may be true and it may be an assumption, but what is even more important is to keep our focus on Abba Father our leader, and He will lead the way.
If anything we can learn lessons of endurance and complete surrender to God,through hardships. Desperate people learn how to pray as they cry out to God .
We hope that our nation will quickly bow it’s knee to our King and God will redeem us from this communist spirit. I pray that the dream will be used to honor and glorify Jesus in which ever way God wants to use it.
Thank you for being brave and sharing the dream.
The bibles says the end times will be ugly, but we have hope because the Word also reveals where there is sin, grace will abound, and where there is darkness there shall be increase of light.
Wait in His presence and wait to see how God wants to redeem this situation, in the meantime we will not cease praying and our focus is worshipping Jesus!

    Amanda Kuykendall
    October 5, 2021

    I believe I understand your meaning. I also would point out that “the end times” are described not only as dark, but full of the glory of the Lord! So it depends upon your perspective. Myself, I have chosen to hear the Word of the Lord in many situations, viewing the darkness through HIS lens- there is no darkness that overtakes His light. He is always calling us to see from HIS perspective- the battle is won, the price is paid, and He is saying the prayers are heard. The bowl is full and He is pouring out His provision, wisdom, favor, and glory regardless of the darkness.

October 5, 2021

Don’t take the dream as in “all bad things are going away”. After reading the article, this scripture came to mind…

Then Jesus said, “Come to me, all of you who are weary and carry heavy burdens, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you. Let me teach you, because I am humble and gentle at heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy to bear, and the burden I give you is light.”
Matthew 11:28‭-‬30 NLT

I believe as things get harder in the world, Jesus is offering His presence in a way which will lift the heaviest burdens and or sins off of us! The harder the season, the easier the yolk will be perceived.

Connie White
October 5, 2021

Of course, only time will tell, but my sense is that true followers of Jesus in the United States are coming into a time of testing with betrayal and persecution as we have never known it. Those who will have the easy time are those willing to compromise their belief in the authority of the Word of God. I am preparing for battle with prayer and actions such as writing to elected officials and actively pursuing my role as a Christian in the culture. This dream reminds me of the words of the unfaithful prophets of God in the days of Jeremiah. I would rather be prepared for conflict and be wrong, but I fear this promise of ease is misleading.

    David Scrougham
    October 5, 2021

    Connie I couldn’t agree with you more thank you for your comment God bless you and keep you

Tim Lochridge
October 5, 2021

Well said Michael, with a compassionate heart. Amen

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Ruth H. Leech
October 5, 2021

1 Peter 4:12-19 Has to do with much needed revival in the Church. Revival begins in the house of the Lord. Are we praying for that? I sense that God is allowing His Church to taste judgement to bring us to be praying Christians who are and will be learning to live by faith not sight in the midst of the storm. Like Esther was told by her uncle let us realize that we do have audience with our God and Savior and may we learn to say with Esther, ‘if I perish, I perish’.
It is a privilege to have been born into this time, a privilege and an responsibility. May God help us.
“Esther 4: 12b … Do not think because you are in the king’s house you alone of all the Jews will escape. vs. 14 who knows that you have come to this royal position for such a time as this?”

    David Scrougham
    October 5, 2021

    I’m thinking you are talking about our personal body’s and home addresses
    When Starting a revival
    Blessings to you
    Ruth my mother’s name love it bible name

Mark Brickey
October 5, 2021

I am NOT anti-prophetic, but I have no record of this person’s prophecies from which to discern. Remember, the rules of being a prophet are that one is 100% correct.
I am also concerned with this in that the Bible clearly says that things are going to get worse, not better. We’re facing the end times and evil is getting more prevalent. Yes, God wins in the end, but until we’re raptured, we’re living in evil days.
I’ve had premonitions (I’m not going to say prophesy as that’s not one of my gifts) that do not agree with her writings here, but I am willing to wait & see. So, do we wait weeks? Months? She also didn’t give a timeframe, so how can we discern this prophecy?
Other thoughts? I’m sure wanting this to come true, but I don’t see it matching Biblical writing or experience (for what experience is worth).

    October 5, 2021

    Thanks Mark, I agree with you. And I’ll take it one step further: I have yet to see any “prophecies” made in this day and age come true, although I’m open to believing it if proof were provided. Evil is getting more prevalent every day and we are seeing many former conservative Christians turning away from the Lord, as Jude and 2nd Peter state so clearly. We need to trust in God and seek his will through His word. And yes pray without ceasing.

Linda Todd
October 5, 2021

I too believe that Gods hand is on us. I believe he’s hearing the earnest prayers of His people to send revival and to heal our land. I believe we are a larger remnant than we see bc the media us hiding us. We are cancelled, shadow banned. But God sees us. He’s heard our loud crying out for Him to save us from ourselves and stop the evil plaguing our nation. I too believe the time is now. May God have mercy on us as we pray for each other.

Aaron H
October 5, 2021

Maybe we will get some relief.
But DO NOT get caught laying down on the job.
Like Jesus caught his disciples asleep in the garden.
The silence and inaction of previous generations are what has led us to today.

But of the times and the seasons, brethren, ye have no need that I write unto you. For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night. For when they shall say, Peace and safety; then sudden destruction cometh upon them, as travail upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape.
1 Thessalonians 5:1-3 – https://www.biblegateway.com/passage?search=1%20Thessalonians%205:1-3&version=KJV

Michael Woelfel
October 5, 2021

I certainly join in a desire that “things will become easier! My sense now is different in timing than this author. I believe ultimately, like Jesus looked forward to the joy set before him, we have great joy set before us. This joy is our strength so it must be our focus of hope if times should be challenging before they become easier. God gives dreams to encourage and sometimes give direction or alert us to danger. I embrace the dream God gave Kim. I believe a challenging time will occur first. I’d like to share my differing thoughts on the timing of the season of ease, condition of the church, and what may be coming this year, based on scriptures. The wise men of old were diligent to pack up and travel as they did, to see Jesus at his first coming. Contrasting their zeal with Christians today, are we as eager to respond to biblical signs of our Lord’s very different second coming event? In his last moments, Jesus pondered this out loud. He asked if he would find faith in anyone on earth: “when the Son of man cometh, shall he find faith on the earth?” Lk. 18:8. The question was not meant to provoke a brash response, “Of course, I’ll have faith!” No instead, we should humbly ask, why does Jesus sound doubtful; why does he vocalize the question, whether faith would exist in anyone on earth when he returns?
Does the bible give indications of why faith will become confusing and difficult? First, the bible warns, many major lies will sweep masses of people in wrong directions. We are told, faith in God will become somehow counter-cultural, even splitting up families. As when, perhaps, the greatest cultural change will occur. It will be when physical money becomes useless. Imagine a time your family cannot buy food. A free public offer is announced to everyone. It is a fortune in digital currency that may used at any store, you simply need to have a “mark”; would you take it? How about another family member, to stop the suffering hunger? Read Revelation 14:9, it speaks of eternal torment for everyone who takes the mark of the beast. Pressure against believers will be so intense that many Christians the bible says, will turn and take the damning mark, and fall away forever…
Before we continue this study, know that any change we make to a personal doctrine or belief must be done cautiously, as did the ‘show-us-the-verse’ Bereans. We likewise have the limiting boundaries of scripture within which to form our every doctrine. In the end, every person’s biblical adherence, or their lack, will reverberate throughout eternity. Like Jesus, we have unspeakable joy set before us. Anticipating this heavenly joy was his focus and strength, and now it is our fixed motivation to endure anything hell can throw at us! We do not fear what man can do. Using the Berean, prove-with-scripture approach to doctrine, consider this brief study of a prophecy Jesus spoke in Matthew, chapter 24.
Repeatedly, the bible declares, God’s judgement is coming upon the whole world… but why?
Let us consider in some depth- from God’s viewpoint, this one horrific fact of our day… Millions of gallons of precious innocent babies’ blood has been violently shed into the world’s sewer systems, over decades. The many tiny torn lives were intended by their Holy Creator to live, to love, to create, to enjoy, to invent, to discover and to leave their mark for others to benefit. God wanted them to live as we have been blessed enjoy, to reach a good old age. Almighty God has always punished murder, starting with Cane. To date, no one has been justly punished for this vast sea of stolen lives. This culturally accepted violent mutilation, matches us to the very signpost given prophetically in the verse: “as it was in the days of Noah” Mt. 24:37. How, you ask? Here is Noah’s day: Genesis 6:11, “The earth also was corrupt before God, and the earth was filled with violence.” According to http://www.usabortionclock.org over 1,600,000,000 children globally, have been aborted since 1980. For perspective, if each person were given two square feet to stand in, the expanse of murdered persons by abortion would stretch more than 606,060 miles by 606,060 miles wide. These are individual people who have been robbed of life. Friend, if just now, reading that statistic you did not weep or feel deep emotion, please pray that God open your heart to this stark reality. Astonishingly however, God has met our violence with prolonged silence. He has postponed retribution, and has held off delivery of our deserved judgement. It appears God may be enabling a final calm, to allow delivery of a last gospel call? Not much else can be imagined. Nevertheless, soon the chaos of judgement will begin.
Modern American Christian culture has difficulty considering God’s judgement. It’s uncomfortable to think about, it’s just not popular. More directly, it’s not a pew-filling subject. Over time, believers have become numb to these gruesome facts. It’s natural, the brutality was done quietly, discreetly, while soothing music played in the background.
An argument can be made that American Christianity is out of balance. We focus almost exclusively on God’s Grace, and certainly it is glorious. We emphasize his Mercy- and truly how grateful we each are for Jesus’ sacrifice! Preachers assist us with how to prosper and fulfill our dreams. These are all important and encouraging biblical subjects. Neglected, it seems today, are forthright preaching and discussions of end-of-world issues. Excluded also, are the many judgement verses and timing context questions brought out in this article. We do not, certainly, we cannot comprehend the massive horror of this global genocide, from God’s vantage point. Nor can we understand the judgements enforced on historical people groups, for likely far less human destruction than our worldwide ‘culture’ has perfected. “Our day” is overwhelmingly due judgement. Make no mistake, Almighty God is just. We are not a preferred people, or entitled or otherwise immune from God’s judgement; no more than any other people in earth’s history. God is the same “yesterday, today and forever…” He.13:8
Are we now in a brief quiet before the world’s worst storm? Is earth positioned speechless, drenched in guilt, and trembling before the start of the judgement of it’s Holy Righteous Creator? Mercifully, in Matthew 24:13 Jesus said, “He that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved” (KJV)
Does the bible give any clues to the onset of God’s judgement? Fortunately yes, the Lord loves all people and wants us to know details of the judgement coming. Our loving Lord has given exactly how believers must use their faith. It is to prepare! Let us study like the Bereans now, that we might respond as did the wise men of old…
Israel became a nation in May of 1948. In Mathew 24 (read the complete chapter for this study), Jesus said, this generation, which sees the fig tree bud, meaning Israel bud as a nation… will not pass away until all the tribulation events occur, vs. 32-35. It is significant that we are told to watch for signs of the tribulation season beginning, while also being made to understand that the generation viewing the events, would not pass away until all listed tribulation is fulfilled. Thus, for both the start and duration to be understood, a generation in the bible must be shown to have a range or, span of time. Now look at Psalm 90:10. A generation is 70 or if by strength it could be 80 years long! If we add 70 years to May of 1948 we come to May of 2018. With this span of time given for the length of a generation, how is this not the literal start of the prophesied seven year period of trial? Moreover, it would mean the timing of the great tribulation is to begin 3.5 years later, which is November of 2021. Did Jesus actually identify November of this year for the start of the great tribulation? Keep in mind, the doctrine is built line upon line, without assumptions.
If these verses are correctly applied, we will begin to experience the strongest evidence of biblical prophetic events, perhaps since Jesus rose from the dead! The great tribulation starting, will boost confidence in God’s Word; ironically, as violence spreads globally out before us. But, juxtaposed in this civilization collapse, will also be the greatest provocation of fear and confusion in the history of mankind, if we embrace it, vss. 21,22. This season (though we are commanded to watch, we cannot know the precise day or hour, vs. 36) begins with antichrist standing in the temple vs.15, followed with global violence and bloodshed, verse 22.
Luke 21:35, “For as a snare shall it come on ALL them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.” Sans a pre-tribulation rapture… it comes “on ALL.” In fact, who but expectant Christians, waiting for a pretrib early out, but instead see the great tribulation trauma has begun, would quote the mortified confusion of this prophecy… “where is the promise of his coming?” 2 Pet. 3:4-6. It would not be atheists, Muslims, Buddhists, or those of another religion, they’re not watching. Friend, this statement would be made by expectant believers mistaken over when Jesus is coming back! And pre-trib eager Christians would only say this because they have not departed, but are standing in despondent confusion, facing Great tribulation events! Their ensuing questioning will amplify their fear and may be what triggers a widespread “falling away”. The bible alludes to many who were following Jesus’ way. These may be Christians that you and I know now to be solid believers. Tragically, they will denounce their salvation and take the damning mark, to eat! Wake up dear Grace-soaked Believer! Throughout history, God has allowed generations of followers to live in caves and catacombs, and face violent persecution for the last 2000 years! Consider the tragic current condition of the Body of Christ. More than one statistic claims that over 60% of American men attending church, view porn monthly! Yes, Jesus is coming back for a church without spot or wrinkle. But let’s be circumspect; it will be a church he has purged.
Bible believers are instructed to prepare, but not with gold or silver. Stored food is what we are told specifically to provide: “Blessed is that servant, whom his Lord when he cometh shall find so doing.” (Doing what? Mt.24 vs. 42-47). Remember, Revelation says it will take a day’s wage for a loaf of bread- true fact. A primary characteristic of the global season will be widespread starvation. The Word of God is clear. Jesus meant exactly what he said. It takes faith to believe and share this information… I did, will you?
Heavenly Father, strengthen your people to “watch” with sound biblical expectation (not personal preference) as you’ve commanded. May believers gather food for their family, and avoid the mark of the beast at ALL necessary costs, even if required, of life itself.
Dear fellow believer, establish here and now that you will Stand for Christ and provide food for your family, and endure unto the end!
Lastly, here is a link to a line upon line deep-dive into verses of the biblically established rapture sequence:
Hopefully, Jesus WILL find faith when he comes. It can happen if you and I will believe every Word that “proceedeth from the mouth of God”! Peace to you, as you exercise faith-with-works, watch and prepare.

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    Tim Lochridge
    October 5, 2021

    Well said Michael, with a compassionate heart. Amen

Sonja Marie Mejia Rodriguez
October 5, 2021

I too have been hearing the voice of God about Justice, relief and restoration through dreams and visions and the 21 day journaling to Freedom God gave me to encourage people to stay focused only on Hearing from God and His super natural provision and instruction on social media. The word that God has me studying for the month and proclaiming on social media is “miracles” I am studying all the miracles of the Bible, not just the miracles that Jesus did but from the beginning when God created the heavens and the earth. It is time that we truly believe what the word says and proclaim that truth. He said it’s time that we not only believe to see but see to believe. God is a miracle working God. When he sees his people coming in unity in prayer in truly believing and proclaiming the Gospel truth, that it is so, it is already done, it is finished, we will see more and more the Glory of the Lord is upon us. As he continues to reveal His perfect nature and character for His children He is our Heavenly Father who loves us! We are a nation under God with liberty and justice for all. This has been spoken over our nation for hundreds of years! His perfect love cast out every fear. Every tormenting Spirit and abomination must flee! No one shall come against our borders! The blood of Jesus is our covering. God us the authority over heaven and earth. His will is being done. Keep preaching the true Gospel of His resurrecting power through Jesus The word, rise up Evangelistic hearts and win souls, setting the captives free. We overcome every opposition by The blood of the Alamo snd the Word of His testimony in us. Nothing will come against the truth of God. He has put a standard against it! No more just waiting and watching, but confident blessed assurance it will come to pass! We have complete REST in God on all sides. We see the salvation of The Lord! America is Blessed! It is all ready done! We all ready have it! God is our Provider! He is our God! We are a land of the free and the home of the brave. In Christ we stand and bring forth any justice necessary towards oppression! The enemies schemes have all been defeated! God is our strategy! The enemies is defeated! The Church manifests the manifold wisdom of God to the world Ephesians 3:10
Our prayers are answered by The Lord! His promises are yes and Amen! To God be The Glory for the thing He has done! Go forth in power and authority! You will defeat all principalities, powers, dominion and authorities of this world In Jesus Name! Be still inside in His perfect Love, Rejoice in Him always, stay focused on His voice and stand on The promises of God! His Word does not return void! We won!

    October 5, 2021

    Thank you. I needed to hear this….i didn’t sleep much…not just this nation but family issues…all kinds of issues along with losing our former pastor ( before we moved) & 4 others to covid…its just been all too much. I also received a rejection letter on my novel. I prayed to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living.

Bob Sales
October 5, 2021

I love when we are encouraged by other members of the Body. After reading this post, what the HS impressed my heart about the “easier” and “NOW” has everything to do with the Body choosing to unite, stand firm – knowing God’s truth and as such it will be easier to see what choices we are to make. The being neither hot nor cold is where we are – no more sitting on the fence. The birth pain we are now in is ushering in what God tells us is going to happen in His timing in the 7 seals that lead to the 7 trumpets that lead to the 7 plagues (of which the Body will be spared – see 1 Cor 15:52 & 1 Thes 4:17). Let’s glorify the Father as we take every step and take every thought captive before utter a word.

Pamela Derrer
October 5, 2021

Thank you. Jesus
Praying for a great revival. May the church never forget this time 2020, 2021 and make you Lord and ruler of their church
God bless you 💖 🙏


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