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I Prayed have prayed
Father, we ask You to bring truth out regarding Covid and the vaccines. We ask that coercion regarding the vaccine would stop, at all levels and in all sectors in our nation.
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Policy changes at Ochsner Health will be adding a fee to unvaccinated spouses and partners of employees.

The policy has been circulating around social media after the company shared information on their 2022 benefits change which includes a fee for spouses and domestic partners who are not vaccinated. The spousal COVID vaccine fee is a $100-per-pay period fee, they say.

“This is not a mandate as non-employed spouses and domestic partners can choose to select a health plan outside of Ochsner Health offerings. As with our employee vaccination policy, spouses and domestic partners with medical and religious objections will be able to file exemption requests.”

The change, Ochsner tells KATC will affect their 2022 health benefits and is similar to the policy for tobacco users. Ochnser Lafayette General says that change in policy was sent to some Ochsner Health employees but did not go out to OLG employees as Ochsner Lafayette General is not yet on the Ochsner health plan…

Is your insurance company implementing a similar policy change? Share in the comments below.

(Excerpt from KATC News. Photo Credit: Bermix Studios/Unsplash).

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Dawn Winteres
October 4, 2021

Will we charge extra for smokers, people who drink sodas, eat meat, eat carbs, have a speeding ticket, post on Facebook, are promiscuous, are seen leaving the bathroom without washing their hands, please if this is you sue, get a better job, this notching up so the boiling frog must not stand.

October 4, 2021

IFA authors need to stop using the term “vaccine”. Using that term in ongoing communication suggests that the experimental gene therapy is a valid approach to the onslaught of the evil “virus” ,that we’re being attacked with.

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October 4, 2021

Sorry to be so blunt…..but, some people have lost their minds and their goodness!! Wisdom and good common sense are gone! Why would any health company or employer do that to people?? The statistics DO NOT back this Covid fear up! They just DON’T!! So, it HAS to be for nefarious, controlling reasons! It HAS to be that this government and corporations are DETERMINED that they WILL CONTROL us!! Are there lots of attorneys out there to fight this, because we are ALL going to need them, if this continues!! We also need QUICK resolutions because people have to have jobs, insurance, etc. What’s next, I’m guessing, is FOOD!
We need to fast and pray that this “plan” is stopped right now. This has gone too far and most people aren’t fighting back, so they will just keep on pushing!!
Fauci, and EVERY medical person, KNOWS there are safe, very effective, treatments for Covid. Fauci and his crew need to be gone. He’s on T.V. pushing this agenda, constantly. Can we come, in agreement, that this man and his crew be removed from any place of authority?? He and others have no right to “control you or me and our families!! Corporations have no right to do this either!
Father, put a holy boldness, in Your people, to fight back against this evil agenda. Show each one of us what we can do and how to do it. Father, we love You and we love our freedoms, but we are in trouble, and Your Word says, to “call upon the Lord, in the day of trouble and You will deliver us and we will glorify You.” “Your Word also says “no weapon formed against us will prosper.” Father, there are weapons, too big for us, that are being formed against us. We stand on Your Word and look to You for mercy and for help. Nothing is too hard for You. Father, Your children’s eyes are on You! You are faithful and You are always right on time with Your answers! We give You praise and glory for Your help and Your answers.

    October 4, 2021

    Amen! We bind that evil Jezebel spirit of control that is gone out all over our country and over the world; and We loose the Anointing of the HOLY SPIRIT to convict the world of sin, and of righteousness, and of judgement. Let employers examine themselves and treat their employees as they want to be treated. Give them YOUR HEART AND MIND in the MIGHTY Name of JESUS!

Rosalie Skwiers
October 4, 2021

Loving Merciful, Father, I thank you for the freedom I have enjoyed in the past. I ask you Lord for a return of that freedom. I ask for the right choice to have or not have the shot with out a cost. Turn this around for Americans. Non Americans are coming into our country each day with the new open boarder policy with out the shot. I ask you Lord for favor for Americans. I ask in the name of Jesus for this control over Americans be removed and freedom of choice return. In Jesus name pleading the blood of Jesus. Amen



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