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Father, we ask that our leaders would be held accountable to the Constitution they have promised to uphold. Protect our religious freedom. Help us to take a stand where we need.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

There’s been an outcry across America in response to President Biden’s incredible COVID-19 vaccine mandate overreach, and rightly so: what happened to individual choice, the rights of businesses and employees…

But for people of faith, what’s even more concerning is how President Biden’s Surgeon General…made clear his mistrust of religious exemptions for the vaccine. Any person who says their faith prevents them from taking the vaccine in good conscience must be “monitored,” according to Dr. Murthy…

…Dr. Murthy’s words should be deeply alarming. The Biden administration is making itself judge and jury on…whose beliefs are “sincerely held” and whose aren’t…

This isn’t the first-time people of faith have seen discrimination by government entities during the pandemic. California closed churches…until a Supreme Court decision defended religious liberty…

It’s not just government agencies, either — corporations now believe they have the authority to target…religious employees. In Arkansas, a hospital chain is forcing any employee claiming a religious exemption to “prove it,” and United Airlines announced any employee claiming a religious exemption to the COVID-19 vaccines will be placed on unpaid leave.

This skepticism of personal religious beliefs is a new phenomenon…

Religious liberty is not theoretical; Supreme Court rulings show it has real policy implications. In 2014, justices ruled Hobby Lobby, a privately held company, should have the freedom to not provide free abortifacients to its employees…

While these Americans should never have to “prove” the sincerity of their beliefs to a skeptical audience, many already are…

Andrew Kurtyko, a registered nurse in New York who previously lived under Communism, says his Catholic beliefs prohibit him from taking a vaccine associated with production and testing with the cells of aborted babies. He’d rather move than take it…

A Christian singer’s performance at an NFL game was canceled by the NFL because she was unvaccinated…

Do we really want to live in a country where the government is so oppressive, it demands “proof” of Americans’ faith?…

Most distastefully, the politicians monitoring religious Americans for their compliance are writing loopholes ensuring their allies are not subjected…Due to collective bargaining agreements, unions — huge donors to Biden’s campaign — may be exempt. In April of this year, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi defended Congress’ lack of a mandate, calling the decision to get vaccinated a “matter of privacy.” As usual, rules for thee and not for me…

Americans of faith are not asking for a blanket panacea; we are asking to be treated with the same respect and deference as afforded previous generations of Americans, and as demanded by the Constitution…

It is time for us to unite in defense of our God-given liberty, and resist tyrannical hypocrisy…Perhaps this is our Esther moment…

How is the Lord leading you to respond? Share in the comments below!

(Excerpt from The Stream. Article written by Dave Kubal, IFA President and CEO. Photo Credit: Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images).

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October 5, 2021

Who in the world do these people think they are?? Wow, I pray for their souls because God will NOT let them do this! They will NOT put in their antichrist agenda from hell, we say no in Jesus name! Daddy God, Sovereign Lord, King of kings, we want Your plans ONLY! Come rescue us today and thank You in Jesus Name! The whole creation, all nations and people NEED You to intervene NOW!! We praise and trust only YOU!

October 5, 2021

The line is drawing quickly: Who’s on the LORD’S side? We must be ready to give an answer to the HOPE that lies in us! And having done all; STAND! Put on the whole armour of GOD for this offensive battle we are in, wrestling against satan and his demons. For it is certain that satan has pulled out all stops against the saints of GOD; and it is MORE CERTAIN that GOD created the devil and his fallen angels (demons) and therefore has ALL POWER AND AUTHORITY OVER THIS ENTIRE EARTH AND ALL CREATED BEINGS! JESUS passed that AUTHORITY TO US, THE SAINTS OF GOD! FATHER GOD by the Authority given to us by JESUS, we bind the usurping of our freedoms; and loose the Peace of GOD over us, our families, our churches, our decisions. Give us the words to say when confronted by this evil administration’s evil decrees. Remind us daily FATHER that the Battle is not ours, but YOURS in JESUS Name! Amen!

    David Scrougham
    October 5, 2021

    Thank you Carol
    I stand in agreement with you

October 4, 2021

I couldn’t agree more, that it is time, even past time, that we unite in defense of our God-given liberty!! We HAVE to resist this tyrannical treatment, or we will no longer be “the land of the free, home of the brave.” Only tyrants act the way this administration is acting! I’m concerned, that too many, believe this is all just going away and everything will one day be “normal” again. Ask yourself, have we EVER had a government “mandating” what we could or could not do?? No! We have not!
The leadership against this kind of evil SHOULD BE, by the pastors, in America! There should be an outcry, by ALL pastors, in every church, against what is taking place. Instead of minsters telling us to “get the shot,” they should be outraged at these mandates that are against our Constitution and Bill of Rights! Christian’s rights are being trampled on and ministers should be VERY concerned about that! A few are, but many are not!
People of faith have not faced this kind of persecution before in America. If we don’t resist, it will get worse, as we can see. Everywhere, I hear people, who have lived under Communism/Socialism say, America, wake up! They SEE where we are heading and they are warning us.
I pray for God’s mercy and for righteous people of God to stand up and speak up. I pray God will raise up strong, bold, godly leaders who will step up and lead, without fear. We have to come together, to unite, against this evil.

    David Scrougham
    October 5, 2021

    Pauline I left you a reply on
    Tanya’s comments
    By accident and forgive me I mistakenly left off the (E) on your name love your love your comment David

Tanya Williams
October 4, 2021

We serve the God of Creation, Elohim, Eloah, El Shaddai, Adonai, the author and finisher of our faith! The maker of heaven and Earth! Every day I wake up, every breath I take is HIS gift to me!
My employer has given a Nov 1 mandate but allowing medical/religious exemptions. I trust the Word of God not the words of men, standing on HIS promise to never leave or forsake me. God’s Word says:
“Be strong and courageous! Do not be afraid or discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go” – Joshua 1:9
Trust the Lord brothers and sisters…in all things Trust the Lord!

    David Scrougham
    October 5, 2021

    It’s allways been that very small remnant that saves the rest Grandmasbelieveing
    Praying and acting in faith 🙏🙏 💘 💯 ❤ 💣💥💥 thank you all

    David Scrougham
    October 5, 2021

    Thank you Tanya
    For your comment too praise
    GOD yes be strong N courageous fear is a SNARE Joshua’s 1:9 🏋‍♂️💯🙏🕺💃🏃‍♀️🏃

Karen Secrest
October 4, 2021

Our battle with the forces of darkness take presedence NOW over ALL other endevors.
For HE has come to smite that enemy as we hear up. Is your armor in place. Is your backup singing Praises as they go about their “dailes”.
The mischief makers are in full flower today
Psalm 7 /8 and 9 and we STAND.

    David Scrougham
    October 5, 2021

    Beautiful prayer Karen yes amen

    O how we need more of you all
    On her commenting praising shouting 💯💯👌🕺💃🏃‍♀️🏃


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IFA President
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