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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray the U.S. Supreme Court would provide relief for this homeless ministry facing government discrimination because of its commitment to You.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

“But the eyes of the Lord are on those who fear him, on those whose hope is in his unfailing love,” (Psalm 33:18)

The mayor of Seattle is calling the homelessness in her city a crisis. But one of her community’s most effective ministries in addressing that scourge is being ordered to drop its Christian convictions if it wants to keep helping.

Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission was founded during another homeless crisis nearly 90 years ago. “Hoovervilles” — homeless encampments — popped up across the country during the Great Depression of the 1930’s. This mission was created in 1932 to bring relief to those suffering in the Emerald City.

While times have changed, the ministry’s commitment to the needy in its city has not. And over time it has expanded its offerings to not only offer food and housing aid, but also recovery, job placement, and legal services. The mission has also remained true to its name, keeping the Gospel of Jesus Christ at the heart of all it does.

On its website, Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission states,

Almost everywhere you look in Seattle, you see people who have lost so much. Their homes. Their families. Their hope for a better tomorrow. What you dont see is what so many have found. A path out of homelessness. A path that begins with Gods amazing grace and leads to a new beginning. Over the past year, weve helped thousands of men, women and children walk that path to a new life.

Sadly, that commitment to God’s amazing grace has landed this homeless ministry in hot water with the Washington Supreme Court.

While seeking a staff lawyer to serve in its legal aid clinic — a post in which an employee would practice sharing one’s faith, prayer, and other Christian activities — the mission turned down an applicant who identified as bisexual and reportedly applied in protest of the mission’s Christian commitment. According to Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF), which is defending Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission, the applicant did not profess a relationship with Christ, indicated no connection to a local church, and neglected to supply a pastoral reference. Worse, he apparently openly called on the mission to change itself in his cover letter and then sued after the ministry chose a different candidate.

The applicant’s lawsuit was initially tossed by a state trial court that recognized the faith-based nature of Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission — “Gospel” is even in its name! But the Washington Supreme Court revisited the case and overrode the decision.

A number of Washington legislators, alarmed by the ruling, recently called out the state high court’s “shocking anti-religious animus” and “dubious” reasoning to overturn a religious protection it apparently determined is a “license to discriminate.” The concerned lawmakers added that now in Washington “even houses of worship are left without legal protection from intrusive and potentially ruinous employment-related enforcement actions and lawsuits.”

For its part, ADF is appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court and, in its petition, draws attention to the urgency of this case:

This leveling of religious nonprofitsautonomy and diluting of their doctrines was shocking. The Washington Supreme Court disagreed with the Missions religious beliefs on matters of sexual behavior and thus jumped statutory and constitutional hurdles to ensure that ideological opponents could coopt non-ministerial positions and undermine the Missions religious teachings. Unless this Court intervenes, anyone will be able to demand a job while contradicting a religious organizations core beliefs, and faith-based nonprofits will lose their autonomy to freely associate without state interference.

Recounting the importance of its daily compassionate work based in the power of Christ, the mission’s president Scott Chin this week told the Daily Signal, “And to be honest, that’s why it’s worth fighting for. When you think about the life transformation that happens every day at the mission, literally many miracles are happening…. We’re really good at what we do. We just need the freedom to do it.”

Will you pray for Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission? We know the U.S. Supreme Court has shown interest in religious liberty cases, but also that their decision to take this one is no slam dunk… as rejected cases like that of Barronelle Stutzman (also in Washington) remind us. Let’s pray this mission can continue its work showing the love of Christ practically to its city in the midst of this homeless crisis.

Does this seem to you to be an assault against religious liberty? Share a prayer in the comments below!

Aaron Mercer is a Contributing Writer with two decades of experience in Washington, D.C.s public policy arena.

(Photo Credit: Luca Micheli/Unsplash).

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Robert Adams
October 5, 2021

Satan is trying his best to defeat GOD’s people. He loses! Thanks be to GOD.

Herb s Johnston
October 5, 2021

I was a volunteer at a homeless ministry,(not a shelter) in van nuys,ca, under the covering of church on the way- for 5 years. It was quite an adventure,both at times challenging and rewarding

October 5, 2021

Father God,
In the name of Jesus, I pray for the United States Supreme Court to make the decision to hear this case concerning religious liberty. When they hear the case, I pray it will be clear that our Constitution and Bill of Rights protects faith-based ministries from assaults which would overturn their religious beliefs and purpose.
I pray there will be a unanimous decision from the highest court in our land to uphold religious freedom , and this case will put to an end similar attacks against Christian churches and ministries.

Thank You, God, for re-establishing truth and justice in the USA. Thank You for Your mercy and protection over this nation and our Constitution.
We give You our praise and honor and worship because You are SO WORTHY✝️✝️✝️

October 5, 2021

Thank you Poppa God, for being so patient while we slept, for being so persistent in whispering ‘wake up Beautiful, stop complaining and pray!’ You truly work all things together for the good of those who love You, those called according to You purpose…thank you for giving the Seattle Gospel Mission bold courage to stand. Give them favor with the court Lord and save even those who have opposed, resisted You. Let real, Spirit filled revival sweep our nation forward to You Lord. So that everyone says ‘You are GoD! Jesus, Messiah!’

October 5, 2021

Dear Lord, I pray that the Supreme Court would provide relief for this homeless ministry that is facing Gov’t discrimination because of it’s commitment to You. Father , MAY YOUR WILL BE DONE. Again, I pray that ALL homeless shelters NOT be deterred, just because of their faith in You. Thank You, Lord, for shedding light to this evil. In Jesus name I pray and ask, amen.

October 5, 2021

It seems that everywhere I turn both Alliance Defending Freedom and Liberty Counsel are being called upon to defend
individuals and institutions practicing their Christian faith. And I see Intercessors for America publicizing these
attacks on our God given rights – rights also established in the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.
I am thankful for Alliance Defending Freedom, Liberty Counsel and Intercessors for America for their work to
protect religious liberty and to expose those efforts to destroy it.

Lori Meed
October 5, 2021

As someone who volunteered for 13 years with a homeless ministry in the poverty stricken and drug infested Kensington district of Philadelphia, I know the power of the gospel to change lives. One of those whose life was utterly turned around is ‘Frank’, who went from heroine addict to pastor and husband and father! He now minsters with his wife in that same neighbourhood. There is no power to save and transform apart from Christ and the cross. All other measures are a Bandaid and rarely bring lasting change. Father, we cry out to You to protect and defend these ones who lay down their lives daily for the lost sheep of Seattle. We testify to the power of the cross and the shed blood to radically change and save lives and families! To this man who applied for the position as an obvious an ‘agent provocateur’, save him Lord! Pour out Your Spirit and call him out of darkness and into Your light!

    Herb s Johnston
    October 5, 2021

    Lori,your contribution this morning on IFApray was very encouraging. Thank you for your efforts on behalf of all of us believers and prayer warriors here.

William Donahue
October 5, 2021

Dearest LORD, we ask of YOU, that YOUR WILL BE DONE. Also, that the body of CHRIST, would, now, more than ever, to flood this nation, which the Power of Prayer. As YOUR WORD SAYS, if MY people who are called by MY NAME, would humble themselves and seek my FACE, then I would hear from Heaven and heal their Land.In JESUS NAME we pray, amen

Karen Bosshart
October 5, 2021

Lord, thank you for the Union Gospel Mission and the lives that have been changed because Christ and Christ’s love is proclaimed there. In your sovereignty, arrange the circumstances for victory in this case. What is meant for evil, use for good. Turn the person(s) who brought this lawsuit against the Union Gospel Mission from darkness to light and into a love for Jesus. In your name I pray. Amen

Herb s Johnston
October 3, 2021

Lord,help these judges to have the courage of their convictions to stand for the principles that undergird our republic- not giving in to pressure to conform to special group interests. Lord we know you stand with the weak and downtrodden,and are the healer of all humanity’s infirmities..and I pray that You will continue to pour your holy spirit into the hearts, minds and souls of the authorities in seattle to see the goodness of the gospel mission and allow it to continue to minister to its residents. Lord we pray for a double portion of your mercy and provision and spirit to fill the all the administrators at the mission that they would not grow weary in well doing,and that the city government would be stopped from creating chaos in the attempts of the Lords servants to bring healing and comfort to the residents at Seattle union gospel mission. In Jesus Name, Amen

    October 5, 2021

    Yes, Lord! I am in full agreement with Herb’s prayer and ask that You would move in many hearts but especially in this individual who has intended from the beginning to cause the destruction of the Gospel Mission. The enemy hates Jesus and will do anything to corrupt and destroy the work done in His Name. But Lord, You are greater and You will and are working through these dark forces of evil. Move in this individuals heart. We know it is not Your desire that any should perish. Please draw this heart and many others to Jesus! In His Name I pray!

      October 5, 2021

      🙂 …thanks Denise,encouragement is appreciated,..been in so cal too long..60 years

October 3, 2021

Father, we pray, in Jesus name, that You would fight this battle for Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission! Give supernatural wisdom and discernment and guidance, to the ADF lawyers. Open doors and give favor to them. Let the people in Seattle, and the legislators, get behind this mission and the ADF! Let them speak up and stand up for this mission. Father, we ask You to deal with this “Supreme Court,” on this mission’s behalf! “When the enemy comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him.”

Susan CC
October 3, 2021

I am going silent….I have been sick and it is telling in my reply to myself. I was replying thinking I was on the article about Pastor Ahn. Forgive me and God bless IFA intercessors and the army of Christ worldwide.

    October 3, 2021

    Susan , you have been a great prayer warrior and a blessing to all of us here sister,..praying for a speedy recovery!!

      Susan CC
      October 4, 2021

      Herb, thank you for these kind words. As I retired teacher of 25 years, I saw a mostly negative impact from social media with both coworkers and students. The problems I witnessed evolving in and overtaking lives is now seen on a world stage. I have never had an account with any and feel extreme satisfaction in this fact.

      The IFA experience has changed my mind about social media. But unlike FB, Twitter, Instagram etc, the “commenters” here are a great blessing in more ways than even we may realize. In Revelation 5 “when The Lamb had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb. Each one had a harp, and they were holding golden bowls full of incense, which are the prayers of the saints.” That is how cherished prayer is and when we pray using the Word of God, I believe even more valuable. His Words, not our own…spoken and prayed over and over, throughout the millennia.

      I have shared all this because we should never be casual when we come to Him in prayer, whether in our “closets” or here at IFA. I was. I feel compelled to state this confession “aloud.”

      Shalom, shalom to you Herb.

        Herb Johnston
        October 4, 2021

        Susan. I was reading ecclesiastes (..i think),what you said about not approaching OurLord ..’lightly’. This past season is the first consistent time or phase in my Christian Life when I consistently have read all the way through God’s word, – and it’s in the New Living Translation so it really is jumping out at me. I thought you should know that I really look forward to reading what you have written- – I am always encouraged by what you write. I think that in any endeavor- as we acquire what may be called a ‘skill’ .. We expect more of ourselves.. That is the human weigh.. And it’s not all bad..I don’t think,- – I think the Lord designed us that way as a tool to get through this life-, or one of the tools.. So I just want you to know that I always look forward to reading out what you write and that my entire Christian Life- which has been since 1985.. only exists because of The Lord’s Grace. And I see Christians like you as achievers .. I hope you’re feeling better, cause I know you were sick..blessings to you and your family.

Susan CC
October 3, 2021

We are mired in ungodliness but I believe, greater is He in us than he in the world. The world does NOT win. We know this but I pray Heavenly Father, Seattle’s Union Gospel Mission’s case would bless our Supreme Court justices as they hear this righteous argument. May blessing abound from the perseverance of the Godly. I pray always in You power Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Amen

    Susan CC
    October 3, 2021

    They DID already hear this case….excuse my rantings but the Lord knows my heart for Him. I pray the Holy Spirit is working in each justices’ heart, as well in the hearts of the lawyers who tried to defend such an indefensible law May this argument continue to be alive and active, piercing, judging and enlightening them all, in the Name of Jesus Christ.

    For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it pierces even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Hebrew 4:12

      October 5, 2021

      Dear Susan,

      Like Herb, I have appreciated reading Your prayers and gleaning wisdom from Your delivery of Truth. I will be praying for you, my dear sister in Christ. He is coming soon and we make ready ourselves as we hold fast to His Word.

      2 Tim 1:12, “ For this reason I also suffer these things; nevertheless I am not ashamed, for I know who I have believed and I am persuaded that He is able to keep what I have committed to Him until that day.”

      May the Lord keep You, grant You healing and infuse You with endurance as we move through these last days! Keep on keeping on, my Friend!

      “Watch, stand fast in the faith, be brave, be strong.” (1 Cor 16:13). “Rejoice always, Pray without ceasing and give thanks in all circumstances for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus in you.” Praise Him for the witness and persistence of His children! Prayers and hugs!

        Maynard Beck Sr.
        October 5, 2021

        “And I Daniel fainted, and was sick certain days; afterward I rose up, and did the king’s business; and I was astonished at the vision, but none understood it”
        Sister Susan,
        I read the comments to many articles and find yours to be among the best. This scripture from Danie, I believe, is speaking of the Matthew 24 times we are living in and that he saw this very hour of debauchery, deciet, pure filth that is spreading around the world and atttacking this Nation which was founded on God’s Holy Spirit today from his spot in time nearly 3,000 years ago.
        I pray for Archangels in the Heavelies to gather above all the Courts in this land and Vanquish the Satanic princnipalities in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazereth Shalom Shalom


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