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Father, we ask that you would expose political games, and especially those which harm innocent people. Turn the hearts of these leaders to You. And we ask You to protect Israel.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Below you will find information regarding far-left Democrats’ latest move to cut funding for Israel’s defense, when tensions are already high and time short to push a spending bill through to keep the government funded.

The following is an excerpt from Breitbart, written by Jacob Bliss. 

The far-left Democrats forced out provisions to fund Israel’s Iron Dome from the continuing resolution (CR) that would keep the government funded and raise the debt ceiling…

According to Army Technology, “Iron Dome provides defence[sic] against short-range missiles and rockets which pose a threat to the civilian population,” such as those fired from Gaza earlier this year…

…Democrats told the Democrat leadership they would not vote for the bill if it included the $1 billion funding for the…Dome, which caused the Rules Committee to go into recess.

The CR has been revised with the Iron Dome provision taken out.

The…members leading this effort have been Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI)…

There was funding in the bill to replace the missiles used from the Iron Done in May from the Hamas attack on the Jewish state….

The following is an excerpt from an article written by Elizabeth Elkind of Daily Mail.

…The US was forced into crisis talks with Israel in the fallout, with House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer reportedly telling Israeli Foreign Minister Yair Lapid the removal of funds from the stopgap bill was only a ‘technical delay.’…

Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Pramila Jayapal of Washington are leading the blockade…

Funding for the Iron Dome will instead be included in Congress’ bipartisan fiscal year 2022 defense bill, House Appropriations Chair Rep. Rosa DeLauro said on Tuesday…

Top Republican lawmakers have already panned Democrats for capitulating to the progressive wing.

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy wrote on Twitter, ‘Democrats just pulled funding from the Iron Dome—the missile defense system that has saved countless lives in Israel from Hamas’ rocket attacks.

‘While Dems capitulate to the antisemitic influence of their radical members, Republicans will always stand with Israel.’

Rep. Elise Stafanik, who heads the House Republican Conference, labeled Democrats ‘the party attacking Israel and their inherent right to self-defense.’…

Rep. August Pfluger of Texas said, ‘Democrats don’t support the Iron Dome anymore. Does that mean they want rockets to hit civilians? This party gets more radical by the day.’

Republican leaders in the House quickly spoke out in outrage after Democrats pulled the provision

Republican leaders in the House quickly spoke out in outrage after Democrats pulled the provision

Senator Ted Cruz, who vowed to filibuster Democrats' attempt to take action on the debt ceiling, also lambasted their decision to pull the funding

Texas Senator Ted Cruz, who vowed to filibuster the measure when it got to the Senate, accused Democratic leaders of surrendering to progressives…

Along with money to keep federal agencies running and their employees paid, the 93-page spending bill also includes $28.6 billion in disaster aid and $6.3 billion to help resettle Afghan refugees.

The measure would also suspend the debt ceiling until after the midterm elections, December 2022…

That group reportedly includes progressive Democrats who signed a resolution in May aimed at blocking a $735 weapons sale to Israel during deadly violence between Israel and Hamas.

Ocasio-Cortez, Tlaib and Rep. Mark Pocan were the resolution’s lead sponsors…

Lawmakers missed a July deadline to raise or suspend the debt ceiling, forcing the US Treasury into extraordinary measures to keep up the flow of dollars through government…

With just a narrow majority, they can only afford to lose three votes to still get it through.

But moderate Democrats are already bristling at the sudden change in direction.

‘Iron Dome is a defensive system used by one of our closest allies to save civilian lives. It needs to be replenished because thousands of rockets were fired by the Hamas terrorists who control Gaza,’ Rep. Ted Deutch of Florida wrote on Twitter Tuesday…

Michigan Democrat Rep. Elissa Slotkin said taking issue with funding for the Iron Dome comes from a ‘desire to attack’ anything related to Israel rather than a ‘genuine concern…

‘Whatever your views on the Israeli-Pal conflict, using a system that just saved hundreds, if not thousands, of lives as a political chit is problematic,’ Slotkin said.

She highlighted that continued support of the Iron Dome was part of a 2016 memorandum negotiated under the Obama administration…

Even if the legislation passes the House today, it faces an uphill battle in the Senate where Minority Leader Mitch McConnell has vowed Republicans will oppose it…

Designed to stop short-range missiles from Gaza, the Iron Dome came under one of its most significant tests this past May as tensions between Israel and Hamas reached a deadly boiling point.

What do you think about far-left Democrats’ latest move? Does it concern you that Israeli civilians’ safety will be compromised? Share a prayer in the comments below for Israel.

(Photo Credit: Zach Gibson/Getty Images).

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September 26, 2021

Father we pray that the USA continues to support Israel. Please turn the hearts of our leaders as You turn the rivers of water to obey Your will.

September 26, 2021

Which is right?? I read where AOC and her “crew” lost that fight and tha the United States voted to give that funding to Israel. I pray that we DID give Israel that funding because God makes it very clear, “I will BLESS those that BLESS Israel, I will CURSE those that CURSE Israel! We DO NOT want Almighty God’s curse!
Father, we pray, in Jesus name, that our House and Senate will have the courage and wisdom to stand with Israel and that the Dome funding will be passed! Father, we ask that those who oppose Israel, in our government, would be brought to defeat. What the enemy means for evil, Lord, turn it for Israel’s good! Father, open people’s eyes to see that when they come against Israel, they are coming against the “apple of God’s eye.” Put the fear of the Lord in them! Thank You, that You hear, and You answer our prayers!!

    September 26, 2021

    The Sqaud (read: Gang of Four,) AOC, Ilhan Omar, Ayanna Pressley and Rashida Tlaib along with that old dragon Nancy Pelosi removed the Iron Dome funding for Israel from the spending bill. However, right after that:

    “WASHINGTON — The House passed legislation overwhelmingly to provide $1 billion to Israel to restock its Iron Dome short-range missile defense system just days after Democrats removed the funding from a broad stopgap spending bill. The 420-9 vote saw only eight Democrats and one Republican vote “no,” and two Democrats vote “present.”

    And for this second vote, Pauline, AOC voted “present” (which is voting neither for nor against – not sure what kind of “strategy” she was pulling here,) but then “cried” and made a scene when the vote to provide Israel the Iron Dome passed. Another legislator called AOC’s antics “bad theater.”

      September 26, 2021

      The quote above is from defensenews.com – sorry I ommited this.

      So, AOC and the Squad/Gang-of-Four and Nancy Pelosi lost 420 to 9 in their anti-Semitic attack on Israel!

      September 26, 2021

      Thank you, Julie! Praise the Lord!!

        September 26, 2021

        You’re welcome, Pauline, and yes, indeed, praise Jesus!

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