I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we ask You to give our leadership great wisdom and discretion in dealing with the Taliban, and in all our foreign affairs. We ask for outcomes that glorify You and which bless our nation and the world.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

As the Afghanistan crisis continues, there are important questions to ask and discuss about what is happening. We thought this article from the Israel National News was interesting. 

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This was the same position taken by US Secretary of State Anthony Blinken, when he was interviewed by ABC’s Martha Raddatz in the wake of the latest developments. Raddatz asked whether the United States could “get all the American citizens who want to leave, and our Afghan allies who are at risk, out by the Tuesday deadline?”…

“The administration keeps on saying the commitment to our Afghan allies doesn’t end on the 31st, but your spokesman said the airport will not be open on September 1st, and the Taliban obviously can’t secure its safety even when US forces are present, so how do you realistically think any American citizens or Afghan partners who are left behind will be able to fly out?”…

According to a British source, a privately funded charter flight left Kabul on Sunday morning with empty seats, without 24 staff members of a British-run charity the plane had come to rescue. A campaigner involved in the rescue flight told press that the staff were “still in their homes” because the Taliban had told them they didn’t have the right paperwork…

Do you think our leaders should take the Taliban at their word? Share your thoughts, and write out a prayer in the comments below!

(Excerpted from Israel National News. Article by Arutz Sheva. Photo Credit: Majid Saeedi/Getty Images).

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August 31, 2021

Have you seen, on Daystar, Christian T.V. the unbelievable, video that shows the Taliban, flying one of OUR helicopters, with a man, hanging from it! That tells you WHO the Taliban are!! They are killers, monsters, evil! And….they have now been loosed, on this world, by OUR administration! That is what happens when you “trust” terrorists!! God help us, and forgive us, for allowing this inept, dangerous, ungodly, administration to be in power! Shame on them!!
Father, You are showing all of us who our enemies are! This is not Your will, but you can take, even this evil, and turn it for good. We don’t understand, because we “see through a glass darkly.” We KNOW, YOU, ALMIGHTY GOD, ARE IN CONTROL!! We KNOW that ” our weapons are NOT carnal, but MIGHTY through GOD, to the pulling down of strongholds.” We KNOW, that if we humble ourselves and pray, seek Your face, turn from our evil ways, YOU WILL hear from heaven, and YOU will forgive our sin, and YOU will heal our land!! We ask for Your mercy, Father, in Jesus name!

August 31, 2021

The battle belongs to the Lord!! Lord may we not put out Trust in anyone or anything but in You and You alone. Lord send warring angels to protect those left behind. Put Your full Armor over each one of them and may no weapons formed against them prosper. Have mercy and grace O Lord!
We praise You Father as Faithful and True, The fair Judge, Merciful, Loving, long-suffering. You are The Healer for all who are injured and suffering, You are the Restorer and Redeemer, You are the Christ the one who paid the price for our sin. May many in Afghanistan come to Christ and spread the Gospel and have the blessed assurance of eternity with You. In Jesus name. Amen

Rich Swingle
August 31, 2021

They’ve already closed the airport, and it happened before the 31st: https://app.videosquirrel.app/watch/2004

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It will also be live-streamed and available later on Intercessors for America’s Facebook and YouTube pages.

Thanks so much for praying!

Lydia B. Miller
August 31, 2021

Deception! Deception! Deception!
Lord have mercy and open the eyes of the blind government who believe the terrorist can be trusted!
They believe a doctrine that every one is an “infidel” that does not believe like them, and it is in their honor to see them executed, beheaded , throats slit, hanged and anything in the line of cruelty!!
They delight in the most gruesome form of punishment!!!
The punishment is meant to inflict serious pain.
They are blood thirsty, killers and their isn’t an once of kindness.
They burn people alive!
This is satan himself.
They are the best liars and behind all this is a demonic force of manipulation to “pull the wool” over your eyes so you cannot see. This is what the enemy wants, to control people’s minds , so that the Taliban rules and controls you,then they can play their nasty games and they lure you into their territory!
Some people in our government,can’t find enough excuses for intentionally destroying our country by bringing all these refugees& terrorists into our country and handing our military artillery over to the Taliban so they try to find something positive to say and then they put the focus to the Taliban,the Taliban said this and the Taliban said that. The United States Government is trying to cover their own wicked deceitful actions!!
Our hearts are broken, at the level of deception and foolishness in this administrations. They are selling our country to the Taliban!
I have wept and cried out to the Lord, prayed and prayed for deliverance!
If David can take down a Goliath,with a little stone and sling, then America needs to wake up from their slumber, wake up and fight courageously. Their is always a sacrifice to winning a battle, we need to be humble like David was and bow our knees to the task.
It’s warfare behind the battle but it is also an external battle with forms of communication on the ground, where we literally expose the enemy, and push back in all forms of news and meetings!
Prayer is our only answer to this huge mess. Only God could redeem, surrender to the call of spiritual warfare, our weapons are not carnal but mighty to the pulling down strongholds!
He has seated us in heavenly places with Him, so our fight is not in vain.

Karen Secrest
August 31, 2021

I want to run through the streets, the halls, the homes shouting,”fight on.”
What part of terrorist don’t you understand? It’s coming 5hru loud and clear. They Kill People who disagree. The Big Satan is first on the list. It’s only a matter of time before the dissenters are rounded up and fed to the locals (lions).
Weep, whail, cry out. This is the day we see the Glory of the Lord arise.
Start with Psalm 101 and continue as your tears drench the pages of the Holy..
For HE is Holy

Dawn Beth
August 31, 2021

This is insane!! Blind craziness.You do not acquiesce evil!!! So the world suddenly believes that the Taliban is good government that cares about the Afghani people? That they will keep their word?
I saw a video last night where they were hanging a “traitor” From one of our abandoned helicopters. Can’t even begin to believe that our leadership believes the lies. The way this is all orchestrated, and the the 20th anniversary of 9/11, the attempted take down of who they refer to as “little satan”, we have been deceived and played by Our very own government, the people that we somehow allowed two create three letter agencies and build their power to “protect” us.
It is time for the church to stand up and take her position, repent and pray, and believe that God has a purpose for our nation.
Father, deliver by your mighty name! Come with your glorious power and save us. Lord listen to our prayers and turn your ears our cry. These violent men have risen up against us they are heartless ruthless men who care nothing about You and they seek to destroy.
But You Lord God, are our divine help, lay Your hand of protection upon those in the midst of evil. Father, You see to it that those who sow evil will reap evil. So Lord, in Your great faithfulness, destroy them once and for all!!
Father, we offer ourselves to You freely, because You gave EVERYTHING for us, we worship and praise Your name. Through You and Your precious blood we are saved, redeemed and rescued from our enemy.
Father, we pray Your righteous right hand of protection over those who have been left behind, those who have answered Your call to stay and minister to those who haven’t yet received Your mercy kiss. We know that You take EVERYTHING the enemy means for evil and turn it for the good of those who are called. Father You have called all, but many won’t respond. We ask just like Abraham, if there are even 10 found faithful, would You save this land??
We know this evil will be coming to our own shores Father, make us brave, give us a battle plan Holy Spirit. Your Word says it’s not by power or might, but by Your Spirit, show Yourself mighty on the behalf of those You love Father, those You already have it all for. Show the ones who are driven to destruction that there is ONE GOD, and Your kingdom will reign eternal🙌🙌🙏🙏🙏🙏

    August 31, 2021

    Amen Amen hallelujah 🙌🏽 Yes Lord, do it Jesus. You are able to turn what the enemy meant for evil to good🙏🏽 You are able to bring glory out of this tragedy🙏🏽 You are able to vindicate the wrong in this whole situation, so we pray You do it Lord, vindicate Your people according to Your word & righteousness🙏🏽 You are able even in the mist of this tragedy to show yourself strong through your people called by your name so may You cause their light to so shine that if they have to depart as martyrs they will have a testimony & prayer like Stephen in Acts 7th chapter that will bring You glory by embolden Yours Saints & convict Your enemies to repentance;
    “But he, being full of the Holy Spirit, gazed into heaven and saw the glory of God, and Jesus standing at the right hand of God, and said, “Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God!”” (‭7:55-56‬)‬‬
    “And they stoned Stephen as he was calling on God and saying, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Then he knelt down and cried out with a loud voice, “Lord, do not charge them with this sin.” And when he had said this, he fell asleep.” (‭7:59-60‬ ‭NKJV‬‬).
    Yes Father, glorify yourself through Your peoples faith in Jesus name✝️ Hallelujah 🙌🏽👏🏾🙌🏽🙏🏽

    August 31, 2021

    Yes and AMEN, Dawn Beth! I stand, in agreement with you, in Jesus name!


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