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Lord God, we ask You for a miracle in protecting and removing all U.S. citizens from Afghanistan before the deadline. Send Your angels to safely bring them out, just as You brought the children of Israel out of Egypt.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

President Joe Biden on Tuesday caved to the Taliban and pledged to honor the August 31 withdrawal deadline for U.S. personnel in Afghanistan, Reuters reported

The Taliban reportedly met with CIA Director William Burns on Monday who negotiated face-to-face with Taliban leader and co-founder Abdul Ghani Baradar. They do not appear to have reached any agreement.

Mujahid said he was “not aware” the CIA met with the Taliban, “but he did not deny that such a meeting took place,” the Associated Press observed

If the evacuation of American citizens and the U.S. military had been completed by the original date, the evacuation would have been accomplished before the Afghan fighting season that occurs in the summer, avoiding the choice, warm months of fighting…

Meanwhile, thousands of Americans are still stranded behind Taliban lines…

Share your prayers below for all Americans to safely leave the country before August 31.

(Excerpted from Breitbart. Article by Wendell Husebo. Photo Credit: Drew Angerer/Getty Images).

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August 26, 2021

I don’t think a lot of Americans realize what Biden and this administration have actually done to America and the world! We do, as believers, but I am concerned that many do not! Journalist, Lara Logan, is telling it, like it really is! Glenn Beck is over in the Middle East and he is also revealing the truth and asking believers here, to pray, hard! What we are watching is our country being destroyed by evil, hateful, arrogant, ungodly people! Our allies are saying they will never help us as long as this administration is in power! Who can blame them? We have NEVER had this happen!
Chad Robichaux, a former USMC Force Recon, says we need to hold this administration accountable! I agree, but will we?? Our State Dept. is NOT doing what they are supposed to do! It’s unbelievable that anyone could be so evil!! The Whitehouse “brass” is NOT doing what they are supposed to do (not the regular military, the Whitehouse “brass”) It is unconscienable, it’s horrendous!! We are literally leaving our Americans, our Afghan friends, women and children, BEHIND!
Miracles and mercy, Father, we ask for miracles and Your mercy! Please, make a way, where there is no way!

    August 26, 2021

    An update, by the way, David Barton, from Wallbuilders, is with Glenn Beck and the Nazarene Fund, in the Middle East. So far, the Nazarene Fund has gotten 5100 people out! Keep praying! They’re going to get more out, God willing.

August 26, 2021

Negotiations fail with enemies when (1) you are weak to begin with (2) you employ weak people who are more concerned with PR than needed results.
Americans and tired, spineless, established government officials allowed weak, compromised people to steal an election. And what we are watching is the end result of that folly.

Sheryl J Boyd
August 26, 2021

Then the LORD answered Job out of the whirlwind and said:
and said, “Thus far shall you come, and no farther,” (Job 38:1, 11a)

“And now, Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness, while you stretch out your hand to heal, and signs and wonders are performed through the name of your holy servant Jesus.” (Acts 4:29-30)

August 25, 2021

FATHER GOD please rescue Americans and innocent Afghanistan people who will be murdered or put into dangerous bondage in their country that has been handed to the taliban by Joe Biden and his defense secretary. FATHER the cry is great for deliverance and we thank YOU for sending angelic and human deliverers to bring the people to safety in JESUS Name. Amen.

    August 25, 2021

    FATHER GOD please remove this current administration from office and replace them with people that will honor and care for all Americans in JESUS Name. Amen.

Rosalie Skwiers
August 25, 2021

Loving Father, Have mercy on Americans trying to leave Afghanistan, Your word says that you will even make a way in the wilderness. Father they are in a place they do not belong. We need a miracle. I beseech you Father to make a way. I plead the blood of Jesus over those trying to leave. In Jesus name. Amen


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