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Father, we pray for Truth to come to light, and we ask that wrongs will be made right. We ask You to protect innocent people in Afghanistan.
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Republicans are calling on the Pentagon’s inspector general to launch a formal investigation into the Biden administration’s bungled withdrawal from Afghanistan, including its decision to abandon scores of American-made weapons that are now in the Taliban’s possession.

Rep. Carlos Giménez (R., Fla.), a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, is spearheading legislation that would direct the Defense Department’s inspector general to determine how the Biden administration’s pullout from Afghanistan endangered scores of American citizens who are trapped in Taliban-controlled Kabul and begging for rescue by U.S. forces…

Giménez told the Washington Free Beacon that Congress must begin investigating the ongoing disaster, particularly given the administration’s refusal to answer questions…

Giménez’s bill would direct the Pentagon inspector general to provide Congress with a full accounting of the Biden administration’s behind-the-scenes decision-making. This accounting would include an audit of “the reasons why United States Humvees, helicopters, artillery, and drones ended up in the hands of the Taliban,” according to the bill.

Since the United States pulled out of Afghanistan, the Taliban has seized scores of American-made weapons, which helped them take control of the country and trample the U.S.-trained Afghan National Army…

Do you agree there needs to be a formal investigation into what happened? Share your thoughts and prayers below!

(Excerpted from The Washington Free Beacon. Article by Adam Kredo. Photo Credit: Stefani Reynolds/Getty Images).

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August 26, 2021

I’m not trying to rain on the parade but investigations are fine – if you leave out most dems, all RINO’s and anyone working for this treasonous administration. My point is that if we are not willing to level & pursue, at any cost, true justice and whatever it takes, then it’s another exercise of “what looks good” with minimal results. Many people in government roles go through the motions but aren’t really willing to sacrifice their jobs to expose and deal with the hard truth.
What has happened was planned and stinks with treason written all over it. There is no way to sugarcoat it and we shouldn’t.

    August 26, 2021

    Agree, CN! Wholeheartedly!! Investigation?? We know how that works! No one in government is holding this administration accountable! That HAS to be done! Treasonous, absolutely! There was a time, in my life, that this would have been considered, and dealt with as treason!

Rosalie Skwiers
August 25, 2021

Creator, Loving Father, I pray your light would shine into this situation. I ask Lord for accountability for tax payer weapons left behind for use for evil. There are people that need to resign jobs were not done right. Lord intervene and fill those places with competent men & women. Let Republicans stand strong in this and give accountability to Americans, most importantly those who served and for those that gave the ultimate sacrifice. Lord let truth come out do not allow evil to be called good. In Jesus name Amen


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