I Prayed have prayed
Father, thank You that Your mercies are new each morning! Help us to set aside fear and doubt, and trust You fully. Amen.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

“Surge in COVID-19.”  “New Delta variant, racing across the U.S.”  “Death’s soar.”  “Hospitals are once again full!”  “Vaccinations are not safe!”  The unvaccinated are causing the issue!”  Everywhere we turn, fear-mongering news headlines and evil forebodings are peddled on us by both the news and social media. 

Weeks ago, when this began, I started praying against fear. It seems to me that the end-goal is to create fear, so that we will buy anything they say without question and do whatever told without researching it for ourselves. 

I wish we had a government we could trust to tell us the absolute truth; unfortunately, we do not. It would be nice if we could trust the news to report only truth—but I don’t believe that is happening either. 

As I prayed this week concerning how to help others combat fear, God gave me a dream. 

In my dream, grasshoppers had been brought into the house through an outside source. At first there were only a couple of grasshoppers jumping around. Because there were only a couple, people ignored them believing they would go back out the same way they had come in.  

But they did not. 

The next morning, they had multiplied tremendously. Now there were dozens and dozens of grasshoppers everywhere—all varied sizes. 

The grasshoppers were getting in homes everywhere—one or two at a time. Because they were not immediately dealt with, they multiplied until they were taking over the house. People could no longer live peacefully in their own homes due to the massive number of grasshoppers. 

Then I woke up. 

Grasshoppers are often used to symbolize an insignificant crowd of people who lived in fear of those bigger and mightier than them, symbolizing inferiority, timidity, and fear. 

We see this truth play out in Numbers 13:33 which says, And we were like grasshoppers in our own sight, and so we were in their sight.  

God told Moses to send out twelve spies to check out the land He promised to give them. The spies went out and sure enough the land was just as God said. It flowed with milk and honey and with wonderful fruit; fruit so big that they had to carry one cluster of grapes between two men. However, if you remember, ten of the twelve spies only saw the problems. They saw the giants and walled cities. As a result, they appeared small in their own eyes.  

What they were seeing reflected the faith that was on the inside of them. This alone kept them from every promise that God had delivered them out of bondage for. Instead, they wandered around the wilderness for forty years. 

Fear of the giants kept them from their promise. Will we, as the Church, allow that same thing to happen to us? They feared those they thought were more powerful than their God. 

I see many similarities today. I believe we are in a season where our Promised Land is once again before us. It is the promise of God to heal our nation, just as His Word says.  

However, those we perceive as being more powerful than us or having more authority than us are doing everything in their power to keep us out of that land of promise. 

These are our giants—at least many perceive them as such. They are using the same weapon we saw in the scripture—fear.  

It is the enemy’s weapon of choice. If he can get us into fear, we will be paralyzed and will not continue to move forward. Have you ever seen a fearful animal? It stops in its tracks and refuses to move. This happens to us spiritually when we allow fear to dominate our life. 

For this reason, we MUST resist fear with everything inside of us. We cannot allow fear to come into our hearts and into our homes. If we do even a little bit, just like the grasshoppers in my dream, fear will quickly multiply until it consumes us and our household. 

God commanded us 365 times in the Bible… DO NOT FEAR…FEAR NOT…DON’T BE AFRAID. 

God never wanted us to be timid or fearful. He has given us a Spirit of power, love, and a sound mind. We are above and not beneath. We fight from a place of victory. 

Grasshoppers also represent—the devourer. They devoured everything in their path in the Old Testament.  

The Bible says, Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil walks about like a roaring lion, seeking whom he may devour. (1 Peter 5:8) 

Seeking whom he may devour. He cannot devour anyone that will not allow him to. Therefore, do NOT fall into the trap of fear. If you do, you may very well be devoured. 

Just as in the days of Moses, God has given us the land. But we must go in and take it. How do we do that? 

Refuse to fear.   

Don’t allow the news or social media to be the greatest influence in your daily life. That place belongs to God alone. Keep your eyes on God and His promises.  

You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on You, because he trusts in You. (Is 26:3) 

Believe God and His Word.  

In the story referenced above, God told His people that He had given them the land. They simply needed to believe God more than what they could see. 

Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord. (Luke 1:45) 

Resist the devil and everything he brings with him. 

The Bible teaches us to resist satan and he must flee. Remember, he is seeking someone he may devour. That someone does not have to be you. You can choose to keep your eyes on God, submit to Him and resist the devil. As you do, he must go. That is a promise from God. 

Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you. (James 4:7)

Once again, we stand at the precipice of our Promised Land, just as the children of Israel did in their day of crisis. Will we go in and possess the land? Or will we allow fear to keep us out? I say we go in with prayers and decrees blazing! How about you?  

Kim Potter is a writer and the founder of A New Thing Ministries, which sends a daily teaching to thousands of people all around the world. Her articles have appeared on The Elijah List, Charisma, Spirit Fuel and iBelieve.com. Kim’s message is one of hope. She speaks to the heart of those who have grown discouraged or disappointed by the circumstances of life, imparting hope. To receive her daily inspirational writings, go to www.anewthingministries.com(Photo Credit: Boris Smokrovic).

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September 2, 2021

Heavenly Father, I thank You that Your mercies are new each morning. Help us to set aside doubt and fear and completely trust in You. Help us to resist the devil because in doing so, he will flee from us. In Jesus name, amen.

September 2, 2021

I’m former military intelligence from the US army. I had a clearance and I worked overseas in South Korea. The day social distancing started in my city God gave me a single word propaganda. He knew that word would mean something to me. For some reason that single word from God clicked for me. I can’t say I don’t have fear about anything as a human. But when it comes to covid I believe God it is word. I believe we can take poison and not die. I know how shocking it is all of a sudden to not be able to trust what we see in the media. And we know The enemy is a liar. All the devil can do to us is lie. We do the rest when we believe the lie. Thank you Father that your promises are yes and amen. Your word does not return void. Thank you for your Holy Spirit that gives us wisdom each day when we ask.
Help us remember to pray in those moments Lord because you have not given us a spirit of fear. Thank you for this organization and all the people that support it. God bless each and every one of them. In Jesus Name

August 31, 2021

Great word – do not fear. Amen to that! Thanks for writing.

Bruni O
August 31, 2021

Isaiah 54:17 “No weapon formed against you (us) shall prosper; and every tongue that rises against you (us) in judgment you shalt condemn. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and their righteousness is of me, saith the LORD.”
Father God, I pray for your protection against fear within your people and ask for your guidance to STAND firm in your word; bind the spirit of fear and deception over the United States of America. I pray that your LOVE, MERCY and JUSTICE will prevail! Binding satan; he is a counterfeit and a lier but you are TRUTH and LIGHT in the darkness’s. Strengthen our faith over fear and flood our life’s with your love! You are LORD and nothing is GREATER than YOU! In Jesus precious name I pray! Amen!

Linda k Rice
August 31, 2021

Maybe better to pray for more fear as the Lord is probably allowing everything to get bad enough that the Church will actually fast and pray rather than being the band on the Titanic.

    Laura K
    August 31, 2021

    Maybe we should be praying for the fear of the Lord to sweep across the nation. This did not occur to me until I read your comment, so thank you for triggering that thought, which I believe is from God.

    Lord help us to fear you, and not what the enemy is throwing at us continually, and more rapidly than ever before. We know the time for Your return is drawing ever nearer and so does satan and his minions. They are running scared because we have an amazing, almighty God who will show Himself for the great and ALL powerful, all victorious One above all things. Amen

August 31, 2021

Great reminder, Kim,faith is greater than fear. We live in an age where satan is working overtime to spew out his ungodly agenda. Fear is the great lie that he uses to try to render us hopeless. We are NEVER without hope, as long as we can trust the Lord Jesus. By the power of your great love, Lord, I bind the spirit of fear, which is so prevalent in our world today.In its place, I loose a the fruit of the Holy Spirit upon our world. We live in a day and time where we need You to pour out Your Spirit upon ALL men. Thank You, Lord, for being greater than all of the fear that the evil one can throw at us. In You, we are ALWAYS victorious!

Cynthia Weatherwax
August 31, 2021

Praise God for sharing your dream.Like the word says, we must not fear. Fear cripples our faith. I am led by the Holy Spirit to face the north, stretch out my hands and verbaly say; I bind fear and hatred over the United States of America and loose faith over fear and love over hatred in the Jesus name amen. Lord willing I will share your dream with our church members. Father we pray that the church, the body of Christ will rise up in Jesus name, take our authority over the enemy, stand and take back the land in Jesus name amen.

Karen Secrest
August 30, 2021

I digress into another area the Lord brought to mind: nearly every year we hear of the locust swarms that devastate south Africa beyond the Atlas mountains. The locust then moved to China, cutting a huge swath from the South west before moving into Russia. After the locust dies, the people savage them. Grind them up into meal and make cakes, high in protein until other food comes available.
This periodic outburst of nature is God’s judgment on a stiff necked recalcitrant people who continue to ignore the prompting of an Almighty God.
Shall we contain the elements and the Glory until they absolve themselves of All the unholy?

We face an enemy as rapacious as the locust. Shall we face down that one who lies or accept that which is place in front of us.

Recall locust cakes Are nourishing. God’s design.. Be prepared for what Amazing insight HE is prepared to give if we ASK

Ellie Diegelmann
August 30, 2021

OUTSTANDING, EXCELLENT ENCOURAGING ARTICLE!!! THANK YOU, Kim Potter and IFA, SOOOO VERY MUCH! I’ve copied the link and will be sharing it with select loved ones, and MAYBE, (HOPEFULLY & PRAYERFULLY) even generally on social media. I’m torn about the latter, so as not to (LITERALLY) “awaken a sleeping giant”. I wholeheartedly welcome and encourage any advice/insights that either of you, and any others might have to impart/share. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU!!! God bless you and us all and keep us safe. Godspeed in all that you and we all do.

Sincerely, respectfully and prayerfully in Christ,

August 30, 2021

Fear, absolutely, THE ENEMY!! I see it in my family and I’m sure you all do. We really need to come against a spirit of fear and I have believed that from the beginning of Covid! People act irrationally when they have fear. Kim Potter has hit the problem right on the head!! If Americans would just have the courage to say NO MORE LIVING IN FEAR! It is NOT easy, it’s not, but it is NECESSARY.
Could we ALL begin to daily pray, DAILY, against fear over our families and our nation? I believe that is KEY to everything that’s trying to destroy and tear apart our families and our nation!!
Father, we lift our voices, as one united voice, we come against fear, in the name of Jesus. You said whatever we bind on earth, would be bound in heaven. We bind, a spirit of fear, that is in our families, in our nation, and command it to LEAVE, now, in Jesus name! Father, we loose a spirit of peace, of calm, of courage, of truth, in our families, in this nation, in Jesus name! Father, please, help Your people to rise up, in the name of Jesus. Father, increase our faith, forgive our lack of faith and give us wisdom to know how to pray. Father, You said, You have not given us a spirit of fear, but of love, power and a sound mind! Open the eyes of our understanding to see the truth and to stand up and speak up for it, NOW, not later, but NOW, before it’s too late! Help each one of us to see the URGENCY of this!
Just before I woke up this morning, Fauci was in a dream I had. That’s NOT what I generally have! All I can say, is this man is responsible for a LOT of fear and we need to pray against his “plan” for mandates! This man deals in fear! We can do our part and pray, with many voices, AGAINST FEAR!!
Thank you, Kim Potter for this article! You are so spot on!

    Ellie Diegelmann
    August 30, 2021

    Ditto! Thank YOU, Pauline, for your insights. bold faith and BEAUTIFUL prayer(s). What a BLESSING you are and this post is!

Marlene Young
August 30, 2021

Pro 3:25 Do not be afraid of sudden terror nor of trouble of the wicked when it comes.
Pro 3:26 For the Lord will be your confidence and will keep your foot from being caught.

Allena Jordan
August 30, 2021

Fear not; believe God; resist the devil. Father, teach me how to walk in all this truth. Teach me to trust You, Your Word. Teach me how to do better in taking my stand to not only resist the devil, but to deal with him and his minions from an offensive position. I am on the winning team when I listen to and obey You, Oh my God. Amen

Julianne Curtis
August 30, 2021

Yes, this is exactly what we must do!
‘They are Feeding on Our Fear’ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IMHVzpal_yc)

I just watched this last night! We must not make any hasty decisions now based on fear! We must be guided by His voice more than ever to help us navigate these times.
This video also describes how our fear is actually feeding the Evil Principality hovering over our nation.
Pray that the Holy Spirit will touch many out there who are paralyzed in fear, and cannot perceive the Truth.

August 30, 2021

I agree! There are no giants for our GOD created them and is fighting for us! FATHER GOD Thank YOU for this article to remind us who we are in YOU! No weapon formed against us shall prosper and every tongue that rises against us in judgement we shall condemn in JESUS MIGHTY Name! Amen!


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