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I Prayed have prayed
Lord God, thank You for leaders who are standing up for freedom. Encourage and strengthen them.
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We were encouraged to read the freedom-focused remarks of Mississippi governor Tate Reeves. What do you think? Please leave a comment below.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reversed course on some of its guidelines Tuesday, recommending that even vaccinated people return to wearing masks indoors in parts of the U.S. where the virus is spreading rapidly. . . .

It reeks of political panic so as to appear they are in control,” Reeves said during an outdoor speech at the Neshoba County Fair. “It has nothing — let me say that again — it has nothing to do with rational science. In Mississippi, we believe in freedom.”

Reeves noted that 1.2 million Mississippi residents have been vaccinated.

“Others have chosen a different path,” he said. “And I will always defend those individuals’ right to decide what is best for them and their families.”

Reeves said this week he will not set a mask mandate for schools.

What do you think is behind the mask mandates? Leave a comment.

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Les Young
August 17, 2021

Anthony Fauci did a study of the 1918 pandemic that killed millions. In his paper he concluded that most of the people that died in that pandemic would not have died if they had not worn masks. He determined that masks decrease the ability of the body to fight of disease by decreasing oxygen intake and increasing carbon dioxide intake. Yet he is pushing masks. It makes one wonder why. The same approximate number of people died in 2020 as in 2019, 2018 2017 etc. They just did not die of pneumonia, heart problems, flu or practically anything else. Why…because our government paid hospitals for covid deaths and not for any others. The vaccine, according to most scientists, in not a vaccine by definition, but an insertion of a product that causes the body to reproduce the “virus” inside the body. We need to continue to pray for God to shed light on America and reveal truth to the majority of people.

Linda Bass
August 3, 2021

Praise God for Governor Reeves taking a stand for freedom. For allowing the citizens of Mississippi a choice in whether or not they want to receive the vaccine.

August 3, 2021

I am very thankful for this godly man and his
faithful endeavors for his great state.
Lord, we thank you for raising up others in
governmental office that will stand for what
is godly and righteous and we ask your blessings
on all who do so. In Jesus Mighty Name, Amen.

August 3, 2021

I pray more governors will follow the lead of Governor Reeves and stand up for the individual freedoms of the American people. The left is trying to herd us together like a bunch of cattle that respond to their orders and whips. STAND FIRM in the face of this. We the people are the weapon that has to rise against this tyranny and I pray states will start opposing the orders coming from the CDC and federal government.

Katherine Harms
August 3, 2021

It is blatantly obvious that some of our elected leaders believe they have a mandate to dictate. Our government is about serving the people, not about oppressing the people. Our Constitution recognizes the rights of states to do what is best for their people, no matter what people in Washington think. I believe government at every level best fits the model when they govern less, not more.

August 3, 2021

We thank you Lord for Gov. Reeves. Please continue to bless and guide him in decisions for his state. Thank you for the convictions he holds true to. May his example inspire and lead others to do the same across our nation and world. May those who take issue with his decisions be exposed for the lies they continue to try and multiply. In your holy name we pray amen.

Laura K
August 3, 2021

People have been conned into believing that masks will prevent this virus. Not so. All that happens is that we breathe back in the carbon dioxide that has been breathed out, causing it’s own problems. Let those who choose to wear one do so but let those who choose not to wear one be seen as having made their own decision based on their own consciences and dictated by their own health issues.

Lord, there is sooo much fear generated beyond what is acceptable by a virus that (I believe)is no worse than SARS, Ebola, influenza and others that I cannot name. I ask for healing for those affected and the connected effect upon their families. Lord have mercy I pray

August 3, 2021

My true gut feeling is that the mask use in most situations is a farce.
God, let the mighty presence of your Holy Spirit cover the entire state Mississippi with freedom to think and the clarity that Your truth will bring. Release this state from any cloud of darkness that suppresses the truth.You are freedom itself, You are the King of kings and Lord of lords, let Your government ways be released by revelation into Governor Reeves heart and understanding more and more.
Arise Oh Lord and let Your enemies be scattered! In Jesus’s Name

Lori Meed
August 3, 2021

It is time for citizens of this land to live as free people. It is time for each one to decide what God is telling them to do and to do it – en masse. Civil disobedience – not violent, not aggressive but prayerful – will send a message to those who would use this crisis to exert further control over the US population.

August 3, 2021

Thank GOD for governors that are exercising their constitutional right to govern their states free from federal control!
I believe once the USA reopened from the Wuhan Chinese Coronavirus illegal lockdowns, the CDC, the president, his lackeys, the evil one behind the scenes controlling the president and attempting to control America realized that: (A). Americans were exercising their GOD-given and Constitution-given freedom to choose Not to take the vaccine or to take it, and (B). were living their lives free from fear and government control; the controllers understand their time of control is OVER! Hence the new variant. Hence the new attempt at mask mandates by the CDC. Hence the new attempt to vaccinate every American while letting Illegal immigrants into our country unvaccinated and perhaps ill already with covid. Hence the new policy to allow Afghans (probably Taliban members) to enter America without vaccinations because we withdrew our troops!?! This government is about controlling Americans period! FATHER GOD we thank YOU for raising up Governors and Legislators in our States to protect Americans from federal control. We thank YOU that in America we have LIBERTY! Please strengthen our Governors with power and might in their inner man and protect them from all the evil ones in CHRIST JESUS’ Name I pray! Amen!

August 3, 2021

Father- bless Gov Reeves for choosing truth and freedom! Protect him and his family as he does so. Give him a louder voice and more of a platform to speak from. Raise up more and more people…who like him will speak up for truth and freedom.


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