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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we ask for Your grace and mercy over our economy. You have the answers to every question and the solution to each issue. We ask You to impart ideas and wisdom today to guide our policy makers' decisions, in Jesus' name.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

Home Depot co-founder Ken Langone explained that inflation is likely to be more than temporary.

During an interview with CNBC’s “Squawk Box,” Langone explained that policymakers are “going to take a white-hot fire and throw a five-gallon gas can on top of it.”…

“…I don’t believe this is temporary…”

“Maybe you’re going to need this $3.5 trillion thing,” said Langone in reference to the Democrats’ budget reconciliation plan, “but not now…”

“What I’m saying right now is, please, please, Congress…You’re playing with fire. If you’re wrong, the little guy…is going to get punished severely…”

Daily Wire reported on Tuesday that “average hourly earnings” in the United States improved…to $30.40 in June 2021 — a 3.6% increase. However, when considering inflation…which has risen by 5.3% since June 2020 — “real average hourly earnings” have decreased by 1.7% over the past year.

The fall in real wages has been accelerating for…2021. As of December, real average hourly earnings had risen year-over-year by 4.2%. In January, February, March, April, and May, the year-over-year rates declined to 3.8%, 3.4%, 1.6%, -1.7%, and -2.6%, respectively.

Are you being affected by inflation? Share your comments, and write your prayer over our economy and economic leaders below in the comments.

(Excerpted from The Daily Wire. Article by Ben Zeisloft. Photo Credit: Sharon McCutcheon/UnSplash).

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Les Young
August 17, 2021

Inflation is the inevitable result of printing more money with nothing to back it. The powers that be understand this and are in the process of bringing our economy into destruction so that they can install an entirely new economic system that will be digital so that they can control all of everyone’s money. Pray that God will raise up another system or that we be more prepared for the coming antichrist’s kingdom which is being installed.

August 4, 2021

This is quite a mess that we face economically. Spending recklessly and irresponsibly by our federal government must come to an end quickly. The idea of printing more money to deal with our shortfall is not a sustainable solution. We will be like Germany in the 1920’s, where a wheelbarrow of money would get people one loaf of bread. Sounds crazy, but that is where we are headed if we keep doing what we are doing financially. We will increase our national debt exponentially, and our money will become worthless. We cannot afford to continue this national nonsense. Lord, please, give Holy Ghost wisdom to the decision makers in our government to become fiscally responsible. In Jesus’ holy name.

August 4, 2021

We have been given the Keys to the Kingdom. Jesus said whatever we bind and loose, or allow and disallow in the earth will be allowed or disallowed in Heaven. We must call those things as they should be. We are not beggars but we are joint heirs. We are the Father’s governmental body in the earth. Stand up Saints and govern. We bind or disallow the thief working to steal and destroy from us. We loose the ministering angels to release blessing to the people of God as we give thanks with grateful hearts in Jesus’ name.

August 3, 2021

This hyperinflation will be devastating to everyone, but the “elites!” This “woke,” deceptive, arrogant, administration and Congress people are beyond disgraceful!
But, as Christians, the Word tells us, “I’ve never seen the righteous forsaken, or His seed begging for bread!!” “He will supply all of our need, according to His riches in glory, by Christ Jesus.” We have to hold on to that Word! I do not say that as a wealthy person, I am not, but I am a child of God! And….so are you! We need to be praying for one another, as never before, just as we pray for our nation.

August 3, 2021

Those of us on a fixed income, that do not receive any inflation adjustment on our retirement, will soon be at the mercy of these government policies and federal spending. The agenda of this administration, following the model of the World Economic Forum, is to break everyone and make us all dependent on the government to live and at the mercy of their policies. The intent is to assign each of us a social justice score to see how well we conform. We live in a perilous time. If ever we have needed to be praying and resisting this agenda, the time is now.

August 3, 2021

Those in charge of the government & especially this present administration put socialist believers in charge of the areas that spend, spend, spend other people’s money and futures because they planned it that way. Their goal is to destroy what was once a thriving economy set in place by the former administration. We have to accept the reality that the present administration does NOT care about the poor or middle class or people in general. We are there to be used by them to achieve their purposes of socialist utopia – that pipe dream that only exists in their mind. But again, they could care less because they don’t believe in repercussions or accountability for their actions. In essence, they don’t believe in God not do they fear Him. These are the same people who believe and force common core math or CRT or green new deals on America. They know that all of that garbage is a failure or fraud but admitting that would mean they were wrong or more so, that they purposely lied.
*Lord God, we desperately need You, your mercy, salvation and direction. Our nation is in deep trouble because we have abandoned you and your commands. Guide our nation back to you Lord. We need God fearing leaders to speak up and to replace the godless people in many areas of government, corporations, education, etc. We need men and women to step forth in godliness to lead their families. Help us Lord, for we are desperate for You. Guide us to find the ancient paths that You alone established. Amen.

    Karen E. Kendrick
    August 3, 2021

    Such a good prayer..
    In total agreement..

August 3, 2021

Father- the Congress is pushing forward an infrastructure bill this week. So large they cannot read it all, some say with blank pages that will be filled in later, a price tag of 1-5.5 Trillion is attached. Oh, Father we plead with you to work in the hearts of these men and women, both republican and democrat to say No. To veto this legislation that will bankrupt this country and rob us and our children economically. Raise up citizens to say no and demand their voice be heard. Oh, Father we have and continue to sin as a nation, we do not deserve mercy yet we ask for your mercy! You have a strong remnant at in this country…answer our prayers…hear our cries. Have mercy upon us…upon our children.

    Karen E. Kendrick
    August 3, 2021

    Yes..its always the Remnant
    God Bless The Remnant to stay strong in His Might..Never quit..Never give up..Outlast the enemy..Keep going forward with God and WE WILL WIN! GLORY!


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