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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, thank You that You have created us to be male and female. Your design and creation is beautiful, and we praise You for that!
Reading Time: < 1 minute

We are at a fraught turning point. In less than two decades we have morphed from a society that largely opposed same-sex marriage to a society that denies opposite sexes even exist…

And that biological foundation will be destroyed if it cannot be discussed…in honest, clear language.

When a medical school professor preemptively apologizes to students for “imply[ing] that only a woman can get pregnant,” we have entered the no-truth zone…

Forcing people to deny plain truth is how tyrants break their minds and spirits. That scientists would deny the truth voluntarily should really frighten us…

Even gender roles that are logical do not fit neatly with every individual’s anatomy or psyche..

In societies constructed largely by and for men, people who don’t fit a mold that wasn’t of their own making or choosing have suffered discrimination and despair. We can…correct these injustices without denying the biological facts that underlie and, in part, caused them.

Does that require overthrowing language and science? No.

There is a middle way. We must insist unfailingly on scientific fact even as we address injustice…

What is God speaking to you about recent developments in differentiating gender from sex, and the denial of biological sex? Please share your prayer below.

(Excerpted from The Pittsburg Post-Gazette. Article by Ruth Ann Dailey. Photo Credit: Julia Koblitz/Unsplash).

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Les Young
August 17, 2021

A doctor wrote a book several years ago which I am trying to relocate. He pointed out that there are 207 physical differences between human males and females. Major ones, aside from sex organs, are the wiring of the brain, density of bones, strength of muscles, location of organs, etc. The idiocy of denying physical realities is amazing, but it is, above all, a form of rebellion against our Maker and His design. Preferences to not have any affect on reality. We must pray that Truth and Light will be shed on America.

August 3, 2021

God created male and female, period. He created the family. For Christians, that should end any thought of compromising God’s Word! A spirit of deception is over America and I am shocked that people, who should know better, are going along to get along. Fear, that I never thought I would see, has a stronghold on Americans! God, help us to stand, boldly, for Your Word, without compromise!

    August 4, 2021

    It occurred to me, I wonder if things would be different, it PASTORS would preach what the Word of God says about this?? Our former pastor (who retired) was bold, strong, unafraid, to preach the whole Word. The pastor we have now is quite different! Bold, unafraid, godly, pastors could make a huge difference, I think! It is sad, that many church going believers have more courage than their pastors!!

    August 5, 2021

    But the cowardly, unbelieving, abominable, murderers, sexually immoral, sorcerers, idolaters, and all liars shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death.” Rev 21:8

August 3, 2021

I must admit, I am a hater. There, I said it! I hate the sin not the sinner. It is up to the Lord to judge them for their actions. Anyone espousing these false ideologies is guilty of the sin of “bearing false witness.” I find it unfathomable that any member of the scientific or medical communities can get behind any of these purely contrarian and errant beliefs. Babies do not feed on a chest but on a breast. Babies are born male or female and that is a biological fact. I don’t really care what someone feels like today, the fact is that they are male or female. The left continues to confuse facts with feelings. Facts tend to be immutable whereas feelings seem to ebb and flow with the weather!

Lord, we pray that your people will not remain silent in the face of falsehood and that they will speak truth and wisdom in the face of the foolish. Keep our hearts soft and do not let them harden and help us to live such that our example might soften the hearts of others. Amen.

Katherine Harms
August 3, 2021

For people who suggest we learn our morality from monkeys, it sounds extremely ridiculous that they suggest we cannot identify gender from either macrobiological body parts or from microbiological genetic material. Insane. The entire spectrum of living things has gender. All life requires input from each gender. There are other ways to propagate life, but no other way to create new life. I feel that I am living in a bad dream.

August 3, 2021

This is written very well and with compassion and consideration. Thank you.

Lori Meed
August 3, 2021

These lies are not new – the deceiver has always been causing us to question God: Did he really say…Our identity is intimately related to Gods identity – we are created in His image, male and female – and both genders must be allowed to freely live according to design. The exceptions cannot be allowed to override the rule, as it were. If we follow this wickedness we will be telling many who are in deception and bondage and despair that there is no way out. We, the ekklesia, are those that point to the Way, the Truth and the Life – Jesus. Heard a fabulous teaching on ‘eunuchs’ – yes you read that right – on Sunday which unpacked what the word actually means in Hebrew and what it means to choose a life of singleness for the kingdom. If we deny our God design, we shut down Gods ability to use each one of us uniquely and productively for the kingdom.

August 3, 2021

Father- in Genesis you created them male and female. Your word is truth…the father of lies knows that. He is using such confusion and mayhem…people are being deceived. Open up their eyes to truth, give courage and boldness to those who believe to speak the truth in love. Father, so much is hitting us from all angles: deception, fraud, lies, it is causing us to reel! Keep us centered and focused on You. May we respond in love and speak truth, May we not fear cancel culture or backlash. May we be filled with the Holy Spirit and stand up with a righteous boldness to shine your light in it…May we love others enough to share Jesus with them, regardless the cost.


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