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Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for all the laws that passed that will be protecting life!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

States have enacted a record number of pro-life bills in 2021 as the Supreme Court prepares to issue its verdict on the constitutionality of abortion restrictions.

Ninety abortion restrictions have been enacted in 2021, already surpassing the previous year-long record of 89 in 2011, according to the pro-abortion Guttmacher Institute. . . .

Arkansas and Oklahoma banned abortions in all cases except when the mother’s life is in danger. Four states passed “heartbeat bills”—which ban abortion after six weeks of pregnancy: Idaho, Oklahoma, South Carolina, and Texas. Montana banned abortion after 20 weeks of pregnancy. Other pro-life actions around the country included banning abortions of those born-alive, banning abortions of those diagnosed with Down syndrome or birth defects, and placing more regulatory safeguards on abortion providers. The initiatives have grown bolder as lawmakers look to a Court widely seen as more receptive to the pro-life position after former president Donald Trump appointed three justices during his term.

Pro-life activists say it is more than just judicial optimism that drives the movement. Voters at the state level have elected growing majorities of pro-life lawmakers and Republicans even as the GOP has lost power in Congress. . . .

Jeanne Mancini, president of the March for Life, said the increasing number of pro-life bills reflects the views of the public, which often contradict extreme pro-choice policies. A June poll from the Associated Press found that more than 60 percent of Americans oppose legalized abortion after the first trimester.

“As the Biden-Harris administration continues to force its extreme abortion agenda on the public, Americans have turned increasingly to the local level to have their voices heard,” Mancini told the Free Beacon. “The fact that states are enacting a record number of pro-life laws in 2021 is an indicator of where most Americans stand on the issue of abortion today.”

Robin Lundstrum, a Republican state representative in Arkansas, said that even with her state passing the strictest ban on abortion in the country, the work of pro-life legislators does not stop.

“There’s always something—a new twist coming out,” Lundstrum said. “Planned Parenthood will never rest. And neither should we. We will never grow weary of protecting life.”

(Excerpt from Washington Free Beacon. Picture credit:  Canva.)

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Marsha Bashor
July 11, 2021

Dear Heavenly Father, I thank you for all these bans in the various states that have taken place. I ask for many more states, all of them, to follow suit. Dear Lord, if it has to be done one ban by one ban, let it be done. But if it could be that Roe v Wade be overturned in one fell swoop, then please let it be done.
However it be done, please let it be done. And let our country be rid of this evil, and save our babies’ lives.
We ask again and again…your will be done!

July 11, 2021

May we see victory after victory for Pro-life! We will not rest either, until every abortion clinic is CLOSED, FOREVER!!! In Jesus Name! The KING OF KINGS and LORD OF LORDS, is on our side!! HE ALWAYS WINS,

Susan CC
July 11, 2021

Thank You for these victories Abba Father! May we have more as You open the floodgates of righteousness and safety for these who are being fearfully and wonderfully made. Please continue to empower all who fight for the unborn. Thank You Father, thank You Jesus, thank You Holy Spirit.

Susan CC
July 11, 2021

“Planned Parenthood will never rest…” Of course they won’t ….ever.

And in My anger, I swore that they would not enter My rest. It is we who have trusted who enter the rest. For anyone who enters God’s rest also rests from his own work, just as God did from His. Let us, therefore, make every effort to enter that rest, so that no one will fall by following their example of disobedience.”
Psalm 95:11; Hebrews 4:1-10,11

Dear Father in Heaven and earth, I pray that Planned Parenthood and all other organizations or individuals pursuing death and destruction for Your most innocent creations, would never have rest. May they work tirelessly in vain. May their every effort meet rebuke and shame. May they know no rest until they confess their wickedness and turn from this evil. I ask this in the MIGHTY NAME OF JESUS CHRIST. Amen


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