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I Prayed have prayed
Father, I come to you in Jesus’s Name and I ask that you would take all the “energy “ out of this Biden agenda to send out vaccination checkers into this nation. I ask that you would disperse the camp of satan, deflating all energy, and PUT CONFUSION INTO THE CAMP OF THE ENEMY. Instead of satan wearing us out, I pray we would WEAR him OUT, “because the gates of hell shall not pre- vail against the church.”
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Xavier Becerra, the federal Secretary of Health and Human Services, was being interviewed on CNN on Monday, insisting that the government has a right to know who has and hasn’t been vaccinated.

The interviewer, Brianna Keilar, asked Becerra about a recent tweet by Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX), made in furtherance of civil liberties and an individual’s right to privacy:

“How about don’t knock on my door. You’re not my parents. You’re the government. Make the vaccine available, and let people be free to choose. Why is that concept so hard for the left?”

Keilar asked Becerra, “I wonder if you can answer that criticism: ‘it’s none of the government’s business knowing who has or hasn’t been vaccinated.’ What do you say?”
“Brianna, perhaps we should point out that the federal government’s had to spend trillions of dollars to try and keep Americans alive during this pandemic, so it’s is absolutely the government’s business.”
“It is taxpayers’ business if we have to continue to spend money to try to keep people from contracting COVID and helping re-open the economy. And so it is our business to try to make sure Americans can prosper, Americans can freely associate and knocking on a door has never been against the law.”
Kieran then asked if even going door-to-door would be enough, citing Dr. Leana Wen, who said that “Biden needs to get behind proof of vaccination, starting with his own White House events …. it matters for everyone, including the vaccinated.”
Becerra responded, “Well, there are any number of ways to try and continue to make progress, and the President has demonstrated that he is open to moving in any direction we can to help Americans get safe, be safe, feel safe.”(Excerpt from PM. Photo by Getty.)

We loved this idea from an intercessor to share the Gospel with door knockers.  What do you think about the government going door to door to promote vaccination?

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Rosalie Skwiers
July 12, 2021

I live in Michigan there are help wanted signs all over the place. The last two years they had trouble finding US Census workers how are they going to find people to go door to door about vaccines? My husband worked the census the last two years it is very hard to find people home. How could this work. If it came to this I would not open my door. I don’t open the door to people I don’t know.

July 12, 2021

I feel what they are proposing is an invasion of privacy. it’s not their business whether I’ve been vaccinated or not. However, I’m sure they already know who has & hasn’t received the shot. When you go to your FB page & you see an ad addressing you & letting you know where you can go to receive the shot & even shows pictures of neighbors who’ve gotten the shot, you know they know. it’s a form of intimidation that they’re trying to use. So Father I pray that you continue to expose everything that has been covered up concerning this shot & the agenda behind it. Reveal truth concerning measures the medical field & scientists have tried to have implemented which have been pushed to the side to push this agenda. Overturn & I overthrow all attempts that the enemy has planned & May it all fall to the ground as nothing. Father protect those who have received this shot because of misleading information that has been communicated by those who have worked to deceive & confuse. You’re not the author of confusion but of peace. Let the healer & true peacekeeper be manifested here on the earth as you bring an end to the works of darkness. Let your kingdom come, let your will be done here on earth as it is in heaven in Jesus Name Amen.


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