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Lord, we pray for the LGBTQ+ community and the young generation. We pray that your radical love would encounter them and they would see themselves how you see them. Lord, heal any wounds that they might have from the church and have them see you rightly.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

I recently explained that, as much as I am sympathetic to the goals of LGBTQ+ Americans who feel that they are simply fighting for equality and freedom, I cannot support those goals for two reasons. The first is biblical: same-sex relationships and endless gender variations violate God’s best plan for humanity. The second is social: when we look at the trajectory of LGBTQ+ activism, we see that it ends up going in a very dangerous and destructive direction.

Recently, a man who identifies as a woman shocked patrons at a local spa when he exposed himself to the women and girls there. This led to protests condemning his behavior as well as defending his “rights,” with one protest turning violent thanks to the presence of Antifa.

To be sure, there were many in the LGBTQ+ community who were appalled, saying this is not what they stand for.

As reported on Fox News, Tammy Bruce “a member of the LGBTQ community herself, told Tucker Carlson on Monday that the exchange was troubling to many of her ‘transgender friends’ who found the individual’s behavior offensive.

“‘My concern here is that the average transgender person, and I have perhaps more transgender friends than some of the people watching the program, they are also appalled,’ Bruce said.”

So, the trajectory of which I am speaking is not that there will suddenly be an epidemic of biological males who claim to be females exposing themselves to women and girls. (Sadly, this has happened in the past, and it’s another reason why biological males should not have access to women’s bathrooms and locker rooms and the like.)

The trajectory of which I speak is the trajectory of social madness, resulting in headlines like this, from the Daily Mail: “Violent clashes break out in LA between rival protesters after viral video showed customer complaining about transgender woman exposing their penis to children in upmarket spa’s steam room.” . . .

And what of the dangerous trajectory in which some believe that this man has the “right” to such behavior since, after all, he is trans? Is not this some of the very child abuse of which some of us have been warning for years?

Speaking of child abuse, Mary Margaret Olohan recently posted an article titled, “‘You Should be in Prison’: Critics Slam WaPo Article Encouraging ‘Kink Culture’ for Children.”

As she explained, “‘A Washington Post op-ed published Tuesday [June 29] celebrates and encourages exposing children to ‘kink culture,’ such as explicit performances at pride parades.

‘Yes, kink belongs at Pride,’ reads the headline of writer Lauren Rowello’s Tuesday WaPo piece. ‘And I want my kids to see it.’”

As for Rowello, Olohan tells us that she is a “‘gendervague’ person who is married to a transgender woman.” Rowello “described how the couple attended a pride parade where their children were confused to see ‘a few dozen kinksters who danced down the street, laughing together as they twirled their whips and batons, some leading companions by leashes.’” . . .

This is parental child abuse, plain and simple, adding to the confusion these kids will already experience due to the gender identities of their parents. . . .

Of course, many in the LGBTQ+ community would be appalled at this as well, but that is not the issue. The issue is trajectory, and the fact is that it was the Washington Post – not even the Advocate or the Village Voice – that published this perverse editorial.

Yes, this is why we’ve been shouting from the rooftops for so many years. Just look at where this all leads. . . .

The reality – yes, let’s focus on reality – is that something is terribly wrong with the direction our society is going. If we don’t make a very serious about face, our children and their children will pay dearly.

Will we let this happen on our watch?

Write your thoughts on this article and prayers for America in the comments below! 

(Excerpt from ASKDrBrown. Article written by Michael L. Brown. Photo by )

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Rosalie Skwiers
July 12, 2021

Creator, Father God, I never cease to thank you for the USA .I thank you for our freedom of worship. I thank you for the life I have been able to live. God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory may a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of you sweep over our nation. Lord I am grateful for your blood with your blood in the name of Jesus I come against the unclean spirits that have sweep over our nation. With your blood I come against the unclean spirits that mocks you as Creator and mocks the marriage supper of the Lamb. I plead the blood of Jesus over the children of our nation. Lord I cry out to you send a spiritual awakening to our Land. Amen

July 12, 2021

Dear God save our children, grandchildren & great grandchildren from the perversion of this world. Deliver the innocent out of the hands of those who will confuse & abuse their innocence. Forgive us for turning blinded eyes to what had been happening in the background yet now has become quite visible in what we’re seeing & hearing because we stood by & remained silent. Father bring deliverance & restoration in this land now in Jesus Name Amen.


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