I Prayed have prayed
Lord, let our nation’s leaders be granted wisdom, knowledge, and understanding.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Three cheers for the Senate filibuster rule, which requires 60 votes to move a bill forward. Were it not for that, Democrats might’ve succeeded in ramming through a sweeping bid to federalize nearly all national election rules — mostly to benefit themselves.

Only 50 senators, none Republican, voted last week to advance the misnamed, 900-page “For the People Act” — 10 votes short of the requirement. The House had already passed it, again with not one Republican vote.

The bill would’ve restricted voter ID requirements, blocked states from purging ineligible voters, ushered in public campaign financing and even overruled state redistricting rules. Democrats pushed it in part to block Republican state legislatures, acting in accordance with their constitutional mandate, from tightening laws to curb voter fraud via stepped-up voter ID measures. . . .

Along with the filibuster, have Dems suddenly supporting voter ID: “No one has ever objected to having to prove who you are to vote,” says the party’s voting rights champ Stacey Abrams — after adamantly objecting to IDs in the past.

True, Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) has said he opposes the bill (though he voted to advance it after striking a deal) and, absent the 60-vote rule, he might’ve voted against it, ensuring its defeat anyway. But the filibuster’s role even in this case shows the value of forcing both parties to court at least some bipartisan support before making draconian changes.

Americans, after all, don’t want a single party, with the thinnest possible majority, rushing through a boatload of legislation that will transform the country. Yet that’s precisely the Dems’ goal; it’s why they want to scrap the filibuster now, after using it repeatedly to thwart Republican legislation when they were in the minority.

Fortunately, Manchin backs the 60-vote rule and argues that ditching it would further divide the country. Let’s hope he sticks to that, so Dems won’t be able to radically transform the nation without sufficient support.

What are your thoughts on the failure of the “For the People Act”? Let us know your thoughts and prayers for America in the comments below!

(Excerpt from New York Post. Article by Post Editorial Board. Photo by Leigh Vogel-Pool/Getty Images)

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July 1, 2021

Father in Heaven,
Thank you for this victory! You are continuously leading us forth in victory!

I pray for Joe Manchin and his family and all the Senators and Representatives and their families. I pray that you would put Joe Manchin and all the other senators and representatives in a framework of understanding and revelation, clarity and grace, to function out of the box of political agendas and conscience compromising policy making.
That their eyes of their understanding be open to the hope to which they are called .Awaken them…shake them loose from the bondage of the political spirit and crumble the unity of the mortar that is actually against and at war with Your laws and Your words. Set their consciences free through the sprinkling of the blood of the Lamb.
I see you shaking them loose from the dust of that mortar and standing them on their feet before You.
I see you blowing the wind of your Spirit on them and blowing off this debris and dust. I see you creating a framework of understanding in each of their lives, that by grace, will draw them to you and help them to know You.
Give them such freedom from the political party spirit. Pour out your Spirit upon them. May they come to be set free from their bondage to decay and obtain the glorious liberty of the children of God.
In Jesus’s Name Amen.

Tulsi Rose
June 29, 2021

Thank you God draw this nation closer to you and please let the latter rain begin ! In Jesus’s name I pray!

Rebecca Swann
June 29, 2021

Lord, this is the 3d or 4th time that Senator Manchin has put a foot in some legislation that would have been bad for everyone as well as Christians. You have placed him in a district of Democrats and Republicans and he must keep them happy. I thank you that you placed him there and that he does care about his constituents in a time when many legislators are not thinking. I thought he would turn this time but he came through. I thank you for changing his mind and I pray that you would bless him as well as Kirsten Sinema. I also pray that you would bless them with this mindset even more to stand up and disrupt bills that are dangerous. Pour in new wisdom as they do their jobs and most of all, draw them to you. I thank you again for these and the other 8 who voted against this. Thank you Lord that even with different Presidents you can keep the country or part of it following you. To Him who sits on the throne. Amen and Amen

Claire Taylor
June 29, 2021

Thank You Lord Jesus for defeat of this bill and for not giving up on the United States of America! 2 Chronicles 7:14 is on the hearts, minds and prayers of Your people who love You and stand by Your Word. We ask for Your plans and strategies to be implanted into Your people who are in all leadership positions to turn this country back to it’s biblical principles it was founded on. In the Mighty Name of Jesus- Amen 🙏🏻✝️🙌🏻🔥

Marsha Bashor
June 29, 2021

Thank you Lord for hearing our prayers and for the defeat of this bill. This bill which we prayed for from its inception.
Yes, Joe Manchin was against this bill, but has proposed another version of this bill that we need to pray against it passing, because it has some of the same things in it.
So therefore, Lord, we ask that this other version would be defeated also, in Jesus’ name.
We must keep up with the enemy’s tactics and ask our Lord to prevail in everything.

david camarillo
June 29, 2021

“The For The People Act” should have been named, “For The Democrats Act” because that’s exactly what it was intentionally made for. Thank God for Sen. Joe Manchin and his decision to see beyond the party line that their bill would definitely divide this nation. We pray that God would open the democrats eyes to see like Sen. Manchin sees and that we would come together as one in this nation. Thank you Lord for all the republicans that voted NO for this bill and their leadership and keep them going in the right direction for the sake of this nation and the world. In Jesus Mighty name I pray. Amen and amen.


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