I Prayed have prayed
Father God, have mercy on all of the people who are waiting to hear about their loved ones and those who already are grieving loss. Thank You for the people of Israel who have come to help.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

At least 35 of the 159 people still missing after the terrifying condo collapse in south Florida are thought to be Jewish, and Israel has sent crews from Tel Aviv to help the rescue effort.

Search-and-rescue teams from Israel arrived in Florida to search for survivors in the ruins of what is left of the 12-story building, WPLG reported Saturday. Mexico sent a team as well, Reuters reported.

Volunteers with Hatzalah, an emergency medical service organization for Jewish communities around the world, also came to the site to support local firefighters and rescue workers, according to reports.

Israel is also providing food, clothes, medication and other aid for the rescue effort, Israel’s Consul General Maor Elbaz-Starinsky told The Times of Israel Friday.

Elbaz-Starinsky said more than two dozen of the missing were Jewish and had links to Israel. It was not immediately clear if any were Israeli citizens. Some are believed to be Orthodox Jews from Russia, he said. (Excerpt from New York Post.)

Israeli Prime Minister Naftali Bennett appears to have shunned or side-stepped President Joe Biden this past weekend by not calling him to offer support and condolences after the condominium building collapse in the predominantly Jewish city of Surfside, Florida.

Prime Minister Bennett instead made the head of state call to Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Saturday shortly before deploying the Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) elite Home Front Command search & rescue unit to South Florida. . . .

After a family member of one of the unaccounted for residents of the Champlain Tower called for Israel to send search and rescue help, Prime Minister Bennett answered the call and phoned Gov. DeSantis to offer his support. An appreciative DeSantis welcomed the help and thanked Bennett after the prime minister told him he would be sending the IDF unit. . . .

Neither of two Twitter handles affiliated to President Biden or the official White House handle, or Press Secretary Jenn Psaki two handles, mentions the president having a conversation with the Israeli prime minister.

According to Israel’s official state Twitter handle, Consul General Maor Elba Starinsky offered support to DeSantis hours after the structure fell, saying that “the people of Israel stand together with the people of Florida.” 

The Floridian has reached out to the White House for comment but has yet to hear back from anyone. (Excerpt from Floridian Press. Picture Credit: Getty Images.)

How are you praying for the families in Florida who have lost loved ones?

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ofelia R claudio
June 30, 2021

O Lord of heaven’s armies! Dispatch Your angel armies to rescue those still under the rubble and help/guide/ protect the rescue operations teams, especially those from Israel, as they go through the rubble in hopes of finding/rescuing those buried under. In Yeshua’s Name, we pray! As Moses once prayed, “Show forth Your glory/goodness, Lord, to both the rescuers and those being rescued, that all may know You, the One True God of both Jews and Gentiles!

Toni Kushner
June 29, 2021

What a blessing to our Nation and the State of Florida, may this be a time when Jew and Gentile come together and bring glory to Your Name.

Marilyn J Scraver
June 29, 2021

“Thank you, Father, for supplying the help from both Israel and Mexico to work through what’s left. Strengthen the workers and protect them, please.” And a big THANK YOU to Israel and its leadership for it’s helps as well big THANKS to Mexico and its leadership for the workers sent to help out.

June 29, 2021

God Bless the Israelites, a Nation actually helping America!

June 29, 2021

How telling and revealing, that Israel’s Prime Minister Bennett should sidestep a President who poses as a “leader” but offers no value to the country; only discard and shallowness. Praise the Lord for the wisdom of Governor DeSantis to receive Israel’s help, and to uphold strong leadership in this tragedy in his state. May other Governor’s pick up the mantle of freedom and sovereignty for the people of their states…..Republican and Democrat. Please move with miracles of survival and life to those still not rescued. Comfort families who are grieving or still hoping to hear of life for their loved ones. Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ….move with power and mercy over these people.

June 29, 2021

Father, only You can supply all of the needs that the families in Florida have. You are a God of mercy, Your mercies are new every morning, great is Your faithfulness. Give the families Your peace, that passes all understanding, at this time. Thank you for the help and compassion, from our friend, Israel. Bless them. Protect those working so hard to rescue people, Lord. Thy will be done, in Jesus name.

June 29, 2021

What a wonderful report! The unity and solidarity of the people of Israel (all Jews) is very moving. May these efforts, and the chosen people of God be blessed.

June 29, 2021

Yahweh, LORD I thank You for this exceptional team from the IDF with expertise in disaster recovery. I pray fir their safety and that you sustain them in the very hot and humid conditions in which they are working. Return unto Israel hundred fold for their support to Florida in this event.
I pray for all working on this rescue that they be sustained by You supernaturally and have a revelation of Your love and goodness.to them.
May each Jewish person come to know Yeshua HaMashiach.
May all others know the love of Jesus Christ as Jews and gentiles work united in this daunting rescue and recovery operation
Blessings to all nations that have sent help. We the people of Florida love you

Rosalie Skwiers
June 29, 2021

Father God I pray for the peace of Jerusalem. I plead Lord while this team is here from Israel they be welcomed and well received. May the scales on their eyes fall off and while here may they find Jesus. This effort is emotionally painful looking for people alive or dead while they face it may they find you. Comfort families waiting to find loved ones with your peace that passes all understanding.Protect the workers while they search. May people find the love of God during this time. In your holy name Jesus I pray. Amen

Marsha Bashor
June 29, 2021

Dear Lord , please send your compassion and comfort to the families of their loved ones who have lost their lives in this tragic collapse of a condo building. Move upon them to come to you for salvation. And bless and help the rescuers who are searching for more people.
Thank you for precious Israel coming to help. I pray blessing on those individuals also.
I ask that the authorities will look into the safety of the other condos on that beach, in Jesus’ name.

June 29, 2021

I bless all officials in Israel for their help. I ask Father God to comfort all families in their loss. I pray safety for all who participate in this recovery. I pray that the heart of our government be softened toward the needs of the Floridians and that recovery be expedited in Jesus name.


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