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Lord, we pray for our President and the division in our country. The enemy was defeated over 2,000 years ago on the cross. We know the victory has already been won, would you make that victory so real to us in our country!
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President Biden said Thursday that the U.S. has not been so divided since the days of the Civil War and suggested that Donald Trump was to blame.

“The third reason I was running [for president] was to unify the country. Well, folks, it’s never been as divided as it is today, never been as divided as it is today since the Civil War,” Biden said in remarks in Raleigh, North Carolina, where he was pushing residents to get vaccinated. “And folks, it’s such a waste of talent. It’s such a waste of time. And the rest of the world is looking at us. The rest of the world is wondering, can we really lead the world again? . . .

Biden urged young people, in particular, to get vaccinated, warning of the fast-spreading Delta variant of the conronavirus. “I call for June to be the month of action to get folks vaccinated so we can all enjoy the Fourth of July with our independence from the virus.”

The White House had set a goal of having 70% of Americans with at least one COVID shot by Independence Day but has acknowledged it will fall short of this goal.

The president also said the reason it had been harder to convince African Americans to get vaccinated initially is that “They’re used to being experimented on.”

“It’s awful hard as well to get Latinx vaccinated,” Biden continued. “Why? They’re worried that they’ll be vaccinated and deported.”

Biden said the Delta variant, now the most common form of COVID in the U.S., is “more easily transmissible” and “potentially deadlier and especially dangerous to young people.”

Only 55% of adults in North Carolina have received at least one COVID shot, where 66% nationwide are at least partially vaccinated.

(Excerpt from Fox News. Article written by Morgan Phillips. Photo by Mark Makela/Getty Images)

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June 26, 2021

Someone should tell Biden, yes, the WORLD is looking at you and how weak and incoherent and divisive, YOU, and your administration are!! This man has no moral compass, no wisdom and no clue! His arrogance and pride are his downfall. Unfortunately, America is being torn apart and deeply hurt by him and his cohorts! He spews lies about different races, constantly! One “tool” he is using against all of us is the Covid vaccine! If Covid vaccinations are his “goal,” God help us! This is, and always has been, one of the most deceptive, corrupt, men in Washington. But now, he is also mentally incoherent! We really do need a miracle!!

Susan CC
June 26, 2021

“…And the rest of the world is looking at us. The rest of the world is wondering, can we really lead the world again? ”

Abba Father, this man is the work of Your Hands. You knit him together in his mother’s womb; knowing each and every day of his life before one was lived. I pray with all the authority that I have in Jesus Christ, save Joe Biden. Lord, we know he is a taking direction from others. Lord, we know he an imposter as he protests a myriad of problems yet ignoring the most glaring…his lack of trust in You. I pray to You with humility because I too am a sinner but I pray to You with the power of eternity because I am saved. I pray You would do a new thing in Joe Biden by letting him know “it is a worthless gain to own the whole world, yet forfeit his soul? I pray this man will know true religion, the one You accept as pure and faultless…to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world. Show Joe Biden that he is not alone, let him feel Your love Father. Let him know in his spirit these words of Jesus Christ, “…be at peace…take courage, I have overcome the world.” Thank you Lord. Amen


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