I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray for the people in America. We pray that your love would encounter each person that doesn't know you. Lord, you must be the center of this country. We can do nothing without you, would you unify us.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The New York Times’ Mara Gay made yet another astounding claim on Thursday’s “Morning Joe” when she attributed the spike in violent crime not only to a lack of federal gun-control laws, but also to the “general upheaval” in the country. . . .

Gay did not name the pandemic as the specific cause of this “upheaval,” but others have used similar language. Law professor John Pfaff, for example, tweeted as much on May 14 in response to a Politico article suggesting the Black Lives Matter protests played a role in the current spike in crime, though the left-leaning website notably didn’t say so specifically.

“The exchange exhibited the central role public safety has taken in the eight-way Democratic primary, as gun violence escalates throughout the city one year after anti-police protesters occupied the streets,” Politico wrote in a report about a debate featuring the Democratic New York City mayoral candidates.

Pfaff took issue with the linkage of the “anti-police protesters” to the spike in violence.

“The protests weren’t the only thing that happened in 2020! There was also a pandemic that shut down schools, upended the economy etc etc etc,” Pfaff tweeted.

But civil rights attorney Hans Bader wrote at the time “recent spikes in violent crime aren’t due to COVID-19 or the economy: homicides fell during the 2007-2009 recession, and in many other countries, murder rates actually went down during the COVID-19 pandemic.”

London, for example, saw a 16% decline in its murder rate in 2020, even though England’s economy shrunk 9.9% during the pandemic, while America’s shrunk only 3.5%. In Italy, murders fell by 14%. Murders in France declined 2% in 2020, while Japan is seeing its lowest murder level since World War II.

Meanwhile, in America, shootings have increased 97% in 2020 and continue to rise now. Democrats like Gay and others blame America’s gun laws, even though crime rates aren’t increasing in places that have instituted more gun freedom, like adopting constitutional carry laws.

What is clear to most – except for the Left – is that the rise in violence coincided with anti-police rhetoric and laws as well as lawlessness in major cities across the U.S. following the police-involved death of George Floyd. The treatment of police by Democrats and their media supporters led to massive resignations and retirements in the police force.

The New York Times addressed the issue after the Asheville Police Department in North Carolina announced it had lost 84 officers and would no longer be able to respond to numerous crimes, including theft from a vehicle if there is no suspect information and simple assaults reported after they occurred. The Times reported on one cop’s experience:

As protests surged across the country last year over the death of George Floyd at the hands of the Minneapolis police, Officer Lindsay C. Rose in Asheville, N.C., found her world capsized.

Various friends and relatives had stopped speaking to her because she was a cop. During a protest in June around Police Headquarters, a demonstrator lobbed an explosive charge that set her pants on fire and scorched her legs.

She said she was spit on. She was belittled. Members of the city’s gay community, an inclusive clan that had welcomed her in when she first settled in Asheville, stood near her at one event and chanted, “All gay cops are traitors,” she said.

Rose took months off but decided to leave the force when she returned, after serving for seven years. She joined the 84 officers who quit. . . .

A lack of support for law and order along with an implicit acceptance of violence and destruction did far more to raise crime rates than the pandemic, which kept people home and away from others.

Even though the Times reported on this phenomenon, it doesn’t appear to have set in with Gay.

Do you agree that the Pandemic was not the main cause of increased crime in America? Let us know your thoughts and prayers for America in the comments below!

(Excerpt from The Dailywire. Article written by Ashe Schow. Photo by Jon Cherry/Getty Images)

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June 27, 2021

Lawlessness, is all over this country, and it is a huge problem! The “pandemic” was the perfect storm to escalate what was already “planned.” The rise in violence occurred because of groups like BLM (Marxist) group, anti-police rhetoric, in primarily Democratic run cities, although some in Republican areas also. You cannot denegrade police and allow this kind of disrespect to them. Also, look at the innocent people who have been beaten, killed, businesses burned, etc. as well as the law officers de-humanized!! This administration has not, and will not, do anything to stop this lawlessness, in fact, they do everything to escalate it! This is all about “fundamentally changing” America, that’s all!! Believers should stand, strong, against this, peacefully, and prayerfully.


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