I Prayed have prayed
Lord, let our nation’s leaders be granted wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. We pray for unity in the church!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Newspaper readers and news-watchers these past few weeks have been treated to a running analysis from pundits and reporters on whether Catholic politicians should be under different rules than the other billion less-famous Catholics.

It’s not shocking that The New York Times and their friends think the Catholic Church ought to abandon millennia of moral teaching to suit Western left-wing policies, but a funny thing arises throughout their coverage: The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops are called “conservative” or even “deeply conservative,” Pope Francis and President Joe Biden are referred to as “liberal” allies, and a discussion of ancient church doctrine — and its 60 years of declining influence — somehow revolves around former President Donald Trump, who isn’t Catholic and hasn’t said anything about this. . .

“Conservative American Catholic bishops are pressing for a debate,” The New York Times reported June 14, “over whether Catholics who support the right to an abortion should be allowed to take Communion.”

Five days later, after the bishops declined to be cowed by the Times’ completely false reporting, the same writer upgraded the gathering to the laughably false moniker, “the deeply conservative American bishops conference.” . . .

“Pope Francis and President Biden, both liberals, are the two most high-profile Roman Catholics in the world,” the Times declared Sunday.

So it’s no wonder the left and its defenders and scribes in corporate media don’t understand Catholicism. Through the lens of American politics, how could they? But the rest of us ought to understand the danger here isn’t that they simply don’t understand, but that they seek to undo the barriers and rule over everything. And while the elite class is chock-full of miseducation to be sure, you better believe that more than a few of them know exactly what they’re doing. . . .

How are you praying for unity in the body of Christ? Let us know in the comments below!

(Excerpt from The Federalist. Article written by Christopher Bedford. Photo by UnSplash)

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Shirley p
June 28, 2021

The biggest mistake of the Catholic Church is formalism, man made traditions established…opening up great potential for secret sexual sins…caused by..Pope-ism…much like dictatorialism…forbidding priests to marry, nuns also…and confessions made to a priest who is not sinless either….only the trinity of God the Father, Christ the Son and the Holy Spirit can bring forgiveness for mankind’s sinfulness. All Born again believers in Christ for remission of sins are called the Bride of Christ and Christ Jesus is our Heavenly Bridegroom.…and Christ came to bring freedom to enter into a marriage on earth between a man and a woman to create a family…children which are described as..precious blessings to carry on the love and obedience to God. We who are saved, Born again are also called “children of God”!

So is there any surprise there is so much confusion…when man is choosing tradition over scripture..something we can all be careful of….even when Born Again or not, Jesus Christ is the only grace God the Father has chosen to accomplish His Heavenly, Eternal salvation. We have all been given free choice to believe in and receive Jesus as God’s One and Only…The Messiah, Savior for the world…Jesus is also the Only High Priest, intecessor to The Father concerning our sin confessions…we go to God in His name, Amen!


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