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Lord God, we pray that our children would be taught what is true and right. Stir your people to action.
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Everybody is talking about critical race theory in the local public schools. Here is a story of a parent fighting it in Rhode Island and parents forcing it in Virginia.

Rhode Island:

Rhode Island mother Nicole Solas is taking action against her daughter’s school district for refusing to share information on race theory-based curriculum.

Solas joined “Tucker Carlson Tonight” on Thursday to express her frustration with district management, and shared that school guidelines bar teachers from calling their students “boys and girls” and rethinks the American foundations of Thanksgiving.

After Solas’ inquiry on curriculum via public records request through the Access to Public Records Act, a member of the school board accused her of being “racist” during a public hearing.

“That is a patently false, outrageous, defamatory statement that should be retracted and the chair of the school committee should resign immediately,” Solas defended. “This is what they do. They smear people who ask them questions, who disagree with them and it’s just a false accusation of racism that they use to bully you into silence.”

“They reduce everyone down to the color of their skin and a human being’s worth is more than that.” (Excerpt from Fox News.)


Parents, teachers, and officials in Albemarle County, Virginia, are circulating a radical petition calling for the board of Albemarle County Public Schools (ACPS) to bar parents from opting their children out of courses promoting Critical Race Theory (CRT) and gender theory, arguing that allowing such an option would be at the “exclusion to families of color and to LGBTQIA+ students and families.”

As ACPS’s radical policies gain ground, concerned parents have been attempting to opt their children out of courses that they believe are “fundamentally racist,” and, in the case of gender theory, “should be left up to parents to teach their kids.” However, as Breitbart News reported:

[O]ne concerned parent … told Breitbart News that when she sought to opt her student out of CRT, [Joseph T. Henley Middle School] Principal Beth Costa initially said “you can choose not to have your child participate.” Despite this, “Diversity Resource Teacher” Chris Booz — who helps write the curricula for the entire county — immediately corrected Costa, saying the radical ideology “is going to be woven through in all of the classes in Albemarle County.”

Activists in the County are circulating a petition — which has, as of the time of writing, obtained more than 350 signatures, at least 47 of which are from ACPS teachers and administrators including Costa — in which they seek to force radical curricula on children whose parents have not consented. (Excerpt from Breitbart.)

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June 6, 2021

Critical race theory is undoubtedly one of the biggest threats to our children, and our country, that we have ever had! Christians, in particular, better wake up!! This SHOULD HAVE, Christians, in every school district in America, getting out to their schoolboard meetings, and speaking up against this evil teaching!! Parents, grandparents, you will regret, deeply, if you allow your children to be taught this brainwashing agenda! Please, don’t let your children be taught this Marxist/Socialist propaganda. This is too important to ignore! It is NOT going away, unless we come against it!!


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