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Father, we ask that You bring true repentance to our nation. Heal our land and may we be more united than ever before.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

The New York Times manufactured a “racial panic and hysteria” with its 1619 Project to deflect from the collapse of the fraudulent narrative of former President Donald Trump’s “collusion” with Russia, Alex Marlow, Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief and author of Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption, said during a livestream on Facebook and Instagram.

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Marlow stated, “The reason why I think [the 1619 Project] came to be as popular as it is was that it was a replacement — it was like that scene in Indiana Jones where he takes the bag of sand … he tries to take the monkey statue and knock it off — for the Russia collusion hoax, and I’ve got the data and the quotes to back it up.”

Breaking the News details the political calculations made by the New York Times in its attempt to frame Trump as some form of Manchurian candidate in service to the Russian state, Marlow remarked. . . .

Marlow remarked, “I show you what I’ve learned in my research looking into the New York Times, looking into their public pronouncements, what they’ve been telling their staff, what they’ve been telling their boardrooms, and they knew that they were on the run after the Mueller report.”

Special counsel Robert Mueller’s failure to identify any evidence of conspiracy or collusion between Trump and the Russian government undermined left-wing news media’s campaign against the 25th president, Marlow determined.

“After the Mueller report came out, they were big trouble, and they had structured their entire newsroom around this hoax that Trump had colluded with Russia to rig an election, and when their beloved hero Saint Robert Mueller let them down by reporting the truth, they were left pretty much rudderless.” . . .

Marlow described the New York Times‘s business model as “not about reporting the truth,” but “guiding their base — the resistance moms, the people [whose] main identity was hatred of Trump — guiding them in a certain direction.”

The New York Times‘ “woke agenda” and “overall business plan” is the development of “racial panic,” “hysteria,” and “neo-racism [as] the focal point of their newsroom,” Marlow concluded.

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(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by ROBERT KRAYCHIK. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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May 27, 2021

I truly believe that Christians, when sorting through any news they watch, read and listen to…must first ask God to help them discern what is really going on.
Almost everything in “public political statements” is about timing. Here’s a breakdown on how these statements apply to false or altered news facts and what the ‘internal stated goal is from that source’.
1) intent to deceive
2) intent to deflect
3) intent to directly shift blame
4) intent to “seed” (to get the ball rolling)
5) intent to create and feed fear
6) intent to create doubt
7) intent to displace {remove or generate change}
8) intent to directly damage {reputation, success, etc.}
9) intent to sway perception, viewpoint, etc.
10) intent to cause hatred and separation
It is sad to know that many of today’s news & political organizations, parties and individuals employ certain people for the sole purposes of feeding us news with the above numbered intentions. Their goal is NOT truth or facts. It is to control your mind and the outcome.
Let us ask God daily that truth will be heard, falsehoods will be exposed and that there will be a revival of lasting truth that will permeate and change those who work for or own news corporations. The same prayers for our government and businesses.

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