I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray about this corruption and wickedness and ask that You keep our nation far from it. We need You Father.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

From the beginning of COVID’s outbreak in China, there’s been a steady drumbeat of information saying the Chinese created COVID in a lab and, accidentally or on purpose, unleashed it on the world.  The World Health Organization, the Democrats, the Deep State, and the tech tyrants managed to suppress that information in 2020, but it’s roared back this year.  Tucker Carlson put the pieces together in his opening monologue and, with help from Chinese scientist Li-Meng Yan, makes it plain that, even if China didn’t deliberately release the virus, it turned it into a weapon of biological warfare by withholding information about it.

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Here’s Tucker’s monologue.  . . .

. . .

1. The video above does not include Tucker’s most recent interview with Dr. Yan.  She again makes it clear that China created this virus in the lab.  Then she says something ominous: that the virus, because it’s been weaponized, almost certainly has dangerous effects on humans that go beyond the obvious first phase sickness.

2. To the extent that Dr. Fauci used taxpayer money to illegally fund gain of function research in China, allowing the Chinese communist party and its military to weaponize viruses, including COVID, firing is not good enough.  He needs to be criminally charged for what he’s done.

3. Again, if China deliberately released COVID, that’s a clear act of biological warfare.  However, even if China’s deplorably sloppy habits resulted in the virus being only accidentally released, China became culpable when it (a) failed to take timely steps to quarantine the virus within its own borders by stopping, rather than encouraging, foreign travel and (b) failed to give the world information it possessed about the virus.  Again, this is an act of war.

4. Currently, while Joe Biden likes to talk a little bit tough about China, his actions have been anything but tough.  One of Biden’s first acts was to suspend Trump’s Executive Order 13920, which stopped anything that might allow a foreign adversary (e.g., China) from getting near America’s electric grid.  And while Biden is holding surprisingly strong on trade, he just allowed his government to end Trump’s ban on U.S. investment in Chinese technology.  Biden even banned federal workers from saying “China virus.”  It’s also clear that secretary of state Blinken is out of his league in dealing with the Chinese.

To date, rough estimates are the COVID has killed between 3.5 and 8 million people worldwide, and, as India shows, the virus is still claiming new victims.  This cannot go unpunished.  China needs to be completely isolated from the world in terms of trade, travel, and the flow of money and goods.

5. Just as a reminder, a top Chinese academic has already admitted that this was biological warfare, and he claimed victory for China.  As Tucker Carlson’s analysis shows, this is not mere puffery.  . . .

Share your comments on China unleashing Covid to the world in the comments below!

(Excerpt from American Thinker. Article by Andrea Widburg. Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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May 26, 2021

Of course China is responsible for this virus! If President Trump were in, they would pay a price, however, this administration will do nothing. We should also realize, by now, that Fauci has always known this! Fauci is one of the most immoral, deceitful, people in this country! He has been responsible for the worst “regulations, rules and mandates” this country has ever seen! Thanks to him, and people like him, government now has unbridled control over us! Of course, I’m convinced, that if American people would WAKE UP, this could be stopped! At some point, Americans have to decide what they are willing to allow and put up with! This administration, Fauci, and others, are so afraid that the American people WILL wake up!! Lord, please, let America awaken, now, in Jesus name.

May 26, 2021

Father let there be a nationwide wake up call. That our wake up call be prompted by your grace to open our hearts to you, to Jesus our Lord and Savior.You are our shield, our protection from evil. Help us to put you first, to seek you first, to love you with all our hearts.

Marcia S Bean
May 26, 2021

I am praying regularly that God our father will bring about truth to those who have yet to see the truth. I pray for removing the scales from all our eyes that we may see the truth and the God’s righteousness will prevail. We all need Road to Emmaus moments to see what we might not yet see. Praying that God will protect America’s and Israel’s and all the world’s believers in God and Jesus Christ and be stricken and touched by our Holy Spirit, in the Bible to repent of our sins and follow Christ. Most especially I pray for truth about the China virus, dear God let the world see what China is trying to do to us with it Communist Party, let the world see what Hamas and Iran are trying to do to Israel. Protect us Lord, we are your sheep. I ask this all in JESUS Name. Amen

May 26, 2021

Tucker Carlson is “fearless”! He is right up there with President Trump, Mike Lindell & Dave & Kris Kubal who put “America First” & let the chips fall where they may! “Father God, thank U for raising up courageous Americans who love our country & are committed to TRUTH. They are living out II Chronicles 7:14: If my people who are called by My name will humble themselves & pray & seek My face & turn from their wicked ways I will hear from Heaven & will forgive their sin & heal their land.” Lord, there is so much healing to be done! Facing the TRUTH when it is exposed takes courage, too! Will U open our hearts & minds to face & deal with the TRUTH about China’s desire to destroy America. We will do our part. We wait on U to heal our land. In Jesus’ precious name, Amen.”

May 26, 2021

I have been saying this all along. The Chinese are extremely guilty. The problem is, what will be done about it? I highly doubt that anything will happen while Biden is our President. When it comes right down to doing anything, he is spineless and all talk, no action. It is quite an upsetting state of affairs. Lord Jesus, we need Your intervention. I pray that You would deal with the guilty parties who started this whole mess. Please, cause them to repent over the terrible situation that they have created. I ask for this in Jesus’ mighty name.


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