I Prayed have prayed
Lord, we pray that against the negative affects of social media on our culture today. May Your presence abound in our nation. Bring revival.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

“Some in the crowd shouted one thing and some another, and since the commander could not get at the truth because of the uproar, he ordered that Paul be taken into the barracks” (Acts 21:34). The apostle Paul was a titan who told the truth. It was often rejected. Wherever he went there was either a revival or riot!

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The historical account from the passage above indicates there was mob violence and turmoil preventing him from communicating. Sound familiar? This same tactic is prevalent today both in public settings and platforms of social media.

Recently Facebook’s oversight board upheld banning President Donald Trump from their platform. Rasmussen reports 48% of Americans oppose this action. The Commander in Chief who was the most powerful person on the planet garnering 75 million voters with 88 million Twitter followers and 35 million on Facebook was “taken into the barracks.”

Opponents Celebrate

The avowed Marxist leaders of Black Lives Matter celebrated the decision along with radical leftists who have taken over the Democrat party. Prior to the decision BLM issued a statement/threat/demand that Donald Trump be banned forever and also from ever running for political office.

Opponents also succeeded in getting Senator Josh Hawley’s (R-MO) new book “The Tyranny of Big Tech” stopped (until a courageous publisher released it and it is now a number one Amazon best seller!).

In the investigation of the Capitol Hill rioting, there was not one shred of evidence that Mr. Trump incited an insurrection as was originally claimed and it was established that the one police officer who died was not shot but died from a stroke, even as his mother had said from the beginning.

Although it was not given much coverage, the fact remains that after the upheaval Mr. Trump issued a statement on Twitter repudiating the lawlessness and pledging his support for an orderly transition for Mr. Biden, reaffirming his longstanding commitment to law and order. Did you know this?

Nevertheless, in America where every citizen has First Amendment rights to freedom of expression – freedom of speech and freedom of the press –
Mr. Trump is censored. This has implications for every single one of us.

The mission of Facebook remains: “To make the world more open and connected.”

If Mr. Trump is deemed “dangerous and a threat” then why does Facebook allow brutal dictators and subversive organizations free reign? And why did Amazon, Apple and Google shut down the app for a conservative alternative “Parler”?

Something’s wrong with this picture.

Why Silence Opposition?

Years ago there was a major speech being given on the campus of a university in the Nation’s Capital. A mystic from India was billed as a spiritualist, god-like figure bringing love, peace and enlightenment to our generation. Dressed in flowing robes and seated on an elevated throne of floral bouquets, the fakir (pun intended) spoke to the college students with a syrupy accent sharing spooky psychobabble.

At the end I stood up in the middle of the auditorium and asked him if he believed that Jesus was the only true God who came to redeem us from our sins?

He quickly deflected my inquiry as numerous people in the crowd shouted me down!

Their purpose: silence opposition and suppress truth. Socialist and communist activists do the same to squelch people from knowing the truth that their totalitarian form of government is intent on seizing private assets and controlling lives from cradle to grave through a centralized form of government. It’s accomplished incrementally and subtly but controlling the press and stifling free speech is paramount in defeating prevailing traditional thought.

In the classic book, “The Naked Communist” outlining the specific goals for a communist takeover of America, it cites taking control of one political party, the press and schools.  Cancel Culture is nothing new, it’s simply repackaging an insidious strategy that has deceived hundreds of millions worldwide and is happening in our nation right now.

Who’s on Facebook?

Take a stroll with me down Facebook Lane to see who these arbiters of political correctness feature as Mr. Trump was given the heave-ho.

If Donald J. Trump is “a danger and a threat,” how about the following (deleting “addresses” to avoid providing additional notoriety):

Communist China: Their news agency has 90 million Facebook followers; People’s Daily – 865 million; Global Times – 62.8 million; CCTV – 49.8 million; CTGN – 116 million.

Facebook makes mega millions in China (profit precedes patriotism). The Communist government censors their own 700 million Internet users! This is a totalitarian regime involved in massive religious persecution and genocide; Hong Kong and Taiwan bullying; requirements that every Christian pledge loyalty to China over God; no one under 7 is allowed to attend Christian events.

Russia: The Kremlin site has 86,000 Facebook followers and Vladimir Putin has over 3 million. Putin is a communist dictator and former KGB head.

• Cuba: This police state with killings and kidnappings throughout its wicked history under Castro has a new leader with 24,000 Facebook followers.

• Venezuela: Nicolas Maduro, its brutal dictator, has 1.2 million followers on Facebook.

• Iran: Hassan Rouhani their leader who vows to destroy the United States and Israel has 181,000 Facebook followers. Last week his administration showed a propaganda video depicting the Capital building in DC being obliterated.

Nation of Islam: Louis Farrakhan, its anti-Semitic leader who has preached hate for decades, registers 81,000 Facebook followers through his “ministry.”

• Maxine Waters: This volatile race baiting congresswoman who recently incited a crowd to confrontation in Minnesota has 375,000 Facebook followers.

• Black Lives Matter:  This organization has 786,000 Facebook followers and one of their avowed Marxist cofounders has 66,000. “Pigs in the blanket, fry em’ like bacon” is their oft-repeated mantra in agitating mob violence and assaults on police.

I credit Newt Gingrich and his team for their assistance with this commentary. He believes what is unfolding is a “national scandal.”

Here’s the Deal

When I stood up in that college auditorium, it took courage but 10 students walked out with me, one of whom became a Christian and 40 years later is a pastor in a D.C. megachurch. He said my example of boldness inspired him. In the midst of this challenging time, I hope to inspire you to pray fervently and engage winsomely in communicating truth before we also be “taken to the barracks.”

Share your thoughts on this article in the comments below!

Larry Tomczak is a cultural commentator of 46 yrs, Intercessors for America board member, best-selling author and a public policy advisor with Liberty Counsel. His innovative video/book, BULLSEYE, develops informed influencers in 30 days (see www.bullseyechallenge.com). Hear his weekly podcast here. (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)

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May 20, 2021

We lost the war. We are no longer a free country.

A sad American
May 20, 2021

Me too I was and am silenced. Amazon is one of the worst countries to work for and due to racism and gross misconduct inspired race riots in our community it’s that companies fault people died in this community. If they would of acted like a decent employer but no you couldn’t find a leader anywere they are hiding in their offices to scared to be with people that company was a mass of violence and harassment they did it openly because you were white black good looking whatever. This country is a disgrace. We use to treat each other with respect and respect that we are all different, now no your harassed into compliance. Social media is a joke I see no conversations of value or intelligence, none and it’s because they are booted off the platform. Instead I see honor violence towards police, and no respect for victims anywere.its disgusting who is doing this it needs to stop if a extremists or any small time group can get rid of the president something has gone massively wrong in this country we are a population of millions and we don’t wanta hear their crap they hate law and order.

    It’s me
    May 20, 2021

    Amazon that company really did cause race riot in my community that company is disgusting they harassed me also.that was the second worst treatment of people I ever saw in my life. If that is America it’s a disgrace we are third world country now. It’s very wrong they openly harassed people and people looked the other way.i pray God has no mercy on them they disrespected life

    May 20, 2021

    It’s an attack on our soil. They need to close the borders and stop all visas immediately.and stop foreign influence until its righted is what anyone who cares would do to protect our liberties and rights

Toni Kushner
May 20, 2021

Thank you for the incite and may the CHURCH arise and give voice against the big tech. I have stopped shopping at some stores that have embraced a cancel culture mentality and pray daily for our country. May God have mercy on us and give us the courage to stand against what we know is wrong.

Mary Ann Martino
May 20, 2021

The only thing I find fault with in Mr. Tomczak’s article is his referring to Mr. Trump! The correct title is still President Trump! Ie President Carter etc. President Trump, to millions of Americans, is still President!

May 20, 2021

Section 230 is part of the Communications Decency Act, a 1996 law (and itself part of the Telecommunications Act of the same year) that regulated online pornography. Specifically, Section 230 provides legal immunity from liability for internet services and users for content posted on the internet.

It is Section 230 that allows Facebook, Twitter et al to act in the discriminatory manner they do. Since they claim NOT to be publishers but simply sites for third party to post information they should continue to be covered under 230. However, censoring data instead of just posting it DOES in fact make them “PUBLISHERS”.

We should pray that Section 230 is modified to allow for action to be taken for the CENSORING of information.


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