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Lord, we want You to use us to accomplish Your purposes for America. Help us to be surrendered each and everyday to You and bring revival to our nation.
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Some Republican governors are doing amazing things right now and they joined Laura Ingraham to talk about topics that matter to conservatives. Here are a few clips of what these governors had to say: Ron DeSantis of Florida, Greg Abbott of Texas, Kim Reynolds of Iowa, Tate Reeves of Mississippi and Pete Ricketts of Nebraska. . . .

The governors spoke out on “Big Tech” censorship and how Silicon Valley is aligned with the media. Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis explained what he is doing to stop it in his state.

The governors weighed in on Joe Biden’s southern border policies:

The governors spoke out on the issue of transgenders participating in women’s sports:

On Election Integrity and Voter ID: DeSantis said he will ‘absolutely sue’ the federal government if H.R. 1 is passed.

On the Democrats’ constant allegations of systemic racism, DeSantis called the idea “a bunch of horse manure.”

“Give me a break … It’s a very harmful ideology, and I would say really a race-based version of a Marxist-type ideology,” DeSantis declared. . . .

After the Town Hall, Nebraska Gov. Pete Ricketts tweeted, “Thank you to @IngrahamAngle for hosting last night’s town hall, and for sharing our story and how these Governors have kept states STRONG & HEALTHY!” . . .

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What did you think of these highlights? Share in the comments below!

(Excerpt from Dennis Michael Lynch. Article by DML News App. Photo by Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images)ac

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May 5, 2021

Hurrah!-for these Govs! Reality is that many of us live in states w deep blue execs. In each state we need to know where the lines are drawn and pray accordingly. Our legislators are also key players and, where I live, much more accessible. We need to frequently contact them and vote as well as pray for those who agree with us and those who don’t. Front yard signs have become a means for visible expression for me.

May 4, 2021

Echoing a cheer we used to chant back in high school, “Push ’em back, push ’em back, waaaaay back!” That is what these Governors are doing and what WE THE PEOPLE must do about everything that this administration and the techies are doing that is unconstitutional and ungodly. We must make our voices heard and our dissatisfactions known or we will lose our country. God is on our side! PTL

Gail Segars Rainey
May 4, 2021

I listened to each of these Governors and I am in agreement with their taking back control of their States and passing legislation which will stop the overreach and harm of the federal government. My prayer is that my State of GA Governor Brian Kemp will not delay in protecting Georgians and that ALL STATES WILL PASS SIMILAR LEGISLATION WHICH PROTECTS RIGHTS OF THEIR CONSTITUENTS THEY ARE REPRESENTING. I appreciate all the information that is given to us here at Intercessors of America and for the excellent leadership here. I share everyday and pray that many are coming along to join us!!!!! Praise the Lord for IFA leadership and for Derek Prince and others starting this prayer movement.

May 4, 2021

I praise and thank the Lord for these brave and courageous Governors who are speaking out and are not afraid to point out the evils and corruption that is going on in our current administration. There really needs to be accountability for these politicians who think they are above the law and think they are their own “gods”, doing what is right on their own eyes. They fail to realize that they will have to answer to God and give an account one day. I pray that they will realize this before it is too late. In Jesus name, amen.

virginia Drastata
May 4, 2021

Praise the Lord for these governors that have spoken out and are working to uphold justice in their states and Lord we ask Your protection over them and all who work with them to bring these bills to law. Thank You Lord for Laura Ingram standing up for liberty in our nation. Lord I ask you to lay it on the hearts of more people to pray for justice in our United States of america and the world. We know our Lord is coming back and may He find a church a bride spotless and white, serving Him and loving each other and most of all serving Him . God bless America and may she rise up from the ashes and be the beacon You Lord have called her to be. By Your grace and mercy we will pray and keep diligent to Your calling, in Jesus Mighty Name. Praise the Lord for IFA and all who share in giving us these important informations and therefore we keep on the battlefront as Christ has called us to stand strong and not waver, only be strong, very courageous, for I am the Lord who will uphold you with my righteous right hand, Only be strong, for in My strength you shall conquer the evil, Gurid up your loins and be strong for the battle is not your but mine , only be strong and fight the good fight of FAITH, You are overcomers, encourage one another in the faith I have given you. . In Jesus Name

May 4, 2021

Thank you to all the faithful, strong, courageous leaders who aren’t afraid to speak out against the evils of the current administration, the power of Big Tech and those in corporate leadership positions, who without knowledge of God act like fools thinking they have power. It only proves they have no knowledge or fear of God who is sovereign over all. Praying for leaders who fear God and not men to continue to lead with pure motives and not be turned aside to the left or right, but who will follow Jesus always.

Laura K
May 4, 2021

I am so thankful for these passionate and strong governors.

Lord God I ask that you will protect them and keep them from the enemy’s tactics to derail them.
Bring them daily insight into the ways they can make a huge difference in their states and the country.
Make their voices loud and to be heard speaking for we the people, in Jesus precious name. Amen


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