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Father, thank You for this answered prayer and praise. We pray that You would encourage Christians all over the world by being able to meet with one another in fellowship.
Reading Time: < 1 minute

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled late Friday night that California cannot ban in-home religious services while allowing other similar activities in the secular world, once again ruling in favor of religious liberty in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.

The 5-4 ruling was led by the court’s most conservative justices, including newest member Amy Coney Barrett, while Chief Justice John Robert’s once again joined the liberal bloc as he has during the COVID-19 outbreak. . . .

Click HERE to read the full ruling. . . .

The decision overruled the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which had upheld the ban. The majority rebuked the lower court for ignoring its earlier guidance in rulings siding with religious liberty over pandemic restrictions. . . .

Justice Elena Kagan wrote the dissent, saying the majority was wrong to compare in-home prayer meetings with other secular activities.

The state does not need to “treat at-home religious gatherings the same as hardware stores and hair salons,” she argued.

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(Excerpt from Just the News. Article by John Solomon. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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April 20, 2021


April 19, 2021

Jesus be praised. Thank You so much Lord for fighting for us and hearing our prayer. The church is marching on and thr gates of hell shall not prevail against it. Open more doors and send more divine helpers to stand for Your Body Lord Jesus in Jesus name Amen.

Shirley Gue
April 19, 2021

Thank You, Jesus, for restoring our religious freedoms and liberties back to us in our nation through conservative God- fearing and God honoring justices You appointed in our courts of law, especially those in The Supreme Court of our land that You are continuing to heal and Make Great Again as we, Your people called by Your name, continue to humble ourselves, pray and seek Your face, and repent for and turn from our sins of wickedness and You continue to hear our prayers from Heaven for Earth, You forgive and cleanse us from all unrighteousness so You will soon cover the Earth with the glory of the knowledge of Jesus as the water covers the seas. Amen. 🤗❤️➕🤟🙏👏❣️

April 19, 2021

FATHER GOD please reveal YOURSELF to the 4 Supreme Court Justices including Justice Elena Kagan, that think it is ok for people to go to the hardware store and/or get their hair done, but not gather to worship the ONE WHO created us all including them. Speak to them in their sleeping, their waking, their going and their coming that without YOU they can’t do any of those things. FATHER GOD please send YOUR laborers to these justices and governors and all elected officials that do not know YOU so that the miracle of salvation will come to them in JESUS Name! Amen!

J Kingma
April 19, 2021

We lift up to You, Justice Elena Kagan, and ask that You turn her heart to You, that You soften her heart towards righteousness, that You show her the inifinite love and mercy available in You, dear Lord! Turn all the justices towards righteousness and away from wickedness. We ask in Your mercy to show them Truth. We ask for mercy for those who have perverted righteousness, and we ask that righteousness be seen in our country’s government. We ask in Jesus’ Holy Name!


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