Recently, the American stock market has seen extreme volatility as retail investors—everyday Americans—have grouped together to support companies they believe in by purchasing those companies’ shares en masse. This process initially caused hedge funds and Wall Street billionaires to lose mass amounts of money as the negative bets they made against these companies failed to play out.
In response, it appears that something of a war has broken out between institutional investors (traditional Wall Street players) and retail investors (made up of everyday Americans). Companies are continuously being shorted not because they deserve it, but rather because Wall Street is trying to “get back” at retail investors for their debilitating losses.
This entire process has exposed a lot of potential corruption amongst various stock market players.
In many cases, various brokers and trading platforms have halted certain profitable trades by “the little guy” after regular Americans began to make money—and after the hedge funds began losing. These trading restrictions have been ongoing in various instances, but insiders are usually able to trade freely.
All of these things have exposed, more clearly than ever before, how much we need the Lord to step in and expose and eliminate corruption at high levels of business, and finance.
These market conditions impact everyone. Our whole economy suffers when corrupt people exploit the system to enrich themselves. Therefore, would you join with me to pray over this situation today?
Let’s pray together:
Dear Heavenly Father, we come to You in Jesus’ name.
Father, we thank You that You have allowed us to live in the United States of America, the land of the free and the home of the brave. We thank You for giving us so many opportunities to prosper by the work of our hands. And we thank You for every financial blessing You have bestowed upon this great land.
Father, in recent days it has become obvious that wicked and evil people have been manipulating the economic markets in order to prosper themselves and harm American families. Father, we come to You today asking for help to stop these things. Specifically, Father, we ask:
- Let all corrupt practices on Wall Street be exposed.
- Let the American people become incensed enough about the corruption to actually vote against it, instead of voting in agreement with it.
- Let every bit of insider trading, both in the government and the business sectors, be exposed.
- Let every corrupt governmental influence over the markets be exposed and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
- In every place where bribery is occurring, let it be exposed and prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law.
- Give American families wisdom to invest well. Keep us from making bad investment decisions.
- Give us wisdom, Lord, to handle Your money wisely—for the earth is the Lord’s, and all it contains.
We pray also for the federal banking and reserve systems, Father God. We ask in Jesus’ name that those who control the strings of our economic markets would have extreme wisdom to do what You want them to do. We ask that You would bring them godly counsel and deliver them from wicked counsel. We ask also that they would manage the economy following Your wisdom, Father, even if they don’t know or care that they are obeying You.
Father, we also ask that You would send angels to help us in this situation. Wherever You desire to rectify problems in the markets, release Your angels to do Your work there—those angels whom You have placed in the economic sphere.
Father God, the situations we have seen with stock market volatility are beyond our ability to fix. Nevertheless, we believe that You will make a way for us, Your people, to be the head and not the tail; above only, and not beneath. We believe You that we shall lend to many nations, but we shall not borrow. And we claim and receive Your promise that the enemy may come against us one way, but he will flee before us seven ways (Deuteronomy 28).
Lord God of hosts, we seek Your mercy. Together, we fall at Your feet, Lord, and we ask that You would heal our land in every way—including healing us economically and defending our ability to conduct business freely. Thank You, Heavenly Father. We give You all the praise.
In Jesus’ mighty and precious name we pray, amen.”
Beloved, if you haven’t been involved in stock market investing lately, it’s easy to gloss over the issue of corruption in the markets.
However, many American families have lost fortunes because of this situation. Many have had opportunities and even jobs stolen from them because of recently-exposed corruption in the markets. Your prayers not only move the hand of God, but also make a difference to real moms, dads, and their families who are struggling financially and doing their best to find their way in a mid-pandemic world.
Will you pray today for a free and prosperous economy to be restored to America, made available to every American family? If so, leave a comment below!
Jamie Rohrbaugh is passionate about Biblical stewardship; you can read her prophetic decree for financial abundance here (and download the free ebook that goes with it). Jamie blogs for a global readership at, where she writes about radical prayer, the prophetic word, the supernatural lifestyle, inner healing, and Kingdom wealth. She is a frequent contributor to Charisma Magazine, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and various other ministry outlets, and is an intercessor at heart. (Photo Credit: Unsplash.)
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I prayed the prayer above with other intercessors and am in agreement with most of those below. I am grateful to God for the privilege to have been born in this great country. We serve an awesome God and although we are living in very troubling times, it is exciting to witness how our God is working. Praise His Name!
Father in the name of Jesus i join my prayers of faith with the other intecessors here trusting you to step in and expose the corruption and deal with it, Father your word says Proverbs 13:22
“A good person leaves an inheritance for their children’s children, but a sinner’s wealth is stored up for the righteous.” father please no longer delay to fulfill your word because many wicked have had a heyday raping & corrupting our nation’s economy, our health, our election, our children’s education, our constitutional rights, and even blaming the orchestrated evil of January 6th on us. Father we are called to bless our enemies and we do obediently because you say that vengeance is yours so we ask you to set our nation straight in every area where the enemy has Intefered and ruined us, we thank you in Jesus name
Thank you for an excellent article and the truths therein. I believe it is difficult for the average American small investor to know which companies are God-honoring and which are corrupt and dangerous. We need Holy-Spirit discernment and commitment to do the homework necessary before investing or purchasing.
As a member of God’s ekklesia and as someone who works in the mountain of finance, I come into agreement with these prayers.
I decree and declare that “The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof, the world and those who dwell therein.” (Ps. 24:1) I decree and declare that “the silver and the gold belong to the Lord of hosts.” (Haggai 2:8)
We would also do well to remember that a Shemitah year is coming (Sept. 7, 2021 – Sept. 26, 2022). “A prudent person foresees danger and takes precautions.” Prov. 22:3
Where your heart is so are your riches. INVEST IN KINGDOM BUSINESS! NOT man’s greed to use it for self. Why is it called PLAYING THE STOCK MARKET?
I prayed against the enemy’s desire to hurt AMERICANS. I prayed that God would give AMERICANS wisdom. I prayed on behalf of AMERICANS who have lost income and businesses. Note that I dropped the word “family” in each case. It is wrong to continue to pretend that single people do not exist, that they do not suffer and that God does not notice or care.
May truth always come to the fore front. Keep godly people from caving into schemes of the enemy, Restore to us a bountiful economy and free market . Let those how make decisions at Federal Reserve not be corrupted. In Jesus Name. Amen.
Excellent article & prayer on something that many don’t think about. Thank you Jamie.
I prayed.
People’s companies are an important part of their substance on this earth.
That property should not be endangered or destroyed by criminals.
Stock markets are nothing more than gambling on a grander scale! The love of money is the root of all evil! Don’t put your money in the stock market and you won’t lose any. Invest in land or something substantial.
Well yes and no. Risk is everywhere – not just in stock markets. Land can be very risky (ask those in the stock market who own land they have lost). Japan years ago is a prime example of the “overvaluing of land / real estate” and how it can bust no matter what is projected.
Bottom line is each person / family must seek God on where to invest and be patient. That maybe stocks, land, etc. But it’s up to each person(s) to determine where this believe God is leading them.
I don’t believe God would ever lead someone to gamble with their family’s livelihood. Own the land that you live and work on or a business that you own. Something you can put your hands on, not something out there somewhere that you may never see. Invest in Gods kingdom work first though!!!
Excellent article and prayers! Thanks! A non-investor.
Lord I pray that all corrupt practices on Wall Street be exposed and give us the wisdom to know how to handle Your money wisely, for all of it belongs to You Lord. We are only but stewards of Your property. Lord I pray for a free and prosperous economy could be restored to America to every American family. In Jesus name, Amen.
i highly suggest investing in the Kingdom of GOD. There are many, many worthwhile community projects such as rehabilitation of trafficking victims, re-education or general education of prisoners and job opportunities for the same. There are farming families who hire and train people who have been diagnosed with autism. There are entrepreneurs who have great ideas/products who could use financial backing. There are single-parents who could use a baby-sitter or the generosity of someone to treat them to a massage or simply a haircut. As we ask the LORD where HE would like us to use the talents/gifts/and–yes–finances HE has given us,there are multiple opportunities….Why should we depend on government to do that which is the responsibility of the CHURCH?? We GIVE because we have RECEIVED!!
Dear Father,
Thank you for this information. Thank you for continuing to expose evil in our nation. You are doing a tremendous job exposing governmental corruption; we are grateful that you are exposing economic corruption now. We thank you for exposing the idols of mammon, including Gad and Meni. We pray Isaiah 65–the entire chapter–and we give you praise for all you are doing to bring out truth, honesty, integrity, and justice. Thank you, in Jesus’ name. AMEN!
I come into agreement with Jamie that people Will be motivated to do what God wills even when they know nothing about what HE is doing.