I Prayed have prayed
Father, heal our land and help us to move forward stronger as a nation united in You.
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As politicians and the mainstream media continue to insist that America is divided and at each other’s throats, Dr. Ben Carson has a different message. He joined the “Glenn Beck Podcast” this week to discuss his time in the Trump administration and how we move forward and heal America. Overall, he says, we must realize “Americans are NOT each other’s enemies.” . . .

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(Excerpt from The Blaze. Article by BlazeTV Staff. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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March 19, 2021

This was a very impactful interview with a man of God who was given the opportunity to advance in his community as a top neurosurgeon then enter the political arena to serve. I believe Dr. Carson took note of everything that was going on around him during his time in the political field. I’m thankful to see that his faith in God & in the American people to wake up & take a stand remains intact. He’s not bitter but prayerful. We need more men of faith to rise up with God going before them & rely on Him instead of themselves or others to do the right thing even if no one else is. He identified key things that need to be done to prevent our nation from falling under socialism. we need to:
1. Wake up to what is happening around us & in our nation
2. Stand up for righteousness
3. Speak up & Speak out concerning our rights as citizens & people of faith.

Praying that those who are in his sphere of influence would also rise up & become a voice to be heard by the people. We need leaders who have seen with their own eyes what’s going on behind the scenes in the political arena & who have not compromised their faith to stand up & rally the troops for righteousness, justice & truth to prevail in our nation.

Donna Liput
March 18, 2021

Everyone should see this video and learn from this very informed man how to make informed decisions. We can’t afford to sit back and do nothing. Lord, more than ever we need discernment to know when we should speak up and when we should remain silent. If we have used the wrong language or words that tear down please forgive us and teach us to depend on You to give us the right words to speak at the right time to bring healing and the gospel of salvation to those who are broken-hearted and don’t know You yet. Lord we need You. You are our one defense, our righteousness, O Lord how we need You… amen


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