I Prayed have prayed
Lord, I want to promote Your love and justice in the realm of immigration. Please open my heart to how I might do that as part of the Church and as a voter influencing our government.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

It doesn’t matter how the Biden administration tries to spin it, there is undeniably a crisis underway at the southwest border. The number of illegal border crossings is up 100 percent over this time last year, and at this rate apprehensions of illegal immigrants will surpass all of 2018, 2019, and 2020 combined.  . . .

The Washington Post reports that more than 8,500 minors are in shelters run by the Department of Health and Human Services, and another 3,500 are in U.S. Border Patrol stations — facilities that are basically concrete holding cells, not designed for minors or families, and not intended to house anyone for more than 72 hours. As of now, however, minors are being held for an average of 107 hours, in violation of federal law, because HHS has nowhere to place them.

The largest number of migrants held in these Border Patrol facilities during the Trump administration was 2,600 in June 2019, when President Trump was denounced by Democrats and the corporate press for putting “kids in cages.” . . .

President Biden came into office and signed a raft of executive orders that ended key Trump-era policies that had helped reduce illegal border-crossing. The effect of that shift has been profound. From the Rio Grande to Tegucigalpa, word has gone out that now is the time to migrate north, that if you can get into the United States, Biden will let you stay.

Mexican President Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador acknowledged as much after a virtual meeting with Biden on March 1, saying, “They see him as the migrant president, and so many feel they’re going to reach the United States.” Mexican officials are now worried that Biden administration policies are creating a boon for organized crime, which increasingly traffics in migrants, charging each one thousands to cross the U.S.-Mexico border. “Migrants have become a commodity,” one Mexican official told Reuters this week.

Cartel-associated smuggling networks are making huge profits charging migrants, most of them from Central America, for passage through Mexico and into the U.S.  . . .

The reason for the discount is simple: An adult with a child makes a smuggler’s job easier.  . . .

Under the Biden administration’s new border policies, which mirror the Obama-era’s catch-and-release procedures, most of those claiming asylum will be released into the United States after a short time with instructions to appear before an immigration judge. This creates an enormous incentive for desperate people in Central America seeking a better life, but also enormous incentives for cartels and smuggling networks to profit off the flow of migrants. Indeed, cartels along the border have developed highly-sophisticated systems for tracking migrant payments, with most of their “customers” remaining in a form of debt bondage even after they’re residing in the states.

The Root Cause of the Crisis Is Collapsing States

But that’s just one end of the problem. By the time Central American migrants get to northern Mexico, it’s very difficult to prevent their crossing into the U.S., given the resources and incentives of the cartels.

The other end of the problem is in the sending countries in Central America, the so-called Northern Triangle of Honduras, Guatemala, and El Salvador. The corporate press and lawmakers of both parties most often focus on the poverty and gang violence in Central America but miss a more important aspect, which is the extent of official corruption in the governments of these countries. That corruption is directly tied to drug trafficking and the transnational cartels that are helping drive illegal immigration on the border. . . .

At the opening of a trial for accused Honduran drug trafficker Geovanny Fuentes Ramírez in New York on Tuesday, Assistant U.S. Attorney Jacob Gutwillig said Honduras President Juan Orlando Hernández was an integral part of Fuentes Ramírez’s trafficking operation. “His operations thrived because of his connections,” Gutwillig said. “Mayors, congressmen, military generals, police chiefs, even the current president of Honduras. The defendant bribed them all.”

One of the witnesses who will testify during the trial, added Gutwillig, was present when Hernández said he wanted to “shove the drugs right up the noses of the gringos” and flood the United States with cocaine.

This isn’t the first time Hernández’s name has come up in a high-profile federal trial. During a 2019 trial that led to the conviction of his brother, Juan Antonio Hernández, the Honduran president was accused of accepting more than $1 million in bribes from the now-imprisoned former head of the Sinaloa Cartel, infamous Mexican drug trafficker Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzmán. . . .

The reason all this matters to the migrant crisis underway at the border is that, to put it bluntly, putatively sovereign states like Honduras are in a state of collapse. Ordinary people in these countries, encouraged by the Biden administration, are making a rational and reasonable choice to travel north and get into the United States by any means possible.

As countries like Honduras continue to implode under the weight of corruption and collusion with cartels, people in those countries will keep coming north. Turning them away, as the Trump administration did, is only a partial fix. Allowing them in, as the Biden administration is doing, enriches cartels by providing them a nearly unlimited supply of paying customers (and victims). It also creates a humanitarian crisis in South Texas and other border states, as we’re now seeing.

In the long run, the United States can’t continue its long-standing policy of benign neglect of our southern neighbors. . . .

Share your comments below on the border crisis. . .

(Excerpt from The Federalist. Article by  . Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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March 14, 2021

Having borders is biblical. We have a right to protect our borders and our people. Untold numbers are flooding into this country now thanks to this administration! There are people with Covid, gang members, cartels, etc., coming in. It is creating a very dangerous situation. Children are being exploited over and over. It is unbelievable that the U.S., in just 3 months, have reopened an unbelievable, catastrophic situation on our borders. On the other side of the borders are cartels with weapons! Our border agents are being put in tremendous danger!!
We desperately need to pray diligently because this, undoubtedly, is one of the most evil administrations I have ever seen in my lifetime! One thing is for SURE, God is the only one that can see us through this. Let’s hit our knees in prayer!! “What the enemy means for evil, our God will turn it for good,” in Jesus Mighty Name!!

March 14, 2021

The Biden administration lied straight up. I refuse to sugarcoat this in anyway. They knew from the get go what they were going to do. Responsible immigration policies do NOT look like this. We already had those in place under Trump and it was working very well. So was the wall. You don’t “quit” building a border wall when it works really well… unless your goal is to ruin a nation and your intention is to make it another third world nation. Everyone knows Biden ISN’T running our nation. He no longer has the mental capabilities to do so. He can’t hold a press conference without a scripted speech or already previewed questions. I feel badly for him because he is and has become nothing more than a mere puppet being used by the shadow government. Heading up the shadow gov’t. is a former president who is sold out to his own agenda – a polished liar who created and forced on us horrible policies that put our nation on a streamlined path to socialism but sold Americans on the catch word “change & hope”. Now Mr. Biden is his change implemantation puppet while he sits quietly in the shadows never saying a word but most certainly, pulling the strings.
Illegal immigration is and has always been a top destabilization tool for the shadow gov’t.
Yes we really need to pray and be specific in our prayers. We are to show compassion and empathy but those words are not to be confused with “let’s welcome everybody in with no restrictions”. We can continue to pray for the removal of legislators who refuse to listen to the citizens of this nation. And right now, the party in charge has a multitude of compromised “non-listening” people. I pray they have a change of heart but we, as voters and taxpayers, must really take very direct and strong actions against those who refuse to listen. The time has come to quit giving lawmakers “multiple chances” to make good on what they say they will do. Praying that God Almighty will act on our behalf as we seek to have legislators who will honor God and serve the people.

March 14, 2021


Karen Secrest
March 14, 2021

We the people come against the enemy of other nations deliberately deceiving their populations.
May Grace and Mercy be with All of us this day.
May WISDOM come forth in how to protect the Innocent that they come to know the Love of Jesus Christ.

Those who hate have already chosen. May they find their soul at rest in Jesus before the devil sweeps them into the fires of Hell. That hell established on earth through drugs, sex trafficking and cruelty beyond what we already know about be abolished by the God of the Impossible.


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