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I Prayed have prayed
Father God, we pray that our nation’s leaders would turn to You. We pray they would realize how much they need You.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

The Senate on March 4 advanced President Joe Biden’s $1.9 trillion COVID-19 relief plan, with Vice President Kamala Harris providing the tiebreaking vote.

All Republicans voted against beginning the debate on the plan, while all Democrats, including two nominal independents, voted for it. That left the decision up to Harris, the president of the upper chamber.

“On this vote, the yeas are 50. The nays are 50. The Senate being equally divided, the vice president votes in the affirmative and the motion to proceed is agreed to,” Harris told the body. . . .

After the vote, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) shook his head up and down and appeared to smile, reporters in the room said. He and other Senate Democrats reached an agreement with Biden about crucial details in the package earlier this week.

Following the vote, the Senate clerk began reading the legislation. Schumer tried to waive the reading, although Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) objected, forcing a full reading of the 600-page measure. . . .

“Historically, what’s happened in vote-a-ramas is—I don’t have exact figures, but it seems like we’ve always offered a couple of hundred amendments on the Republican side. You get a couple of those voted on and people tire out. I’m just setting up a process that keeps us from tiring out,” he told reporters on Capitol Hill.

A vote-a-rama is a process during which the party in the minority can force on-the-record votes on amendments, which are added to the bill if they receive a simple majority.

Sen. Mitt Romney (R-Utah) said he and some fellow Republicans are working on several amendments and are hopeful they can get some support among Democrats. . . .

One example is requiring that funding only go to states or municipalities that either had a reduction in revenues or unreimbursed COVID-19 expenses. . . .

Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.), perhaps the most moderate Democrat in the Senate, told reporters that he was considering the amendment. He signaled that he will support the final package.

Republicans largely oppose including funding to states and municipalities at all in the relief package. Democrats failed to get it included in the last bill, which was passed in December 2020 and signed by President Donald Trump. . . .

Sen. Lisa Murkowski (R-Alaska), who has said she’s open to voting for the bill, voted against advancing it but maintained a willingness to support it. She told reporters after the vote that the latest version of the bill had just hit her inbox, so she hadn’t gotten a chance to read it.

“So I’ve said, I’m going to look and see what’s in it,” she said, noting that some of the provisions already included “are clearly not COVID-related.” (Excerpt from The Epoch Times.)

According to Forbes, $1.5 million was earmarked for the Seaway International Bridge, which connects Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s home state of New York to Canada. Then there was the $140 million allocated for a rail project near House  Pelosi’s home district in San Francisco.

Sen. Kennedy Says ‘Calling This a Coronavirus Bill Is Like Calling Harvey Weinstein a Feminist,’ also calls it “chock full of spending porn” and an “orgy of pork.” Read more here: Sen. Kennedy Says ‘Calling This a Coronavirus Bill Is Like Calling Harvey Weinstein a Feminist,’ Gives It Perfect Name – RedState

What do you think of this COVID bill?

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Article by Zachary Stieber. Photo by Brian Blanco/Getty Images)

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Mo Johnson
March 5, 2021

I would like to send an email to ALL senators and house and President and VP. Is there a link for this? a take action?

The government needs to hear our voice. Yet another Covid relief package that is a money grab and has very little relief.
I have contacted state senators on HR1 and HR5. They are rushing everything devilishly and irresponsibly through the house. LORD hear our PRAYERS. HELP us discern the numerous stronghold and tie them down that you may destroy them. We have been fools LORD. Lazy and sluggish, spoiled with our liberty and gift of the constitution written by moral men for moral men, which we no longer is true.

Lord God help us discern and act responsibly. Help us seek to walk wise and righteously. We do not take it lightly that many people have been put into dire straight during these past months of lockdown and censure and unbalanced closures of business. The government has tied our hands and seeks to relish our praise as they swoop into our desperate situations to show themselves powerful and project their god status. But we are NOT DESPERATE we have a King who fill jars with oil if only we bring them to you, You GOD create fire and burn up unholy idols soaked and drenched in water. YOU God hid us in the cleft of the rock to reveal your glory that we may be in awe and not destroyed.
You LORD are our provider and our shelter in ALL times. We trust in You Father God! You WILL meet our needs that we do not have to sell our souls.
The persecution and canceling has only begun, but You are light and shine brightest in the darkness. We do not live on bread alone but by EVERY WORD You sustain us. Feed us LORD. That our thirst for righteousness be revived and that we are cleansed and pure that words we speak GIVE LIFE and reveal YOU AS KING. HOLY and TRUE. You are the standard, there is no other. selah

Sharon Culp
March 5, 2021

Lord please help! Is. 31:9 His rock shall pass away in terror, and his officers desert the standard in panic,”declares the Lord, whose fire is in Zion and whose furnace is in Jerusalem. Lord let us not depend on political power more than Your provision. THIS BATTLE BELONGS To You! Break the idol of love of money over this Nation and restore contentment of our basic needs and Your blessings to be enough. Lord You know the motives, what is in the heart of our Government leadership and I pray for your Truth to expose lies and deception and open the hearts and minds of people to see it. You are Almighty Jehovah- Nissi, Great Light,The Amen , the faithful and True witness, Jehovah-Jireh and Holy and Righteous. Thy will be done. In Jesus name. Amen

March 5, 2021

God and father of us all I pray for your grace to empower us to see how badly EVIL is what is happening and what is your provision for us to do!

Nancy Whitley Garner
March 5, 2021

It is a shame that this is forced down our throats so to speak. Chuck Shumer will regret one day not wanting God mentioned. These people need to find Christ

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Richard Miller
March 5, 2021

Jesus, we, Your church, have been slothful and have not been on guard against the cunning of Your enemy and thus we deserve the chastening we are receiving and take full responsibility for the results of the 2020 election. We come to You with saddened hearts that we have betrayed the stewardship You commended to us. We ask for Your forgiveness and for the strength to turn from our wicked ways. We accept Your chastening and honor You with a contrite heart to glorify You and pray that You will be glorified in whatever You decide to do with America. In Jesus’ name Amen.

Susan CC
March 5, 2021

Father, our current administration is breaking my heart. It seems as if they want to totally dismantle our nation and render us the bull’s eye for every ill conceived plan. Have mercy on us Lord, clarify Your intentions in their minds and spirits and move them forward for Your Glory and our good. I also ask you would protect us in the meantime. These individuals are the “works of Your Hands” Father. Let them know they are in the hands of The Living God. I pray in the Name of The Father, The Son, and The Holy Spirit. Amen

edited version of my prayer to President Biden…

March 5, 2021

Father, your word promises us that “all things work together for good to those who love the Lord, and are called according to your purposes”. Romans 8:28
We thank you for your good purpose here Lord. We pray that you will use this Covid 19 relief bill to awaken more people in America to the evil that is guiding our government. Use this Lord to stir in complacent people a fear and a righteous anger. We look to your will Lord for America. I thank you for all my brothers and sisters who are faithfully praying, working and waiting for your perfect timing. We hope in You. In your name Jesus we ask you to turn our country away from this godless direction and removed evil leaders. Fill our government with leaders who fear and honor you. Amen

March 5, 2021

Father we know that You can do all things and no plan of Yours can be thwarted. We ask that only Your will be done regarding this package. We know people need help but we refuse to let this bill be used as an avenue to add extras that may only bring more problems for our nation. So Father, take control of this situation completely and let Your divine will be done and manifested. Our nation really needs You. Have mercy in Jesus name, Amen.


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