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Lord, help our nation's leaders as they make and implement these very heavy decisions. Protect our nation from evil and anything that would cause our destruction.
Reading Time: 7 minutes

Trafficking is in the news, and we thought it would be very interesting to contrast articles on what President Trump was able to do with what has already occurred in the Biden administration:

Trump’s Efforts to Fight Sex Trafficking Made ‘Incredible Impact’

According to The Epoch Times, “Jaco Booyens, the founder of SHAREtogether, said former President Donald Trump’s efforts to create an office dedicated to fighting sex trafficking made an “incredible impact” over the last four years.

SHAREtogether is a nonprofit organization dedicated to combating child sex trafficking. . . .

Sixty-four people were arrested and two women were rescued in an anti-human trafficking sting in California’s Riverside County.

The Riverside County Sheriff’s Department said the arrests were part of Operation Reclaim and Rebuild, an annual statewide operation. The sting “ran for four consecutive days before concluding on January 28, 2021,” the department said on Tuesday.

Epoch Times Photo
Sixty-four arrests were made, officials in Riverside County announced Feb. 2, 2021. (Riverside County Sheriff’s Dept.)

“It’s a big orchestration, to execute a sting or a bust, like what we’ve just seen in California, and it takes months and months of planning and funding. And that’s why it’s very important for both local and federal, local, state, and federal government to support the fight against sex trafficking, because you cannot do it on your own,” Booyens said. . . .

Booyens said that before Trump “we’ve never had an office in the White House designated and dedicated to fighting sex trafficking. No former president in the history of this country has used his or her platform to denounce the exploitation of children and then appropriate funding. So we’ve seen an incredible impact over the years, over the last four years, particularly towards the support for law enforcement.” . . .

“We’ve seen a tremendous rise in the apprehension, the arrest of perpetrators and rescue of victims under the Trump administration, no question about it,” Booyens said. “In these cases that you’re seeing now such as California, and you’ll see some others coming out now, they’ve been 9, 10 months in the making under the Trump administration—in that mechanism of funding law enforcement appropriately, having special task forces.” . . .

“Whether those policies and systems that were put in place, whether they will remain or not, we don’t know,” said Booyens.

“But under the Trump administration, we saw a massive and also a morale lift. There was a morale lift within the nonprofits, our organization and the other 170 that we’re connected with, there was a general morale boost. . . .

“For instance, when a child is tracked in let’s say, Dallas, Texas, that pimp or predator doesn’t keep that child in Dallas, Texas.” Booyens said. “Now let’s say we find her in Nevada. You now are asking the Dallas Police Department to talk to the Nevada police department and that historically has not happened. . . .

Another alarming trend related to the escalation of this type of criminal activity is that there is a portion of society that promotes the sexualization of children.

“There is a large sector of our society, let’s just be real, that don’t see a problem with sexualizing children, with indoctrinating children in kindergarten with certain conditions and mindsets about sex and consent,” Booyens said.

“We’ve got multiple states in this country at the moment trying to lower their age of consent to 14, some have lowered it to 16. … Laws in those states are now in direct contradiction to statutory rape or in direct contradiction to the anti-sex-trafficking law in that state which says a child 17 and under is a victim.”


Trump Administration Anti-Trafficking Office Had ‘Incredible Impact’

According to One America News Network, “The founder of a non-profit praised the Trump administration’s endeavors against human trafficking. In an interview on Friday, SHAREtogether founder Jaco Booyens said President Trump’s anti-trafficking office had an “incredible impact.”

Booyens remarked that no former president had ever created an office to specifically combat sex trafficking. He credited the “tremendous rise in apprehension” and “rescue of victims” by police to President Trump’s appropriation of funds and task forces. . . .

“There’s major foul play, and unfortunately the ticket of trade is our children, I’ll go as far, it’s our future. Cause they are our future,” Booyens stated. “I mean why are we doing what we’re doing? You, me, it’s for our kids, it’s for America.”

Booyens said it’s unclear whether the strong support for law enforcement against human trafficking will continue under the Biden administration. . . .

Biden’s immigration policy – this is how you embolden human traffickers, drug cartels

According to Fox News, “Thousands of migrants are fleeing from Central America to the United States border, again. . .

“We’re expecting a huge influx this year along the Southern border,” said a Border Patrol agent, who spoke on condition of anonymity as they were not authorized to speak on the matter.

“No one wants to fix the problem. It’s going to be the same ol’ thing but worse. They don’t care about these people because they (the Biden administration) would actually put a stop to this, not use them in some sort of game — just look at the trains piling up in Mexico — the smugglers are having a field day at our expense.” . . .

In one video circulating among federal law enforcement officials working along the border, and allegedly filmed by Mexican authorities last week, hundreds of migrants are seen cheering on top of ‘La Bestia,’ one of the many networks of freight trains running through Mexico from its southernmost border with Guatemala to the U.S. border. . . .

President Joe Biden’s administration is more lenient on illegal immigrants, has paused the construction of the border wall and is promising to develop an immigration policy to give amnesty to the roughly 11 million-plus illegal immigrants in the United States.

Senior Research Fellow Lora Ries, an immigration expert with the conservative Heritage Foundation and former Department of Homeland Security acting deputy chief of staff, said recently that, “[Biden’s] executive orders are designed to do one thing: end policies that have helped halt the uncontrolled flow of migrants to the border, undermine the rule of law, and usher in a new era where the U.S. government becomes an active participant in facilitating illegal immigration. We can certainly expect to see more caravans and a rush of illegal immigration that will overwhelm our border and immigration system.”

Ries’ point is backed by federal law enforcement officials familiar with drug cartel and human trafficking operations along the porous southern border. Migrants apprehended at the border often reveal the methods used by the traffickers to lure them to the U.S. For the most part, it is based on lax U.S. policies and the migrants are advised by the smugglers on what they need to say to U.S. authorities to avert deportation once they cross the border illegally. . . .

Ries’ point is backed by federal law enforcement officials familiar with drug cartel and human trafficking operations along the porous southern border. Migrants apprehended at the border often reveal the methods used by the traffickers to lure them to the U.S. . . .

The cost is great. Traffickers charge hefty sums from the poor migrants who sometimes sell everything they have to ensure the crossing. If they fail to pay, the outcome can lead to death, enslavement by the smugglers, prostitution and many times being forced to mule drugs across the border until the debt is paid off. . . .

Human traffickers and drug cartels always require a substantial fee, as well as a so-called tax to get migrants across the border.

Not one migrant heading to the border does so without paying the cartels a tax and the smugglers a fee.

Moreover, those fees never ensure safety in travel. Rape, sickness and death are the demons many of the migrants, including unaccompanied minors, confront along their journey. . . .

Biden’s new immigration policies, like those of his predecessors, do not address the real dangers facing the migrants. These people are used as political footballs and the hundreds of millions of dollars they collectively pay to the cartels yearly have given rise to deadly cartels like, Sinaloa, Juarez, Los Zetas and numerous others that wage war on our nation, plague our neighbor Mexico with corruption and poison our children with narcotics. . . .

White House press secretary Jen Psaki had a difficult time at a recent press conference responding to questions that suggested that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is no longer deporting illegal immigrants convicted of driving under the influence, assault, drug based crimes, solicitation, as well as other criminal behavior.

Psaki didn’t directly address the question but instead kicked the ball over to the Department of Homeland Security. . . . .

It is also presenting a very real risk to U.S. citizens, as criminal illegal aliens are not facing deportation after serving their sentences in U.S. prisons but being released to the public.

Who will be in charge of the changes immigration policies imposed by the Biden administration? Alejandro Mayorkas. . ..

The number of children actually separated from their families is uncertain. Allegedly, more than 5,000 children are identified by the government in court documents but remember many children traveled alone, or with people other than their families to the United States.

The real villain is not the U.S. policies under Trump but the decades of failure by lawmakers on the two sides of the aisle to enforce the laws at the border. . . .

The horrors perpetrated by the cartels, the forced separation of some families have been enabled by the failure of U.S. administrations, both present and past, to adhere to a consistent border policy, exacerbating an already dangerous situation.

The progressive and lax U.S. policies perpetuate decades-long dangerous circumstances for the poorest migrants, as well as the American people. . . .

It’s a disgrace that U.S. policies, along with those of our Southern neighbors, don’t take into account the reality of what is actually happening along the border.

(Photo by Milo Espinoza/Getty Images.)

Share your prayers for immigration in the U.S. . . .

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February 13, 2021

I read this and of biden exec orders, reversing Trump’s. It has infuriated me. Biden has desecrated all the good God has done through Trump. I needed a light shed to encourage me. As I read my devotional I was taken to Psalm 37:7-13: Be still before the LORD & wait patiently for him; fret not yourself over the man who carries out evil devices! Refrain from anger, forsake wrath! . . . For evildoers shall be cut off, . . . In just a little while, the wicked will be no more; . . . The wicked plots against the righteous and gnashes his teeth at him, but the Lord laughs at the wicked, for he sees that his day is coming. Lord come quickly and swiftly to remove the wicked and replace with your anointed. Want to share YT re: this issue +

    Denise F
    February 15, 2021

    I couldn’t read the rest of it. It made me so angry. I had to stop and pray and give all to the Lord and read Psalm 37. God help us! Help me to continue praying for our enemies .

Timothy Knox
February 12, 2021

Pray for spiritual awakening among Spanish-speaking immigrants–legal and illegal–in the United States, especially in California.

February 11, 2021

We have to pray for a serious change of heart for the present administration because America comes second or lower for this administration’s concern for our safety. Trafficking is NOT high on their priority to stop. Unfortunately, the present administration looks at new immigrants, both legal and illegal, as “new votes to keep them in power”. They have made that “indirectly clear” through leaked comments and their new “forced policies” upon the citizens of the USA. The people coming here illegally are NOT people they actually care about even though they say that but like we have already learned, words are just something they throw around but they have no intention of keeping the people safe (especially Americans). It doesn’t affect them because they sit in their carefully guarded fortresses in and around DC. We had an excellent and working policy regarding immigration. It was incredibly effective. Tragically, the new administration has already destroyed most of Trump’s effective and common sense policies. Pray for a change of heart because right now, this new administration ISN’T listening to the citizens of our nation. There is no way to sugar-coat the reality of what they’re doing.

February 11, 2021

I don’t understand your comment. Dave Kubal and the team have repeatedly said that we are to intercede for our leaders, no matter who they are. There was a video prayer call recently and Dave directly responded to discouraged people that it doesn’t matter that our prayers weren’t answered in the way we anticipated or hoped for. They received criticism for wanting to pray for the new administration and he made it clear, in no uncertain terms, that is their mission since their inception- to pray for those in office. Our job is TO PRAY and let the answers rest with God.

Toni Kushner
February 11, 2021

Dear Father forgive us for the evil we are apathetic toward. Give us a heart that convicts us as a Nation to push us into repenting and turning toward Our God. fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge. Bring those who are guilty to know what the fear of the Lord is and to repent and turn their heart to You. “For repentance is our salvation and our rest.” Save us O Lord, only You can change our deceitful hearts and we need You.

S. Liliana
February 11, 2021

My heart breaks at the plight of these poor, abused migrants and trafficked children. My heart is sorely grieved over the corruption, depth of depravity and greed interwoven into the false narratives of our government, tech giants and media. Heavenly Father, do what only you can do!! Forgive us and heal our land. Save and set free the victims physically, spiritually and emotionally. Rend the heavens and come down to execute Your justice plus Your eternal justice against those who refuse to acknowledge you and are serving the beast. But for those whose hearts will truly repent, please let them turn quickly and become trophies of Your grace.

February 11, 2021

Lord please have mercy on the children. SAVE THE CHILDREN Father. Do not let one more child be trafficked for sex. I pray what Satan means for evil you will turn for the good.

February 11, 2021

Remember the issue w HCQ?
HCQ was under consideration as an anti Cancer and the media destroyed it.
Imagine had he squashed the vaxxx. There is already enough disinformation. We must discern and realize many pastors (wolves) rec’d the PPP, and another $30k to promote the vaxxx to the sheep. Discern Big Eva and the DS of the church.
Also, Gates spoke before the C_A in 2005 regarding using vaxxx to squelch the part of the brain that allows faith to play a role. These vaxxx are evil. Only 1% of the deaths from the vaxxx are being reported. Open the VEARs report and search for yourself.
Amazing how people dont want GMO, genetically altered food, yet have no prob with gene altering vaxxx (mRNA)
May God be glofied in all that we do.

Sharon M
February 11, 2021

Father I ask for the children and others who are being abused in trafficking, stop this awful practice. Protect the unborn babies and the children and women caught up in this. Let Your Kingdom come and your will be done. Thank You.

Shelley Tippmann
February 11, 2021

I would like you to answer or explain why president Trump who fights for the unborn would push the (vaccine) that still has ties to aborted cell lines and why would we give so much money to the pharmaceutical who we all ready do not trust?

    February 11, 2021

    This is not President Trump’s area of expertise. He was pressured to Operation Warp Speed by “experts” like Fauci. I pray he will be enlightened to the truth, be reinstated as our leader, and lead us forward in exposing the truth of the vaccines.

    Shelley Tippmann
    February 11, 2021

    I agree❤️

February 11, 2021

Lord we ask you to make us aware of those that maybe traffics in our area. We ask that you draw unto yourself those stuck in this situation. Reveal your love for these ones stuck at this very moment in this abuse. We ask for conviction on those using sexual gratification of their flesh! We ask you to help catch those profiting from sex trafficking! We ask exposure to the sex trafficking rings to continue. We ask that this administration be convinced of sin. We ask you to cause repentance to come on all our government to turn to you. We ask forgiveness for not calling on you to heal our land in past generations as this sex trafficking has not just been established in recent years , but going on for many. We ask Jesus heal the broken hearted that have escaped this life. We ask for speakers of truth to come forth to teach us what we can do to see a turn around in our country. We ask for those who have escaped to become leaders to help others escape. Help our hearts to not become hardened but remain soft and break for what breaks yours. In the precious name of Jesus AMEN

Terri A Webber
February 11, 2021

The fraudulent Biden administration is assisting Satan in destroying this Republic which was founded on the Holy Scriptures

February 11, 2021

IFA has become more for government then for the Kingdom of Heaven. Time to get off the Trump worshipping train. It’s over. Pray for our current leaders.


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