I Prayed have prayed
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You’ve been send a link to a video from your sister-in-law. “Hurry and watch before this is taken down!”

Let’s be honest–we have all had this happen and we know the rush to watch videos like this. Information that doesn’t fit the narrative of those who own the airwaves and the internet are removed regularly. It’s flat-out censorship and it is happening all of the time. It happens on Facebook. It happens on YouTube. IFA has even been blocked from sending texts to our intercessors by many telephone carriers, calling our prayer texts “political” and forbidden.


Absolute Proof (michaeljlindell.com)


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February 8, 2021

As far as phone companies blocking prayer texts for IFA, I’m fairly certain that an action like that is grounds for a lawsuit.

Jerry E Sauls
February 8, 2021

I saw Mike Lindell’s video last week; most of which I had seen and heard. Thank God for Mike. God has blessed him with the means to invest into a deep search to discover info and relate it to those of us who are praying for and believing God for a great revival to reverse this great tragedy that is being forced upon us.


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