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Father, protect us from the evil around us. Thank You that You have given us Your Word as a weapon. Help us to know Your Word and hide it deeply in our hearts.
Reading Time: 2 minutes

Facebook has a data addiction—it can’t help itself. The social media giant’s entire business model is built around collecting, processing and then monetizing our personal information. Facebook seemingly can’t contemplate user information that crosses its path which it doesn’t harvest and add to its data vault. And while its privacy settings are materially better than they were, there remain frightening gaps.  . . .

I’ve warned on the risks of image metadata before. When you take a photo with your iPhone, data is embedded in the image file. Much of this EXIF (Exchangeable Image File) metadata is technical, relating to the camera and the photograph settings, but EXIF also includes the date and time the photo was taken, the phone model, “iPhone 12 Pro Max,” for example, the version of iOS and, critically, the precise location.

You can turn off the GPS location tagging on your iPhone’s camera, but that will prevent your phone displaying photos by location, which is useful. But when you share your photos, that EXIF data may go along as well, data that will stay with your photo everywhere it’s shared. Protecting this data is not just a Facebook issue, ironically sending photos from your iPhone by WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger strips the metadata, but iMessage will not, unless you share your photos in a specific way.

But there’s a huge difference between you inadvertently sharing EXIF data and having that data secretly harvested and mined, without very specific warnings that this is being done.  . . .

This is a major privacy benefit, you don’t want others to download your Facebook or Instagram photos and have details of where you live or work, for example, or to map your movements by the photos you’ve taken.

(Excerpt from Forbes. Articles by Zak Doffman. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

What do you think of all that Facebook is doing?

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January 5, 2021

Why not infiltrate the Facebook platform with the gospel? We are called to be the salt and our lights are to shine in darkness. Being on the platform gives the church a chance to reach the unsaved. Jesus had no issue doing field ministry. He did not stay in the temple 24 hours a day. He got his marching orders and did damage to the Kingdom of darkness. How can they hear except we be sent? I am not hiding so I speak the truth in love even on Facebook. I will keep the torch lit until they cut me off. We should go in the enemy’s camp and snatch souls from the pit of help while we can. Yes there is censorship but people are coming to Jesus from the Facebook platform. Let ” Big brother” locate me. When the Lord is done with me I want to go home anyway. Death is to be asleep. Saints do not walk in fear. Do not hide or retreat. Jesus was bold.

January 5, 2021

I think this infringes on our privacy & makes us vulnerable to censorship when we support our Christian beliefs & values.

January 4, 2021

Facebook simplified is this -“they absolutely cannot be trusted”. I rarely use their platform anymore. Since they openly censor conservative and Christian viewpoints based strictly on what they decide what can be read or seen, they have ceased to (1) be a neutral platform (2) they {in their minds} are the sole interpreters in what constitutes the 1st amendment (3) you and I are nothing more than a way to make money off of in anyway possible – especially secretively (4) Zuckerberg is NOT to be trusted based on who / what he supports & contributes to – many organizations or causes that are simply ungodly or anti-christian (5) his cross craft backroom tech agreements with other platforms who are anti- conservative anti-christian is blatantly obvious though he skirts (lies) about it when asked.
He spends millions lobbying (buying & bribing) favor in DC to keep section 230 as is and will continue to do so.
Pray for him – he is lost in his wealth and false illusion of power. But absolutely do NOT trust his company or the sister companies that he has with FB. God instructed us to be wise as serpents and gentle as doves. In dealing with SocMed companies, God is telling us to be wise – not naive.

Nancy Bryda
January 4, 2021

Lord, Mr Zuckerberg is supporting antichrist agendas and is affected by a legion of demons and is harmful to the world. I know you have given him opportunity to repent and humble himself. I am asking not only for exposure which seems to be happening but prosecution and judgement to come to him if he chooses not to repent. I bind the hindering spirits of greed, lying spirit, pride, disrespect, and hatred for the sanctity of life and all other spirits, you know God. I decree traitors to America will come under judgement in God’s isachar timing and I agree with God in all he does. I trust you Lord to deal with the massive corruption in America and tech carries a lying and false phophetic voice which needs intervention.I am in unity with your purposes because you are God and there is none like you. I intercede for Kings Pins to be saved in the Devos globilism crowd. YOu saved the powerful Saul and converted him to Paul for your glory. Knock these king pins off their donkeys for your glory LOrd.

January 4, 2021

Mark Zuckerberg supported Joe Biden and the Democrat Party. He funneled hundreds of millions of dollars to help Joe Biden and Democrats get elected.

Joe Biden and the Democrat Party support values that God literally hates (Abortion). They support values that God says are an abomination,(Gay Marriage). They have vowed to destroy our religious freedoms and promise to persecute Christians through laws designed to attack Christians and Christianity for our Godly beliefs.

Supporting Facebook means you are supporting Mark Zuckerberg and his sinful support of Democrat values.

Supporting Facebook means you are ok with supporting sin.

God calls his people (Christians) to a high standard. His Standards. He is displeased with any Christian who supports sin. Those Christians who give support to Facebook are supporting sin, thereby sinning themselves.

God hates those who justifies the wicked, they are an abomination to him.

Proverbs 17:15 He that justifieth the wicked, and he that condemneth the just, even they both are abomination to the LORD.

January 4, 2021

Time for new platforms that do not require personal info be disclosed, MeWe, Rumble…and perhaps massive class action suits to demonitize these monsters

January 4, 2021

Abba, guide a direct all of our paths including those on social media – we are called to be salt and light and we are also called to forsake all and follow you. Show us the way, Abba. I don’t like what the media’s are doing. Show us the way out of Egypt. In Jesus name we pray, Amen.

January 4, 2021

We need a Christian push and backing to move people from FB to some of the Christian choices, but I do not see people taking this seriously enough to fight for their and their children’s safety. Wow, seems to be a pattern of behavior in the Church at large….laziness until it is too late. Praying the wake up will happen quickly.

Laura Dominick
January 4, 2021

Everyone should abandon Facebook – they have shown themselves to be traitors to America. Please, IFA, transition away from Facebook and YouTube and go to Parler and Rumble. I follow you on Parler, but the latest post I see there is December 8! Leave Facebook and YouTube to the CCP traitors.

    January 4, 2021

    Thank you Laura! Yes! IFA, you are excellent and past masters at gathering people together for good. Please, start a movement of informing people like me who do not do FB and then a charge in the right direction!


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