I Prayed have prayed
Father, we pray that we would see clearly what plans are being made for our nation. Show us your strategies for prayer!
Reading Time: 3 minutes

As a portion of the country moves forward with embracing a Biden/Harris administration, there are some very clear signs what that administration might bring to our nation. Of course, the appointments that have been revealed one by one for key positions in a potential Biden cabinet are telling. But another very eerie and concerning tip off for what we may see in the First 100 Days of a Biden administration is a document that we at IFA have come in possession of recently. This plan is outlined by a coalition of 19 atheist groups, under the banner of Secular Coalition for America.

This coalition of 19 organizations works hand in hand with many other leftist organizations, has a caucus in Congress, and are funded by George Soros’s various organizations. The most notable organization in their coalition is the Freedom From Religion Foundation. This coalition has come up with a Secular Agenda for the 117th Congress and the Biden Administration. It should send shivers down your spine.

Before you brush off this agenda and the sponsoring coalition as a bunch of wackos with far-fetched policies, keep in mind that these people are well-funded, work with many like-minded groups, and are relentless in their pursuit of wiping faith from our government and culture. Look around. We are seeing the results in our nation of diligent work from groups like theirs. “We have made significant progress during the past few Congresses on many of our legislative priorities, and we look forward to seeing them pass the finish line in the 117th.states Rachel Deitch of the American Humanist Association.

What is on the atheists’ wish list for a Biden administration?

The First 100 Days Top Priorities:

They want to rescind the May 4th 2017 Executive Order that protects free speech and religious liberty for persons and organizations in the U.S.. This EO from President Trump was a keystone in ensuring and protecting religious freedom as governmental policies are formulated and implemented within the administration.

They want to dissolve the White House Faith and Opportunity Initiative. This impactful program has been instrumental in bringing about protections and equality for people and organizations of faith within our government. Operating fully within the law, this initiative helped level the playing field for businesses, organizations and citizens who are guided by their faith. Intercessors for America has been a champion of this office and have hosted several of the faith leaders who work under this initiative. Disbanding this initiative would open the door for mass discrimination against people of all faiths in the government, and in all policies they create and enforce.

Also according to the Secular Agenda, the State Department’s Commission on Unalienable Rights should be dismantled, protections for students and teachers of faith from harassment and discrimination through Trump-era adjustments in Title IX should be removed, and Congress should pass HR5, the so-called Equality Act, which inserts the LGBTQ identity into all facets of government and American life. These are but a few of the legislative priorities of the Secular Agenda for the 117th Congress and the Biden/Harris Administration.

The humanists and atheists are salivating at the opportunity roll back these protections, and in some cases, even going farther than the Obama Administration did in denying religious freedom to Christians through government programs, policies, and funding. Parallel agendas are being prepared and proposed to a potential Biden Administration by teachers’ unions, feminist organizations, and pro-abortion devotees—all ready to enact their liberal, progressive, and anti-freedom policies into our government.

What we are likely to see if a Biden Administration is installed is indeed a far cry from the pro-freedom, pro-life, pro-religious freedom and pro-family policies that have had the protection and champion of the Trump Administration.

Here are Biden’s announced picks so far. You can pray for/about these people by name. Intercessors for America is all about praying for the people behind the issues and policy. If a Biden administration does come into office, these are the people (and more) who will be formulating policy and pushing agendas.

Pray these prayer points for each of them:
– That they would seek God’s purposes for our nation (even if unintentionally) (Ps 13:1)
– That if they do not know Christ, they would come to know him personally (Ps 1:1-3)
– That any ungodly plans or policies would be revealed. (Mt 10:26)

Xavier Becerra                   Secretary of Health and Human Services

Antony Blinken                 Secretary of State

Avril Haines                        Director of National Intelligence

Ron Klain                             Chief of Staff

Alejandro Mayorkas       Secretary of Homeland Security

Denis McDonough           Secretary of Veterans Affairs

Susan Rice                           Director, Domestic Policy Council

Jake Sullivan                       National Security Advisor

Tom Vilsack                        Secretary of Agriculture

Janet Yellen                        Secretary of the Treasury

Neera Tanden                   Director, Office of Management and Budget

Linda Thomas-Greenfield   Ambassador to the United Nations

Marcia Fudge                    Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Brian Dreese                      Director, National Economic Council

Cecelia Rouse                    Chairperson, Council of Economic Advisors

Lloyd Austin                       Secretary of Defense

Jen Psaki                              Press Secretary

Dr. Vivek Murthy              Surgeon General


Be watching—these policy pushes and position picks tell us the values of the administration. Outside groups such as the Secular Coalition and other leftist groups will be working hard to shape our nation in their image. Keep praying for the protection of godly values in our nation! (Eph 3:10-11)

(Kris Kubal is Program Director at Intercessors for America.)

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Ron Greene
December 16, 2020

The freedom to walk with God is given by God, and God alone. No man shall have the authority to deny our God-given rights.

I, for one, refuse to acknowledge Joe Biden, and later, Kamala Harris as our lawfully elected presidents. They are no more than thieves, liars, and criminals profaning the sacred office of United States President.

I will continue to walk with God. If it means my life, so be it. I am 74 years old. I have seen a lot; I have done a lot. I look back to a rich and productive life when society was more benign. It breaks my heart to see humans degrade into the foulest creatures on earth, courtesy of the Devil. I want no part of it.

I never want to see our country become the “People’s Republic of America” or our motto changed to “In power we trust.” I’d rather be out of here and go home.

Lawrence Unger
December 16, 2020

Please pray audibly in agreement with me,

Heavenly Father, we are still believing for a Trump victory in Jesus name. Lord, however, we pray cancelling all these wicked cabinet appointments by Joe Biden in the name of Jesus. We pray loosening Your victories and Kingdom honoring appointments into our nation’s leadership in Jesus name. Amen.

18 Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven. 19 Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching anything that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven, Matthew 18:18-19 KJV.

18 Appoint judges and officials for each of your tribes in every town the Lord your God is giving you, and they shall judge the people fairly. 19 Do not pervert justice or show partiality. Do not accept a bribe, for a bribe blinds the eyes of the wise and twists the words of the innocent. 20 Follow justice and justice alone, so that you may live and possess the land the Lord your God is giving you. 21 Do not set up any wooden Asherah pole beside the altar you build to the Lord your God, 22 and do not erect a sacred stone, for these the Lord your God hates, Deuteronomy 16:18-22 NIV.

Jenny Bogdan
December 16, 2020

Rise up, oh Lion of Judah! Fill the earth with Your glory! Take one of your claws and rip the carpet on which the enemy of Your people is riding! You are our deliverer! We are Your Church, Your Bride. Put the enemy in his place. Destroy his works from among us! Grant Your people faith and mighty power! Let us be the victorious ones. Bring in the Harvest. Let us see Your glory! We wait for You as the Israelites waited for You to part the Red Sea. Do Your miracles on behalf of Your children. Let the whole world declare that Jesus Christ is Lord! Amen.

Tina M Mosier
December 15, 2020

Father, we bow before your throne, and ask if it is your will, protect our Nation from those who seek to destroy it.

Sheila A Reynolds
December 15, 2020

We don’t need to beg, we can come boldly before the throne of grace!

December 15, 2020

Father GOD, it seems that all of the good that President Trump has done for Your people is being demolished by this Biden administration, backed by Soros and evil socialists. People have been duped, blinded Father. Open their eyes before it’s too late and America is lost. Instill in Your people that they must get into Your WORD, and REPENT, and PRAY. We need the HOLY SPIRIT to anoint our Pastors. We beg these things with the precious blood of Your Son JESUS CHRIST anointing our prayers. Amen.

December 15, 2020

Maybe it’s just me that found this article as fear mongering, with phrases like [“very eerie; send shivers down spine; relentless in their pursuit”]. Most Christians I know are still in spiritual warfare for four more years of Pres. Trump. “For with God nothing shall be impossible”[Luke 1:37]. So we’re up against Egyptians n goliaths, . . . stand firm, see the salvation of the LORD, . . . the Egyptians whom you see today, you shall never see again.
And they’re ‘well funded’. Ps.50-10,12: God owns the cattle on a thousand hills. . . for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof.
I’m with Kat Kerr, who said “the only cabinet Biden is gonna have is the one to put his snap, crackle, pop in”.

    Brenda Jean
    December 15, 2020

    It is sobering for sure. But we cannot sugar coat what will happen if the Biden administration is in power. In these days we have to know the Enemy’s plans to most effectively and strategically pray. I, for one, want to know what is on their agenda. And it is does send shivers down the spine to see the brazen and aggressive plan to remove religious freedom. But I am ready to battle in prayer! Keep informing us IFA!

    Leshia Burt
    December 16, 2020

    AMEN!I think the author is just showing how diabolical the plans of the Biden/Harris administration is and the reality of what it looks like, BUT We stand on what God has spoken UNTIL HIS KINGDOM COMES IN THE USA AS IT ALREADY IS IN HEAVEN! FOUR MORE YEARS NOW FOR PRESIDENT TRUMP! IN JESUS NAME AMEN!

      December 16, 2020

      Amen Leshia, i get it, and i thank you for your gracious perspective.
      Yes, it’s not over, til God has the last say.

        Jane Fain
        December 16, 2020

        Milly, I agree with all you said, plus what the ones who replied said. I plan to make a list of his cabinet members “to be” and pray for them daily to have a life changing experience with Jesus. I remember Charlie Shamp prophesy about Kamala Harris. That after they lost, Kamala would have an encounter with Jesus and have a complete heart change because she would realize that she had been used by the Democrats.

          December 17, 2020

          Yes, I remember having heard that prophecy also.
          Hank Kunneman mentioned on 12/16/20 Prophetic Pulse a dream he had that Kamala was chosen for her leftist agenda.

Larry Tuggle
December 15, 2020

Regardless of the administration, I will trust in the Lord. I will not be afraid, but like the admonition in Joshua 1, I expect there will be difficulties ahead, but I will be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. I will be courageous and remember He is my Rock and my Refuge.

December 15, 2020

Why would we pray for the activities of an illegal administration!!

    December 15, 2020

    Pray they would act in alignment with God! Pray they would have a conversion experience! Pray they would be ineffective if they choose to promote anti-God policies. It is not impossible with God…

      December 15, 2020

      God does say “pray for your enemies”. So this is in line with scripture.

Dorothy Pray
December 15, 2020

In GODS word it says GOD will not be mocked, and I believe that based on the truth of the GOSPEL IT WILL COME TO PASS.GODS ways and mind are do far above ours.I dont know what HES going to do but I am praying HE shows up and shows off in the MIGHTY AND POWERFUL NAME AMEN

Dale Pendleton
December 15, 2020

We MUST to hold the line. You MUST keep paramount in your thinking that IF Biden/Harris are actually installed it marks the end of our election system and the constitution as well.

Pray. Yes pray, but pray that this massive election fraud is overturned.

    December 15, 2020

    Dale, I believe this too. I think most folks don’t want to accept what is going on. God allows the enemies of a nation to come in and invade when a nation has turned it’s back on God. America has, not Christians personally, individually, but the nation has. In every way. I do believe this is judgement upon America. Not the White Throne judgement…so many get mixed up, but judgement that God passes on nations that totally become reprobate…God does get to a point where He says “Enough!”. Wickedness in America abounds and the church has remained silent in many regards and many even voting for these evil doers. Christians voting for ProAbortion candidates and ProHomosexual marriage candidates, etc.!!!! This is the beginnings of the great apostasy. The current day church, I and many see, is the Laidocian luke warm unsaved church. Again, not individuals saved, but the nation and the churches as a whole. Sad. This could mean the end of America as we knew it. If I’m wrong, time will tell. The bible does tell us the course of what will happen. We are headed towards the one world order. I do believe in the Rapture. But unfortunately, most in churches do not…I do believe scripture. The world is going in the direction of apostasy and the AntiChrist’s coming in. Instead of trying to save America, which God may do, but we should be focused on sharing the gospel and bringing as many as possible into the family of God. This world is wrapping up.

David Espenlaub
December 15, 2020

This should NOT send shivers down your spine but instead, it should send courage UP your spine to pray earnestly in faith and with courage about this and for the tearing down of strongholds.

December 15, 2020

Father, open the blind eyes of all of us to the consequences of this election. May we stand firm on Your truth, dressed in the armor of God. May truth be exposed as we fight to guard this great nation from the consequences of a secular, ungodly government. I pray America will continue to be a nation, under God. We seek your favor and direction, Father. We put our trust in you. May your name be glorified. Amen.

Kim R. Shaklee
December 15, 2020

I Ask Our Father God In Heaven & His Holy Son Jesus Christ Our Lord & Savoir Our Redeemer, Our Salvation,Through Their Holy Spirit To Enlighten All Of The Church Leader’s In Our Great Nation Under God,To Give All These Church Leader’s The Courage To Rise An Gather Around & Go Forth To Congress In Washington DC,As The Descipels Of Jesus Christ, An Speak Up About How We As A Nation More Then Ever Need God & His Precious Son Jesus, I Pray That These Church Leader’s Will Be Filled With The Holy Spirit For Our Almighty God Baptized By The Fire Shaken Up With Jesus’s Awesome Power To Bring About A Change To Our Great Country We Live In, We As The Congratulations In Faith Of Christ, Must Not Give Up Our God Given Right To Our Civil Liberties Of Our Constitutional Bill Of Rights Given By Our Father God In Heaven To Our Four Father’s Whom Believed In, Including Our Father God In Their Declaration Of Independence For The Freedom To Live Incumbent From Dictatorship, Enslavement, An Tyranny Of Our Own Government Leadership, We All Must Stand Up Against This Indignation Of The Leftists Globalist Satanists Dictator’s Whom Only Want To Ensight Our Country Into The New World Order Agenda,They Are Trying To Make Us Sheeple,Drones, Lying To Us Everyday Excusing Our President Mr.Trump If The Thing’s They Are Doing Twisting The Truth To Protect Their Selves From Punishment That They Truly Deserve,For Their Treasonous Lies & Double Dealings,Using Their Fork Tongues Saying They Believe In Our Father God When That Is Blasphemy, Especially When They Fund Abortion Clinic’s Practices Of Killing Babies At The Point Of Birth An Even At The First Breath Of These Poor Innocent Babies,They Profit Money Off Of The Body Part’s Of These Poor Little One’s,How Sicking Is This, If This Isn’t Practicing Satanisim Then What Is Is It, We As Humans Can’t Let Them Keep On Doing This, As Christians We Should Have Never Let It Happen At All Or Stand By Not Trying To Stop This Insane Practice To Carry On,We As Faith Believing Children Of Our Father God & Have Asked Christ Jesus Into Our Lives To Change Us & Our Lives, But As We Have Done That We Have Back Slidded In To A Comfort Zone, That If We Don’t Witness This Happening Then We Don’t Have To Do Anything About It, That’s Just Not True, An We All Know This,Why Do Think The Political Elite Power’s Of The Left Laugh At The Church An It’s Leadership An The Congratulation Of People Whom Profess Their Love For Christ An Our Father God, An Witness Us Just Ideally Sit Back An Let Them Systematically Kill Our Next Generation Of Our Children & Grandchild, Our Future Generation’s,They Have Seen This As A Weakness In Our True Belief Of Our Father God & Our Lord & Savior Jesus Christ, It’s Like If Someone Was Being Raped An Called Out For Help To Their Neighbors, Their Neighbors Close The Curtains An Lock Their Door’s Pretending Their Not Home !We As Faith Believing Children Of Our Father God & In Our Lord & Savoir Jesus Christ We Should Be The First To Run An Help,Our Father God Didn’t Make Us To Be Taken Advantage Of Or Be Weak Minded, Or Weak In Spirit,He Gave Us The Power To Change Others Through His Holy Ward, An He Has Given Us The Straight, Courage To Achieve Anything Through Them, I Feel Deep In My Soul That Our Father God Has Given Me The Courage To Bring About Change Through Telling You All Here That Our Father God Wants Us To Be Warriors For Christ,Warriors ForJustice,An Warriors To Stand Up Against The Principalities Of Satan, With God & His Precious Son Jesus We Can Do Anything With Our Faith In Them, Not Just Sit An Pray, But Act In That Prayer Deliver The World A Message From Our Father God That Thing’s Need To Change An We Will Be Here To Start That Change NOW TODAY Reach Out To The Political Elite Tell Them WE ARE NOT GOING TO TAKE IT ANYMORE WE ARE YOUR EMPLOYERS WE PAY YOU TO DO A JOB WE NEED DONE, & IF YOU CAN’T ABIDE BY OUR RULE OF THE CONSTITUTIONAL BILL OF RIGHTS, AN CAN NOT DO YOUR JOB BY THE OATH OF OFFICE YOU TOOK WITH YOUR HAND ON THE HOLY BIBLE THEN YOU ARE EXILED FROM YOUR POSITION IN CONGRESS, WITH NO SEVERANCE PACKAGE OR RETIREMENT PACKAGE, AN ALL LEGAL ACTION WILL BE BROUGHT INTO THE SUPREME COURT FOR A SPEEDY TRAIL FOR YOUR TREASONOUS DEALINGS AGAINST WE THE PEOPLE OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, YOUR FIRED !!!!! I Pray To Our Father God Every Day To Put His Almighty Power Over The Political Elite Power’s Of The Leftists Globalist Satanists Dictator’s An Bind Them Together In Blood Of Jesus Christ To Change Them Heal Them From Their Wicked Possession From Satan’s Bond To Free Them From Engaging In Satan’s Princepalities Of Using Their Authority Over Our Country An We The People, I Pray To Jesus Christ That He Lay’s He’s Holy Spirit On Their Heart’s An Mind’s To Bring Them Out Of Satan’s Grasping Seduction Of Wealth Power Fame Super Political Power & Authority, To Lead Them Into The Light Of His Glory An Ask Jesus Christ Into Their Heart’s Mind’s An Soul’s, I Ask This In The Almighty Power Of God Through His Precious Son Jesus Christ An The Holy Spirit Of Jesus Christ I Pray Your Will Be Done Oh Father God In Heaven For Your Are The Way The Truth An The Light Of The World,Ask This All In Jesus Christ Name Amen !!!!!

    December 15, 2020

    In Jesus name we pray this. Mitch o’Connell, Lindsey Graham, Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, we as Christians are calling you out you are fired. In Jesus name. We GOD’s Warriors Amen 🙏

      December 15, 2020

      Hi Cindy! Lindsey Graham, the Republican Senator from South Carolina, is a Trump supporter and seems to be a righteous man; is there a reason you included him in your post above? And Mitch McConnell is a Republican. Am I missing something? Certainly, Democrats Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi are scary folks out to harm America, and I’d love to see them out of office, too, like you. But, respectfully, I’m curious about the Republicans in your list.

        December 15, 2020

        Mitch McConnell congratulated Biden and Harris for their win today. He is showing his true colors.

          December 16, 2020

          Oh, thank you, Sheila. I just saw that on Christian TV News this morning. I’s sad how easily some Republicans are giving in to the stolen election. Makes me doubly proud of President Trump and the Republican Congressman and Senators who WON’T concede a stolen election. Biden and Harris are so evil I am deeply worried for our nation (as we all are!) and am praying daily. Thank you again, Sheila.

          December 16, 2020

          …Sorry for my typo! I meant:

          It’s sad

Carole D Gabrielson
December 15, 2020

I am praying that everyone who voted Democratbut still “believes in God” will read this . It will be a real eye opener for them.

December 15, 2020

Salvation for these sad lost people. We are not protected by man’s laws but in the power of Holy Spirit. This is not the time to give in to fear. Speak out God’s Word,believing,declaring watching God work!

Joyce Neeley
December 15, 2020

Three times this week, I was drawn to Daniel 7:25-27. Child of GOD stand firm🙏🙏🙏

Angelina N Gicheri
December 15, 2020

We pray the Holy Spirit 🔥 hotter than the one of sodom and gomorrah to come down and destroy evil practice in this land in Jesus Christ Name

December 15, 2020

My heart weeps everyday. I am watching America be taken over by her enemies. I feel this is God’s judgement on America. That is scriptural. Whenever a nation departs from true worship of God, he allows the enemies of that nation to invade. But also God does show mercy when that nation repents. Repent America for your sins and allowing Satan to infiltrate the church of Jesus Christ with false doctrines and lies. God’s judgement for leaving Him, for forming other gospels, for 3000 abortions a day, for perverting family, and molesting our children, for the sex trafficking, for the pornography. For all the hideous acts that go on behind closed doors. I don’t know what is to become of America. I don’t know if God is about to rapture His church. I only know this, I believe God is allowing COVID19 for a reason…not that He is behind it. Satan is with China and the globalists in power. But my heart is heavy for my loved ones and my baby grand daughter to be brought into such an evil word. But God’s word will be fullfilled. Look up church for our redemption draws near.

    December 15, 2020

    Franklin Graham has lead a total repentance of America. We had a prayer march this summer. Vice President Pence spoke and President Trump sent a message which was read. Thousands of Christians from all over the country came and repented for our country. It’s was a tremendous gathering. watched on CBN Christians news network. Several prophets of God spoke. Several Christians leaders lead everyone in prayer. Almighty God heard our prayers. Now is the time to believe and fight, for our country, though prayer and support for our President!

      December 15, 2020

      That’s wonderful. Perhaps a great and might revival will come from that…and everything else. I crying all the time for my country….My heart is so heavy….and Jesus wept too….I don’t want to cry, but it’s in my heart…perhaps its a prayer….I will keep praying…my heart is heavy for this country that once belonged to God….and that so many are cold and hard hearted. I give out tracks more…and speak out more….perhaps hearts will be tender to hear the gospel…But I live in NY. Pray for me…its very hard here. Strongholds abound. I do pray thou. Thanks for your comments. Encouraged me…

        Marty Robinson
        December 16, 2020

        I lifted you up to the Lord.
        I don’t know you, Vickie, but He does.
        I understand about the weeping.
        You are His and He cares for you, no matter
        where you live. I think He loves New York too!!!
        Thank you for all you do for Him.
        Please keep on doing your assignments from Him.
        I am asking Him to remind me to pray for you often.
        Love, In Jesus!

          December 16, 2020

          Thank you Marty. I watched Perry Stone message in today’s video. He gave an awesome message from the Lord I believe. On how to pray for America. Pray against unfair balances….I also watched a very encouraging video last night from a man in Australia. Hopeful. We must continue to pray…and seek God. God has not forsoke America…and His children. We stand in faith. As one woman said “Let God arise and His enemies be scattered.” Thanks again Marty. So kind.

John C. Raby
December 15, 2020

As a Korean War veteran, I make it a point NOT to weep about what Satan and his servants are doing to America. Rather, I make it a point to follow God’s word and observe that God will see to it that Satin’s servants do the weeping. However it is my failing that I harbor much resentment about the insane movement by the voting left’s massive corruption efforts to turn America into an atheist communist third world axis of evil.
This morning I start a new beginning to let go of resentment and trust God to handle the safety of America and I join with God’s people in humble prayer.

    Carole D Gabrielson
    December 15, 2020

    Like agree. Completely . I join you in this endeavor

    December 15, 2020

    Jesus wept

    December 15, 2020

    I Salute you Sir and Thank You for your service. Thank you for joining us in this spiritual fight for our country.

December 15, 2020

Even though I am weeping over what evil men want to do to our country I am believing God will overturn this election and President Trump will be inaugurated on Jan 20th. His prophets have spoken and I believe.
Lord Jesus forgive these people for they know not what they are doing. Open the eyes of the blind, break the chains that bind them.
In Your name I pray. Amen

December 15, 2020

Anyone who have lived a few decades in America knows that as a nation we have always had extremists groups on both the left and right during every presidential administration. And these groups have always created anxiety and fear for those of who possess mainstream (centrist/moderate/conservative) values. So,understanderably religious conservatives are suspicious and fearful of the Biden administration’s agenda. Welcome to the club! Many of us have been exhausted by the unprecedented, unpredictable Trump administration for the past four years. But not the religious right because they made “a deal with the devil” to protect their selfish interests to try and create Christian government in America (which partially explains why Trump got 74 million votes).This was doomed to fail from the beginning. Remember Jerry Falwell’s Moral Majority. Jesus never tried to create a Christian-based government. Instead, He proclaimed the message of”the Kingdom of Heaven”, and called people to dis-invest themselves from the world system and join God’s kingdom program. Rather than operate in fear and propaganda about the Biden administration; Could it be that God is saying to Christians and the church “return to the kingdom mission”. Could it be that God is saying to Christians to stop trying to convert the government, get back to the Great Commission;teaching, converting, loving and serving people(all people regardless of their social, political, religious,ethnic or sexual preferences). Teach them to become members of the kingdom of God, not the religious right.And then their values systems will automatically change. You won’t have to legislate a bortion laws. Stop trying to create your small conservative corner of heaven on earth, and go make disciples of all nations(Matthew 28:18-20).

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    December 15, 2020

    Biden steals the election. God will not allow it. The whole world knows this truth, I am surprised you can’t see it. How can a Christian give up his civilian duty to this country?

    December 15, 2020

    What is the Lord saying about Biden? What is the Lord saying about Israel? What is the Lord saying about Isis and Syria? Why is the Lord saying about Northern Ireland? What is the Lord saying about satanists who are rejoicing that Biden has been elected? What is the Lord saying about witches who are rejoicing the Biden has been elected? What is the Lord saying about abortion now that Biden has been elected? What is the Lord saying about the transgender ideology Biden wants to push?

    Jay you have said similar things now a few times on different posts.

    This is an intercessory prayer site and we are to pray for those in authority in line with scripture. If you do not want to pray for a righteous government in line with scripture, then you need to let those who want to pray to pray in line with scripture. 1 Timothy 2 1-4kjv.

    Jeremiah 29 v 7 KJV And seek the peace of the city whither I have caused you to be carried away captives, and pray unto the Lord for it; for in the peace thereof shall ye have peace.

    IFA is obeying scripture.

      December 15, 2020

      Thank you for your rebuttal – well-said and true. I rely on IFA and I get discouraged when I see posts/rants such as Jay wrote. I want to pray following the scripture and I appreciate and look forward to this prayer time with IFA.

        December 15, 2020

        God bless you Lillian.We have to be united now in prayer as we wrestle not against flesh and blood but principalities. This is a really good intercessory prayer site which is helpful for Christians worldwide to pray for USA. I have been really blessed by listening to the prayers and reading them. I am heartbroken by the latest events in USA. But I know that yesterday Antrim County forensic report was so important. Know that Christians in the UK are with you IFA in agreement. We are asking the Lord to show us how to pray and the Lord is confirming a lot.

          December 15, 2020

          Thank you so much. As a resident of the state of Georgia, I feel especially burdened at times and find such comfort in the prayers of like believers. Your prayers are heartfelt and so appreciated and I pray for you and yours that our God will bless and keep you. Merry Christmas sister in Christ.

    December 15, 2020

    You do not obviously understand that without protection of our freedom of speech and religious freedoms afforded to us by God Almighty in the 1st Amendment, we cannot do the great commssion like we should be able to. That the Biden administration is AntiChrist and his cabinet will be as well? You say we are to return to <<>>

    So they already, if you read this article, are planning on shutting us up and I’m one who is trapped in a liberal blue state. They have boldly, thru Cuomo etc, attempted to keep the church of Jesus Christ shut down and shut up even prohibiting singing, yet allowing porn shops, abortion mills, etc be opened. For those of us who understand that America was made by the church, not the church by America, our freedoms, which are slowly being taken away or rapidly with a Biden cabinet, I see that his administration will hinder the proclammation of the gospel. I hope you are ready to be finded, seued, or put in ja for sharing the gospel. I realize it’s coming. Anyone that goes against Satan’s children’s agenda. Read this article. You put down those who supported Trump. It was Trump who put into EO’s bills that protect our religious freedoms so we can proclaim the gospel. He is not a perfect man but as far as I’m concerned, God uses who He wills. I will say this, the Church of Jesus Christ needs to repent for apathy and ignoring our 1st Amendment and our rights in which we can speak out. Right now 3000 abortions are done a day. I guess to you we are to turn a blind eye and the child sex trafficking in this country is huge. We are to ignore it correct? Well some of us believe we are the salt and light of the earth and yes, we are to share the gospel first and foremost and also help those in need. We cannot do that if our mouths and hands are tired by an ever oppressive government. America needs to turn back to Christ and repent and repent for apathy and luekwarmness. I believe we are at the end of the age. Persecution in America is to soon, very soon, towards the true Church of Jesus Christ, under a Biden administration, go to new heights. It already has in the blue states. That was just a taste. Their goal is to remove the constitution. They say its an old white man’s document that means nothing to us today. The communists are here my friends. We best get ready for what is ahead.

    Ephesians 5:9-16 (KJV)
    9 (For the fruit of the Spirit is in all goodness and righteousness and truth;)
    10 Proving what is acceptable unto the Lord.
    11 And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.
    12 For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret.
    13 But all things that are reproved are made manifest by the light: for whatsoever doth make manifest is light.
    14 Wherefore he saith, Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light.
    15 See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise,
    16 Redeeming the time, because the days are evil.

    December 15, 2020

    Religious right made a deal with the devil?? Really? Since when is it wrong to want Godly principles governing a nation through the policies, rules, justice and laws.
    Our government based it’s original form of government on Judeo Christian guidelines to direct and guide them ethically.
    I could spend hours showing you examples from our history why it’s critical to have and allow Christianity to be a large part of government. We are and have witnessed what happens to law, justice and society when it’s taken out. Our nation is where it is today due to many things. And one of them is the decades long removal and purging of Godly principles from every level of government
    You need to dig deeper into history not only of this nation but of the world to understand repeatedly what happens when God is continually removed from government. No one ever said that this administration was trying to create a Christian government. Having and ensuring Christian principles are a daily and active part of government is a lot different than a Christian government.
    Keep in mind one thing. Biden is a Catholic in label only. He doesn’t live it. It’s a tag for him… something to get votes. And his so called cabinet picks are godless minded agenda driven people who believe in a government that must be in total control over every element of our lives. That isn’t freedom – it’s tyranny. And I refuse to accept tyrannistic thinking “godless” leadership. Especially when this election result was due to massive fraud…of which Biden approved. A man of true integrity would speak towards the fraud that has inundated this election. Joe cannot speak w/o a teleprompter guiding him. Joe’s wanton lust for the coveted title means he is more than willing to let fraud reign supreme. Compromise and rolling over is who he is and has always been. It’s no secret in D.C.
    While I always believe that someone’s viewpoint is important, I see serious errors in your comment and some of your beliefs. I’m sorry if you don’t like my reply but your comment needed to be addressed with some facts. Study History – factual history, not today’s altered revisionist history. It guides us to the truth and removes certain misunderstandings or misbeliefs that we adopt.

      December 15, 2020

      Very well said MCN. When Christians are in politics and truly know the Lord and scripture, it can change history. E.g. The Balfour declaration. But according to Jay Christians should not influence politics or perhaps even be in politics. What about all the Kings in Israel who knew the Lord eg King David. It is a lie from the pit of hell that Christians are not to pray for righteous government or pray about laws etc. Blessings

        December 15, 2020

        Amen. When Christians believe as Jay stated, then the church will be in a dismal state of disrepair and disbelief. If God wanted us to not be involved at all in the everyday dealings of government, then he would have “directly stated that in scripture”. He did not say anything like that. On the contrary, God told us the opposite.
        Not sure what has influenced the thinking by his comments but I’m not seeing God or the scriptures. But often, when we don’t understand God’s word and take it at face value, our own mindset or the mindset of others creeps in.

December 15, 2020

Dear Heavenly Father, I have never prayed as hard or as long as I have been in 2020, and the closer we get to the end of the year, the more frequently I feel the need to pray. Lord, the coalition of enemies arrayed against this nation and Your people in it grows by the day. With each success their arrogance and audacity grow, and they seek to take more and more. They envision a backwards world that mirrors Isaiah 5:20:

Woe to those who call evil good
and good evil,
who put darkness for light
and light for darkness,
who put bitter for sweet
and sweet for bitter.

Lord deliver us from their madness. The political and ideological foes we face are but the tip of their spear, for the hands that hold that spear are of dark spiritual power. Lord, grant those of our leaders fighting for good to prevail, indeed, all of us who choose Your side in this struggle, the full protection of your spiritual armor. Lord, may the deceived see the light of Your truth while there is still time, and may the wicked deceivers who know what they are doing be brought to Your justice. Lord, let good prevail. In Jesus Precious name I pray, Dear Lord, Amen.

    Penni Bulten
    December 15, 2020

    Amen! I in particular am praying that Former AG of California, Xavier Becerra, continues to lose cases (should he become the Secretary of Health and Human Services) since the Supremes have already ruled against him once. Heavenly Father, I stand in agreement with my brother, Daniel. Hear our prayer and answer us speedily!
    I have found that O Come, O come Emmanuel fits rather well, even though I believe that it is more likely he was conceived during this season rather than born. Hope this song as a prayer blesses all who hear. ( I have posted one a capella version, and one from Israel.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=51IvLFp-og8 (Acapeldridge)
    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yFoFOZmSIfY (Joshua Aaron – Israeli)

    December 15, 2020

    When enemies invade a nation, that is a sign of God’s judgement. First and foremost America needs to repent for apathy in the church and false gospels, and idolatry. The church of Jesus Christ needs to turn back to God Almighty with a sincere heart of repentance. Judges 6 is just one example of what happens when a nation departs and follows other gods/nations pagan ways.

    America has allowed Satan to enter the churches…via celebrating the most wicked of days called Halloween (Sawen, Satan worship, Santa (Satan), and all these false traditions) American churches have allowed homosexual pastors to preach, and sing in ministries and fornicators and adulterors, American churches have condoned the shedding of innocent blood via abortions infact many christians have had abortions and never repent. Many christians are living in blantant sin and the pastors ignore it. Pastors no longer listen to the prophets God sends. Pastors have made themselves the god of their churches not allowiing the Holy Spirit to move in churches. Most of these churches have a form of godliness but deny it’s power.

    Judgement starts with the house of the Lord. We Believers in Jesus Christ, are the temple of the Holy Ghost. God told me years back that I was not to become ingrained in the organized church, except of course or fellowship and worship, but to not go under false teachings. The churches are filled with false teachers. Oh many fine pastors that preach truth, but they have small congregations, because most want their ears tickled. They don’t want to worship God in Spirit and in Truth! The church of Jesus Christ today is no better than the Isrealites who went after foreign gods, married others that were not of the faith from pagan religions, and partook in their evils. The Church of Jesus Christ needs to repent. Start serving Jesus in truth. Abiding in His word. Stop fornicating, lusting, indugling in porn, drugs, and evils of the world. Greed, love of money. I pray for America, but until America repents and turns back to Jesus Christ, humbles themselves, and seeks God’s face….America could very well be on the way out. I know folks don’t like this message, but I beliieve I have the Holy Spirit after 36 years of faith, seeking God thru His word. I believe America is receiuving God’s judgement for it’s wickedness especially in the slaughter of over 60 millions children in abortion and the sex trafficking that is huge and porn industry. America repent! Repent or you will fall.

      Carol in Farmers Branch
      December 15, 2020

      Vicki, I totally agree. I pray and ask God for a multitude of prayer partners to agree in prayer with us!

        December 15, 2020

        The Hebrew nation, as you well know I imagine, repented as a whole nation. That was the Chronicles prayer. “If my people will humble themselves repent and turn from their wicked ways I will heal their nation.” Now if God is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow, I believe He will do the same today. But it has to start with the church…and be worldwide…perhaps starting here in America.

        One person said Franklin Graham did this last summer at the big DC gathering of christians? I’m glad. That’s start. I will keep praying for my family, loved ones and my grandchildren and for our country. But I do believe this is God’s judgement for allowing Satan to take over this country. Now we have huge amounts of witchcraft and Satanism. I believe abortions, shedding of innocent blood and removing God from the schools fueled the powers of darkness. God have mercy on us. AMerica repent!

          Carol in Farmers Branch
          December 15, 2020

          Vickie, did you see “The Return” on September 26, 2020, where Jonathan Cahn and many others led prayer and worship and repentance for the nation. It was going on the same time as Franklin Graham’s prayer walk in the same city…Washington, D.C. It was televised and was glorious!

          December 15, 2020

          NO I did not. I will look for it. Thanks

December 15, 2020

We didn’t know why Biden released the names so early But God brought their names to light so we can pray.
I often remind myself that these groups who hunger for power basically don’t agree with one another. They will not stand together as each vie for power. I’ll be praying that their disagreements hinder their progress even now and trust God in the details.


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