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I Prayed have prayed
Lord, help us to stand up and be bold for what is right and just.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

As credible allegations of election malfeasance continue to emerge, the majority of Republican politicians remain on the sidelines, simply saying that the president deserves his day in court.

Prayer point: Pray that God would stir our leaders to action! That they will recognize their own inadequacy and pray and seek the will of God (Prv 3:5-6; Lk 11:9-13).

On the federal level, among the most outspoken are, predictably, members of the House Freedom Caucus, many of whom hail from one of the six contested states—Arizona, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Georgia.


Reps. Paul Gosar (R-Ariz.) and Mo Brooks (R-Ala.) go so far as to say they believe President Donald Trump won. Rep. Mike Kelly (R-Pa.) is taking his case to the U.S. Supreme Court, and Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) has offered to make oral arguments for the case.

A dozen members of the Freedom Caucus held a press conference on Dec. 3 to urge Attorney General Bill Barr to investigate the claims of fraud, saying that a lack of clean elections and trust in the system will spell the end of the republic. . . .

The representatives’ efforts, or lack thereof, don’t seem to match voter sentiment, considering that more than 70 percent of Republican voters are saying they don’t trust that the election was free and fair, according to a POLITICO/Morning Consult poll published on Nov. 9.

Prayer point: Pray that our leaders would desire humility and meekness an be willing to serve and cooperate (Jn 13:14, Titus 3:1-2).

In Georgia, more than 90 percent of Trump voters don’t trust the results of the presidential election, according to an online survey of more than 1,700 subscribers to the The Epoch Times on Dec. 7.

At a Trump rally in Valdosta, Georgia, on Dec. 5, the crowd broke out chanting “Fight for Trump! Fight for Trump!” as the two senators up for reelection, Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue, took the stage.

Meanwhile, Trump has been urging Republicans to “get tough” as he continues to raise awareness of affidavits by election workers and poll watchers that allege election fraud, as well as statistical anomalies and potential legal aberrations. . . .

Prayer point: Pray that leaders would do what is right and that they would have courage to resist manipulation, pressure, and the fear of man (Prv 29:5, 2 Tm 1:7).

On Dec. 5, Trump said the Democratic Party couldn’t be happier with both Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey and Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp, both Republicans.

“They fight harder against us than do the Radical Left Dems. If they were with us, we would have already won both Arizona and Georgia,” Trump wrote on Twitter. . . .

Lee Smith, author of “The Permanent Coup” and contributor to The Epoch Times, said many Republicans are scared “because of what the Democrats have done in partnership with the intelligence services and the press” over the last four years.

Prayer point: Pray for leaders to have wisdom, knowledge, and understanding that applies to each issue they deal with daily (Jas 1:5).

“They’re scary things,” Smith said, referring to the last four years, which included disproven allegations of Russia-collusion, impeachment against the president, and campaigns against politicians such as Rep. Devin Nunes (R–Calif.) for denouncing the unmasking of Trump transition team members, as well as the illegal spying conducted as part of the FBI’s Crossfire Hurricane investigation.

“People are also disoriented,” Smith said. “It’s very hard to recognize these different things. It’s the United States—is it really possible that the intelligence services are working with the media to prosecute campaigns of political warfare? Well, sure, seems pretty far out. But that’s exactly what’s happened.” . . .

“It’s going to come if it’s going to come,” Gosar told The Epoch Times on Dec. 8. “And I wouldn’t change anything, because we’re a nation of laws, and we have to have oversight.

Prayer point: Pray for God-fearing leaders who recognize that they are accountable to God for each decision and act (Prv 9:10).

“I challenge everybody: If that’s the America that we live in, where you have to fear retaliation for doing the right thing, then this is a banana republic, not a constitutional republic. And we’re further down the line of communism.”

Gosar said politicians need to answer to the people, and those in the contested states should be demanding oversight.

He has lodged Freedom of Information requests with the Arizona secretary of state, the governor, the attorney general, and the Board of Supervisors in Maricopa County, to discover whether they did their due diligence. . . .

As long as the election issues remain unresolved, Americans are finding out that their vote doesn’t really count, Gosar said.

“They get it, they’re not stupid. We won’t have a free and fair election ever again,” he said.

The Epoch Times reached out to seven other Congress members, but none were available for an interview.

The Department of Justice didn’t respond to multiple requests for comment on election-related investigations.

(Excerpt from The Epoch Times. Article by Charlotte Cuthbertson. Photo Credit: White House Flickr.)

All prayer points are from 30 Ways to Pray for People in Authority, a classic IFA prayer guide resource. Click to download.

Why do you think most Republicans have stayed quiet?

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Victoria Lynn Pierson
December 19, 2020

Everyone citizen in America should pray daily 2Chron 7:14…

If my people, who are called by my Name, will HUMBLE themselves and PRAY and SEEK MY FACE and TURN FROM THEIR WICKED WAYS, then I will hear from Heaven and will forgive their sin and I will heal their land.

I pray this in the name of Jesus Christ and I stand witness that the Blood needs to do what it knows to do! Amen

December 14, 2020

They stay quiet because they have never had any brass and are afraid something might harm them. Well guess
what, get rid of them and it won’t happen. They are no different than the military. Both are to protect
the USA. President Trump is by far the strongest and unafraid not bought off by anyone that we ever had.
If this country is to survive, the Republicans better go to war with the left.

December 13, 2020

Why Do I Think Most Republicans Have Remained Quiet ?…I believe that about 85% of the Republicans are paid-off and 100% of the Lie-beral DEMONocrats are corrupt. Collectively, I call them: Corruptocrats ! That’s what they are.and it all goes back to the (love of) MONEY !

Brenda Brown
December 13, 2020

We must fight for what is constitutional. We are like any other third world country if we do not fight against Fraud.

December 11, 2020

BROTHERS AND SISTERS!! WE MUST TAKE FULL AUTHORITY GIVEN TO US BY THE LORD JESUS AND THE BLESSED HOLY SPIRIT AND STAND FIRM !!! Our WORDS have POWER! With the same tongue we can curse or bless… LET US BLESS!!! LET US CLAIM VICTORY BY THE POWER OF THE ONE AND ONLY NAME “JESUS!!!” God is allowing certain things because HE KNOWS WHAT’S BEST AND KNOWS THAT WARRIORS NEED TO BE RAISED TO fight the good fight as our Brothers and Sisters of the Bible did back then! It wasn’t easy for them, BUT BY GOLLY…DID THEY HAVE TRUE FAITH!!! It’s time for the body of believers to take our rightful place!!!! WALK BY FAITH, NOT BY SIGHT!!! Read the WORDS of our Lord and engrave them in our hearts! Take the positions of warfare that God has called us to take as the day approaches for OUR BLESSED LORD’S RETURN! DON’T get caught up in the ways of the world… BE SET APART!!! AS THE LORD IS SET APART (despite all the opposition He faced)…THE LORD FINISHED THE WORK ON THE CROSS! Have we so quickly forgotten WHO WAS, WHO IS AND WHO WILL ALWAYS BE SEATED ON THE THRONE!!!! IT’S TIME TO GET ARMORED UP BROTHERS AND SISTERS!!! NO LUKE WARM wishy washy faith!!! ITS TIME TO RISE AND SHINE AND FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT OF FAITH… PRAY PRAY PRAY AND PULL OUT THAT SWORD OF THE SPIRIT!!! THE POWERFUL AND ALMIGHTY WORD OF GOD! HALLELUJAH!!!!

Jayne Hayden
December 11, 2020

The election WAS not fair or honest.
The evidence HAS been cast. Enough is enough…
The people have trustingly sent millions of dollars to Republican party but they seem to be MIA.
Please give us keen discernment and great boldness to stand for rightousness and the truth. Raise up warriors that are equipped for destroying the strongholds and the ruling spirits and principalities over these territories.
The yoke breaking power is upon us!
We declare war…
Demons you are powerless at the mention of Yashua’s name.
Luke 10:17….
Lord, send the “panic” once again (1Samuel 14:15-)… For there is No wisdom, No insight, No plan that can succeed against the Lord.
Proverbs 21:30…
ALMIGHTY is His name. Amen

Barent OToole
December 11, 2020

I think they are spineless people with no integrity looking out for their own interests and need to be voted out of office!

Rolanda Shrader
December 11, 2020

Lord God set these men and women on fire for YOU and truth by the power of the HOLY SPIRIT. Remove those that have no backbone, no courage to stand in these vital times. We pull down those that are weak in the Name of Jesus.

Karyn S Espenlaub
December 11, 2020

Because they are cowards. They are afraid of what the democrats and high tech will do to them. They are not in Washington to serve the people they are serving themselves.

December 11, 2020

Because they have turned out to be self-serving cowards at a time in our country when patriotic Americans are looking for unity with the president and in the Republican party and finding very little. Meanwhile, the Democrats are on a mission to destroy America by shredding the Constitution, weaponize our national security departments against we the people, change the political, social, and economic landscape of America, and those damn Republicans would rather willingly betray their duty to uphold the Constitution than to fight in defense of it!

Felicia Penner
December 10, 2020

Father God, may we “trust in the Lord, lean not on our own understanding, in all our ways acknowledge You so that you may direct our steps”. We give you all glory and honor and praise our most High God. We pray refreshment on the troops and confidence that You our Sovereign King are not done with America yet, Hallelujah. We pray protection on all the Republicans that are standing up, and discernment of the times for those who are standing down, that they would know that only Hot or Cold will be allowed from here on forward, and this is also for the Church, perhaps most especially for the Church. Thy Kingdom come here in America as it is in Heaven, in Jesus name, Amen.

December 10, 2020

Fear of repercussions, and possibly because they are corrupt too

Anne Hirsh
December 10, 2020

Republications have been spineless weasels for a long time. No one like Trump has ever come along & their jaws keep dropping everytime he stands up to EVIL. May God honor Trump & give him what he so desires, to be president the next 4 yrs. The least we can do is get behind him. Contact your state legislators to do the right thing regarding the obvious, horrendous voter fraud. To be free or not to be…

Martha Anderson
December 10, 2020

Oh, God, hear the prayers of many of your people and wake up the others. Save us, Lord, from those who are trying to destroy us. I pray for all those who are protecting our democracy. Let the satanic forces fall by their own wicked devices. Reign down a revival of the Holy Spirit and save those who are blinded. Redeem our errors, Lord. May we return to you as a nation redeemed. In Jesus Name…Amen

December 10, 2020

I never saw such a bunch of wimps as are in the Republican party. Praise God for Ted Cruz who has the chutzpah to speak his mind and get out there and do something about it. I am glad that some of the rhinos are leaving. May we get some well meaning Republicans in their place who support our President. He is doing his best to make things right in our nation. Let’s all support him.

December 10, 2020

I wish I knew the answer to the quietness of the Republican party. I don’t think that many of them have ever accepted Donald J Trump as their president. They have been so comfortable in the “good ole boys” club and the perks of federal office, that anyone who threatens that continuing are disregarded and disparaged. I think President Trump has been opposed by the rhino Republicans ever since he took office and they certainly don’t want to come to his defense now. It is very disheartening and a big factor in how this investigation is playing out. But God will triumph and I praise Him for that.

Judie Vangelopoulos
December 10, 2020

Unfortunately we who live on SS, are limited as to how much we are able to give. Personally we are not able to send any more funds.

Gail Bull
December 10, 2020

Maybe they are part of the swamp. It is hard to understand why they would tolerate the fraudulent election. It makes you wonder. Are they trying to hide some corruption they are involved in? Trump is finding out who his friends are , and being part of the Republican Party doesn’t necessarily make it so. I hope he gets what he rightfully deserves and that is to be president for 4 more years. Keep cleaning up the swamp, Mr President..it is very deep.

December 10, 2020

Devin Nunes lives not far from us. Because he exposed the Russia collusion hoax, there were death threats against his wife who is a schoolteacher and his children, to the extent they had to have security for protection. People who are truly evil and violent exist so it does require great courage to stand up to the “mob.” They also use the media to lie, slander, and shred a person’s reputation and life. Praise God the people in Rep. Nunes’ district know better than to believe the lies and have re-elected him twice!

Look what they are doing to the witnesses that have come forth to testify about what happened during election night. Some of them received texts with photos of their children and threatening messages. One witness said she has lost her job, had to get a different phone and move to a different location.
Do not minimize the cost people are paying for seeking justice.

Fear is why we are seeing silence from most of those who should speak up. Then there are some who are corrupted themselves and hope to escape exposure .

Father God,
First of all, I want to praise and thank You for those Republicans who have stood for truth and justice, people like Devin Nunes, Jim Jordan, Ted Cruz, and all the members of the Freedom Caucus. We are so grateful for them and others like them. You know who they are and we ask You pour out the blessings of Heaven upon them. Protect them and their families. Send Your angels to help them in every possible way.

I ask that You deal according to Your wisdom with those who are corrupt and have betrayed their constituents, our nation and its Constitution.

Fill those who are fearful with confidence in You, the way You strengthened Gideon. Give them signs that You are with them and will give victory. I ask for Holy Spirit to overwhelm them by filling with courage and boldness. Please raise them up to stand for the truth about this election and justice against the voter fraud that has occurred. Restore our republic and its original covenants with You to be a land where the gospel is honored and sent throughout the world.

I ask all of this in the brave and beautiful name of Jesus and the power of His blood. Amen.

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December 10, 2020

We can each write and call our gov officials. But IFA is so good and putting together letters which can be mass mailed to our gov. officials. I would ask that they do this again, whereby we can direct a letter to every Republican to stand up against the fraud of this election. Where is their voice? Everyone of them should be decrying this fraud! And everyone of them that says we should “just accept” the stolen result without a fight, should give up their seat to someone who will fight!

Janet McRae
December 10, 2020

I believe part of the Democrat take over America strategy is to get liberal candidates elected under the Republican ticket. Wolves in sheep’s clothing. That and I agree with other comments that those who are silent, are guilty of corruption and they don’t want their applecart upset. Their silence convicts them. We need to pray that they will be replaced by Godly, true patriots who will represent us and not their own greed. And that this election will be thrown out, so it can be redone legally and trusted in the future.

December 10, 2020

Most of those who are not standing up for what is right are probably more worried their sin will find them out!

They need to read Matthew 10:11-42. IT WILL, no matter what they do!!!

Praying they choose to fear God and do what is right rather than bury their heads in the sand deceiving themselves into believing they are safe.

December 10, 2020

Lord, I pray that You would give a voice to all the Republican leaders in our country. Give them cause to speak out about this evil, corrupt attempt at a coup that the Dems have attempted to pull off. Please give these leaders courage, discernment of the spirits at work behind the scenes, and protection. Please give them a spirit of boldness to do Your bidding. All people in this nation, especially the uninformed/unaware folks, need to see this problem for what it truly is. Lord, by Your Holy Spirit, please cause this awareness and truth to be revealed to the folks who do not understand the far-reaching implications of this terrible mess. Please, start with the Republican leaders. In Jesus’s name we pray.

maria patricia vadia
December 10, 2020

They have no spine. The spirit of fear of man and political correctness controls them.

We pray for them to have an encounter with the Lord and that they start operating in the fear of the Lord.
We pray that they have a love for this country and for its people.
We pray that they want justice, truth and righteousness for America.

    Jacque P
    December 10, 2020

    Absolutely SPINELESS. They are rinos.In the bed with deep state. Get their names VOTE THEM OUT!ENOUGH ALREADY.

December 10, 2020

The ones that are quiet ate probably in the wrong too and just afraid they will be found out . It time they repent and come forth . I pray God presence overwhelms them amd convicts their hearts amd all demoncrats n rep out for left agenda realize their are ruining their lives amd their children lives . Wake up church

December 10, 2020

Mark 9:25 He rebuked an unclean spirit, “ You deaf and mute spirit, I command you, come out of him and do not enter him again.”
Not obeying God’s word for seeking justice and living righteous lives ( Micah 6:8) not speaking out God’s truth but rather “devises mischief by decree” Psalm 94:20, dont all these actions by legislators and judges open the doors wide for unclean spirits? I personally repent of my not listening and obeying God’s promptings and pray for our churches and our government officials.

    December 10, 2020

    Remember, Gideon’s army was small, then BAM!!

Juanelle T Eggers
December 10, 2020

Yet, MSM still says there is no fraud, or that it was not enough to change the results. In my mind, that is an admission that the fraud does exist! AS for the GOP, citizens are standing up and speaking out. With the exception of a few, our elected GOP politicians seem to have forgotten they are there to serve their constituents, and not to be self-serving for their own good! If they continue to capitulate to the left, they will prove they were in it for their own gain, eventually be voted out. I have been praying and will continue to pray along with other Christian brothers and sisters for the good of this nation, and for Almighty God to keep his hand of protection and blessings on us and on Israel!

December 10, 2020

I have heard the saying, silence is consent. Too many people as well as politicians have unfortunately stayed silent for too long. Lord, I pray that You will stir out political leaders to action. Help them stand up and be bold for what is right and just. In Jesus name, Amen. Just sitting on the sidelines has never solved anything.

    Jacque P.
    December 10, 2020

    The rinos are spineless and are in the deep state. Silence gives consent. With all the evidence perhaps its past time to weed them out. They are worse than the leftist lunatics

December 10, 2020

Most Republicans have stayed quiet because the Lord is holding back…for The Lord Himself has something up His sleeve…wait, wait I say on The Lord. Don’t be dismayed, but continue to pray. The enemy has had a strategy…..never UNDERESTIMATE the strategy of the Creator of ALL THINGS. He is faithful. He is above all things. Thank you Jesus.

    Mary Bock
    December 10, 2020

    Roseanna,I am in agreement that God is holding our prayers in a bowl ready to tip it out on the deep state. The other day as I was praying I saw the deep swamp which indeed ended up in a quick-sand cesspool which drew down the evil into it. We must never ever stop praying as so many have done, God is not ignoring our prayers, but at the proper time we will see victory. Our prayer are being answered, not always the way we see it; His ways are always higher, more rewarding as we wait on Him.

      December 10, 2020


      Yes Mary! Glory to God! Bless His holy name!
      Just look at this!

        Mary Bock
        December 11, 2020

        Roseanna, even in my younger years it always bothered me when I heard Christian people who the media plotted against each other causing division. God does not want Christians arguing with each other – He is the God of Peace. Many things we need to take to God for He is above all discord. We have division in the House of God and I pray that we will come together (major on God’s truth and not on the minors for we don’t all think exactly alike). Thank you for all your comments which are right on.

Karen Secrest
December 10, 2020

Even as Esther. We have come to the day when it finally dawn that the evil Harman manipulated to destroy an entire group of people to further his own agenda. So as Esther, I have been chosen for this season in this nation and my life to take a stand believing God is greater than the machinations of man.
May the men in question find the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob IS Greater than their Fear…

Belinda Jung
December 10, 2020

Most Republicans have stayed quiet because they have given up. They are also scared of possible backlash in case the other party form the government.

Deb Nalley
December 10, 2020

Call your senators and congress….. We the people put them in and we the people can take them out… They need to rise up….

White Saundra
December 10, 2020

I can not pray for a practicing lying spirit and the mid guided leadership present in this most destructive 45th President. I pray God will open the eyes of his people to see the criminal element, total destructive divisionism, self serving 45th man in our White House and the majority of American Citizens voted him out of office in our 2020 legal, no fraud Presidential Election. The only fraud is the 45th man. He needs to accept his defeat and stop holding our government and nation hostages to his wicked ways. God’s face and hands are against such self serving wickedness. People of God wake up God is not even going to judge a liar according to His Word the liar is going straight to hell. I respect true leadership Democrats or Republican Presidents whoever legitimately wins but 45th is a selfish self serving criminal occupying our White House with lies, shameful disgraceful dictator acts against life serving American Citizens doing their jobs with honesty and integrity. He destroyed them or got rid of them because they would not submit to his thuggish criminal aggression to destroy America here at home or abroad. We have had no leadership since 45 has occupied our White House only lies. Our economy was rescued during the O’bama era. I had something’s that I didn’t agree with him but for the most part he I could respect him being a President for all American Citizens. I respect TRUTH not LIES. Jesus is the way the truth. and the life. Not lies

    Newt Kellett
    December 10, 2020

    You are so off-base and misguided that all I can do is pray for you and those who feel as you do. You will see the light.

    Kim Juarez
    December 10, 2020

    Oh my goodness! You are deceived. I’m shocked by your words. This 45th president has rescued children from sex trafficking. Been the most pro life president in US history. Helped release hostages from the grip of other nations, stood for religious freedom, been a friend to Isreal, and SO much more!!!
    IF 45 leaves office and Harris gets in…we will be a communist nation. I agree with you on 1 thing. JESUS IS THE WAY THE TRUTH AND THE LIFE AND NO MAN COMES TO THE FATHER ACCEPT THROUGH HIM!

      December 10, 2020

      Most Republicans have stayed quiet because the Lord is holding back…for The Lord Himself has something up His sleeve…wait, wait I say on The Lord. Don’t be dismayed, but continue to pray. The enemy has had a strategy…..never UNDERESTIMATE the strategy of the Creator of ALL THINGS. He is faithful. He is above all things. Thank you Jesus.

    Mary Johnson
    December 10, 2020

    Wow; I cannot believe what you wrote. Your discernment is sorely lacking. I can tell you are saturated in the main stream media as you only parrot their talking points. Your blindness is astounding. What you said about President Donald J. Trump applies to Joe Biden and you don’t even seem to comprehend that. I pray that your eyes are open soon and that you repent of every word you spoke against our president.

    December 10, 2020

    You are so incorrect. Will and have prayed for your eyes to be opened to the truth. Amen 🙏

    December 10, 2020

    The enemy of our souls is set against this President. The Lord Himself hand picked this man- ONLY GOD KNOWS THE HEART. And God loves this man-our President. He is for life, for the people, and for Our God. The enemy has pulled out all stops against him, and you apparently have been duped- unless in all truth —-you—as well are part of the left radical agenda masquerading as a believer.

    December 10, 2020

    God IS good. He prevails over all.
    All I can ask of you is to name the crimes the 45th committed, the ways he was racist and a thug, what he lied about and how he was/is wicked. Facts are needed to supports those kind of claims.
    So far, I have yet to see anything concrete from any valid source. The 45th has been investigated more than any other president in history and still no hard facts to support what he has been accused of.

    I am not a huge fan of Trump the man, BUT I am a huge fan of the things he has fought for like, unborn babies, our military and their families, human/gay rights, the economy, against bad foreign deals and who he has placed around him that are God fearing strong men and women. Trump is human and full of errors just like you an me. So is Obama and Biden. What I see from Trump is someone who surrounded himself with God fearing men and women. That means something. Obama did not do that. I don’t see that from Biden.

    Big Shirl
    December 10, 2020


    We choose what we believe and operate our lives on our “truth”. Time to look at Many sources to discover Truths. Start with your Bible. Don’t expect everyone to be honest as you claim democrats are. We are ALL SINNERS.

    December 10, 2020

    Enjoy your baby slaughtering Communistic government if Biden gets in. You sure are not a Christian. You are too foolish and blind and ignorant to understand what this President has done. You are part of the problem. You have been feeding on the demonic pablum of the media. Maybe also an unfortunate product of the failed public education indoctrination system. Why are you here???? I’ll pray for your repentance or that God will make you completely ineffective and remove you from any position of power that you may have. I’m wasting no more time on you.

    December 10, 2020

    Actually I want to
    Add to my comment… the enemy has infiltrated this chat to get us off track. IGNORE THAT COMMENTER AND MOVE ON

    December 10, 2020

    Obama is a Muslim. He wouldn’t dishonor his father to become anything else. Muslims hate Christians and believe Americans are infidels…just FYI. I agree with everyone who is praying hard for you.

    Shirley p
    December 10, 2020

    Dear one you need to reverse your statement you prefer the lies over truth! You believe the lying press, agree with them, the accuser is Satan himself perpetuating his lies, your agreeing with him makes you compliment does that mean hell awaits you? be careful how, who you judge for you will be judged. Turn and repent, God’s mercy is there to forgive. Lies and bitterness are poison we do not need here.

    Gary Troidl
    December 10, 2020

    Trump has shown himself to be such a liar you would have to be aggressively ignorant to not see this. If his tax returns are revealed they would probably list his OCCUPATION as CON MAN. HE lies 15 times a day (counting only his public statements), stole from his own charity and ran a scam ‘University’. I could go on forever listing his criminal behavior but it is his followers who need to inform themselves and stop believing what this liar tells them. I challenge the readers here to tell us why Trump should be trusted. What character qualities does he posses that would lead anyone to have faith in him?

      M. D.
      December 10, 2020

      There are some, and you probably wouldn’t understand this because you do not seem to be informed, but the biggest one is China doesn’t own him or his children…nobody does. God bless you and God bless President Trump and Vice President Pence!

        Gary Troidl
        December 11, 2020

        Wisdom, compassion, patience, diligence, empathy are character qualities.
        “Not being owned by China” is not.
        And yes, God bless our President and Vice President.

    Susan Lucille
    December 10, 2020

    Dear Saundra,

    God bless you sister. I invite you to join me in prayer:

    Father, we know we wrestle not with flesh and blood but powers and principalities of which you are Victor over all. Holy One we are grateful that you lead us from victory to victory. We thank you for the Spirit of Truth and pray for truth to prevail and illuminate darkness. Open our eyes to see, our ears to hear and our hearts to understand. In place of division bring unity; in place of hatred sow love; in place of fear sow faith. Work these matters together for good, as only you can – we give you all the praise and glory. In Jesus’ name, AMEN.

    Blessings Saundra to you and yours this Christmas season.

    Rhenechia Jones
    December 10, 2020

    So sorry you feel this way regarding our current president and the office he occupies. Many of us, Christians included, believe God placed DJT as the 45th president to give this nation an opportunity to repent for its national and personal sins. His election so upset the natural and spiritual realm that satan and his forces lined up against him and this nation. This country is in satan’s cross hairs and what better way to destroy it than to turn some of the citizens against the ruling president. When have you ever heard witches openly state they were casting spells against a sitting president? This shows you how bold and confident these spiritual forces are against this man and this nation.

    As for the last administration, these people were very subtle and crafty in their deception. They knew how to mix the arsenic and strychnine with the kool-aid so the lies would go down smoother. They made lying an art form aka politics as usual. Our elected officials have lied to us for so long that for many it is difficult to discern truth from a lie.

    Lastly, if you are harboring evil thoughts or bitterness in your heart against the current president, it is affected your well being more than his. I pray you are able to release it and ask God for forgiveness so your own prayers will not be hindered.


    Jacque P
    December 13, 2020

    White saundra, “My people perish for lack of knowledge” what rock did you crawl from under??? God placed President Trump in office to clean up what 44 jacked up. Its good that you don’t pray for President Trump; please don’t. You need help.

    obamanation, the kenyan practicing sunni muslim was the most destructive illegal president ever. so you are for same sex marriage, abortions, blowing Israel off the map??
    so obamination aka deep state psychotic narcissist rescued the economy??? nope his hands are all over the mayhem that is happening now.

    President Trump did more in 3 years than that american hating obamination did in 8. even with all of the distractions. russia collusian hitlary and obama, ukraine china joe and hunter biden, impeachment hoax pelowsi and her goons and now the plandemic to take control of idiots like yourself.

    you definitely need prayer if you have drank the kool-aid. get your head out of obama’s tail, that is why you have the stinkin thinkin syndrome.

December 10, 2020

Fear is a way of life in much of the political spectrum. Through manipulation and “trade-off” fears, people back each other into a corner for mainly one reason – self preservation.
This type of constant carrot being dangled in front of politicians promotes the world of self-preserving your career at any costs. That is why we have “lifer politicians”. Many of them have “sold themselves out” to preserve their lifestyle and comfort zone.
The founders of our republic never meant for it to be this way. Public service was never meant to be a lifer political position. Don’t misunderstand – I think there have or are some very long term politicians who are not morally bankrupt and they truly do try to serve the people. But the vast majority know full well the power of politics and its connections….and they will do anything to remain in power. When that happens, compromise & back alley dealings are always lurking and present. And many fall to the lure. They give up integrity and backbone for short term and fading riches and the chance for prestige / titles. All of us witness it daily.
Why are questionable people with questionable background dealings allowed on important committees? Why does that happen. We know full well why. Pedigree, connections and quiet agreements hidden away from the American people are being utilized in order to gain certain positions or status.
Republicans need to step up to the plate. Some haven’t figured out that you can be firm, vocal & put people in the political cross-hairs to make things happen. Many have to find their backbone again & quit worrying about whether they will be reelected. And they have to learn how to follow a fighter – the president. Biden is not a fighter – never has been a fighter and never will be. 47 years of being a yes man who willingly participates in shady deals throughout his career will do that to anyone. His proven and exposed habit on continual lying should have concerned his voters but that, of course, is a whole different subject.
Lord – our frustration at our elected representatives is well known. We are tired of watching political games being played at the expense of the citizens of our nation. We are tired of the compromises that have been made that benefit no citizens but only benefit the politician. Our system has become mired in trade-offs and corruption.
We ask Lord that you would set a fire under representatives who want to speak out but are fearful or self-protective. Help them find the strength and courage to be the men and women you have called them to be. Help them to become warriors for the internal health of our nation and the people they claim to serve. Give them the courage to set aside the worry about self-preservation and instead, place them on the path to preserving the integrity of the election vote and the people who want fair & legal elections. We pray that those on the Democratic side who want to speak up but are afraid to – give them the fortitude to do what is right and needed.
In your name we pray – amen.

Lois Taritas
December 10, 2020

Yes we stand up and fight for our state.
Republicans need to rise up and get a spine! Your people deserve better.
The evil demoncrats are going down so gover Kemp and Ducey, rise up and stanf for truth and righteousness. Noone said this would be easy and all nice. Evil never is.I pray for the people in these states to pray and arise. Donot fear God is with you. Father i pray these governor s would stand up!

Susan C
December 10, 2020

Most Republicans have stayed quiet for the same reason most of the world has. Since he was cast down, our adversary has been “roaming the earth looking to devour”…”there is nothing new under the sun.” What are the things the Lord hates? These “detestable” behaviors are encouraged and foundational to many in politics as they cross party lines… arrogant eyes, a lying tongue, hands that shed innocent blood, a heart that plots wicked schemes, feet eager to run to evil, a lying witness who gives false testimony, and one who stirs up trouble among brothers. (Proverbs 6)

I am adding my voice to this prayer, “that God would stir our leaders to action! That they will recognize their own inadequacy and pray and seek the will of God (Prv 3:5-6; Lk 11:9-13).” I am also praying for those who continue to willfully foul their oaths of office. Specifically, I pray that they repent because “it is a terrifying thing to fall into the hands of the living God! The Lord will judge His people.” Heb 10:30-32

December 10, 2020

Fear is a real thing. The Republucans know that a lot of the Democrats have no limits or boundaries for what they are willing to do for their cause. They live by the the rule of “the end justifies the means.” That is pretty scary. I believe the Republucans may be afraid of humiliation and threats, and are unsure of where the wind blows. They have seen the storm President Trump must endure and they may think it is easier to give in to a seemingly overwhelming opposition and caution may seem the prudent solution to them. It takes a lot of courage to stand against unrighteousness and evil. So I pray, Lord, that Your Holy Spirit will be poured out over the Republican party and fill every person who is feeling the weight of weakness and cowardice, with great courage and devotion to the truth. It takes a kind of resilient courage to be a free soul. Bless them all with the courage of Joshua, Lord. And those who have skeletons in their closets, let them be found out but let Your mercy be shown to those who repent of their wrongdoing. Let the members of congress and senate truly understand that they are servants of the people and lead them with Your immaculate wisdom. Amen

    Susan C
    December 10, 2020

    Amen and Amen to your gracious words.

    White Saundra
    December 10, 2020

    45th man lives a life of lies. We had a honest no fraud 2020 Presidential Election the majority of the American voters have spoken their choice to make Joseph Biden the 46 President of the United States of America. 45th needs to accept his defeat and stop trying to undo our Democracy with his False claims and accusations. The past four years has devastated America at home and abroad. We appear to be ignorant idiots to the world. We have allowed the lowest criminal thuggish self serving bully to occupy our civil highest office in America to destroy our American citizens who have served with their very life to our country to be bullied, destroy, and relieved of the careers they gave their lives to serve of country with the highest of integrity. This is very unacceptable. God’s face and hand is against the wicked. The problem we sweep the true women’s statements of sexual misconduct from the beginning under the rug. Those women were not lying. This man was very much a part of Epstein under age sex traffic. Epstein was murder in prison. Enough people of God we need to seriously do what II Chronicle 7:14 instructs us to do.

      December 10, 2020

      I will pray for you and your blindness to the truth and your willingness to believe falsehoods.

      December 10, 2020

      You are outnumbered. You are aligning yourself with the father of lies. You are deceived. Sad. And you hit “amen“ to your own comment 😂😂😂

        Gary Troidl
        December 10, 2020

        The truth is not subject to a vote and Donald Trump is the biggest liar.

          Jacque P.
          December 13, 2020

          . Say’s gary who apparently is a fake news junkie, possibly watching it from his parents basement. but obamination the kenyan, who duped america wasn’t a liar?

          Gary i believe most men, like yourself don’t like President Trump because HE HAS A SPINE. SOMETHING YOU APPARENTLY LACK. He tells the truth, apparently you can’t handle the truth.

    December 10, 2020

    Amen Elizabeth!

Kathleen Givens
December 10, 2020

The only thing it takes for evil to win is for good men to remain silent.This is what we are facing. I have contacted my Senators and congressmen both at federal and state levels. I encourage all people of like mind to do the same. It’s time we as a nation stand up and fight once more for our God given freedoms. It might be on a different front than in the past but fight we must. We need to let our leaders know that we expect them to be strong and courageous. It’s time for them to be leaders in word and deed!

December 10, 2020

ARISE, Republicans, and stand up for your constituents that you have sworn to represent; stand up for your party, your platform, your President, your country, and its Blessed Constitution founded on Biblical principles!!!
Thank you Lord, for your hedge of protection around every member of the Republican party; cover them with Your Powerful blood and Your anointing that breaks every yoke. We declare and decree that the Peace of God that surpasses all understanding will flow around them. We bind and nullify every planned attack of the enemy and any and all hexes and curses the enemy tries to invoke against them. Let lawfulness, orderliness, righteousness, boldness, courage, shalom peace and agape love prevail in their lives- in Jesus’s Mighty Name, Amen!!!

December 10, 2020

Praying these fearful, silent Republicans would transfer their trust to God, and away from their government position, which means nothing except a dishonorably earned paycheck if the integrity of our Republic is lost. May their false sense of security in ‘position and paycheck’ be replaced with unshakable confidence and trust in God, and may they be compelled by the full weight of their responsibility as elected representatives of and by Americans to boldly stand for truth and to uphold their oath to defend our Constitution and the freedom to have fair, honest elections. Love overcomes fear, may they rise up now to be motivated by passionate love for God, for the people they represent, and for this great country, long the beacon of freedom for the world and a destination for the oppressed. Show them that their voice is effectual and help them choose to speak up and stand for truth heavenly Father!

    Susan C
    December 10, 2020

    ” May their false sense of security in ‘position and paycheck’ be replaced with unshakable confidence and trust in God.”
    I am so in agreement, Amen.

Carmela Atwood
December 10, 2020

I thank you for the Republican leaders that have begun to step up on our nations behalf and support of President Trump..I pray that You would bring conviction for many more leaders to step up and do what is right . Help our President to have the support and encouragement he needs during this battle for our nation. God please bless this nation and keep her safe from the works of the enemy from within and without.
By your mighty and just hand let it be done. Amen


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