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Pray for our military personnel overseas to remain safe in light of these new revelations.

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid or terrified because of them, for the LORD your God goes with you; he will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Deut 31:6)

A top Iranian military commander has threatened to launch ballistic missile attacks on U.S. forces in the region amid a public effort by the Islamic Republic to show off its advanced missile capabilities, according to U.S. officials and regional reports.

Iranian leaders disclosed that their advanced ballistic missile technology, which could be used as part of a nuclear weapons program, is sophisticated enough to strike U.S. forces up to nearly 1,300 miles, or 2,000 kilometers, away, which encompasses all U.S. bases in the region.

The head of Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps, or IRGC, announced on Tuesday that Iranian missiles can already “cover all U.S. bases in the region” and that Tehran has the capability to increase its missile power even further….

“At present it [this distance] is sufficient because the Americans are in a 2,000 km radius from our country and their attacks will be responded,” Jafari was quoted as saying in Iran’s state-controlled press outlets.

U.S. military and administration officials told the Free Beacon the United States is cementing multiple plans to counter Iran’s ballistic missile threat and will continue to pursue these efforts despite Iranian threats of military violence….

“In support of this strategy, DoD is reviewing the entire breadth of our security cooperation activities, force posture, and plans,” Rankine-Galloway said. “We are identifying new areas where we will work with allies to put pressure on the Iranian regime, neutralize its destabilizing influences, and constrain its aggressive power projection, particularly its support for terrorist groups and militants.”

A State Department official told the Free Beacon that Iran’s continued pursuit of ballistic missile technology violates United Nations Resolution 2231, which codifies the nuclear agreement and includes bans on Tehran’s development of such equipment….

Iranian leaders continue to maintain the United States is in violation of the nuclear accord and have emphasized repeatedly that the deal is not open to renegotiation on any front….

“If the U.S. new sanctions act comes into action, the country [the U.S.] should transfer its regional bases to 2,000 km away, that is as far as the range of Iranian missiles,” Jafari said, emphasizing the threat to strike U.S. assets.

In Tuesday remarks, Jafari warned that new sanctions “will increase the Iranian nation’s determination to increase its defense and missile power and they [America] will see an increase in the range and precision-striking power of missiles.”

Saeed Ghasseminejad, an Iran expert and research fellow at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies, told the Free Beacon that those cheering Iran’s announcement that it is capping the distance its missiles can travel are being disingenuous, given that Iran can still hit any U.S. base in the region….

“Iran is working on its satellite program which is a cover to develop its ICBM program,” he added. “So at the same time that Iran is developing its intercontinental ballistic missile, the head of the terrorist organization, the IRGC, assures the world that Iran has no plan to go beyond 2000 km range even though it has the technical capability.”

“How gullible should one be to buy such assurance?” Ghasseminejad asked, noting that the amplified rhetoric from Iran is a sign the threat of new sanctions is a concern for Tehran. (Excerpted from The Washington Free Beacon , by Adam Kredo.)

For more information on U.S. defense and the Middle East from the Missile Defense Advocacy Alliance, click HERE.

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