I Prayed have prayed
Father, help us to maintain justice and to do what is right in Your eyes. Isaiah 56:1
Reading Time: 3 minutes

I started researching the names of our presidential and vice-presidential candidates after I saw a meme sharing the Finnish meaning of the name Kamala. I was shocked. Surely, it was a made-up meme! Turns out it wasn’t…

Names are important because names carry meaning both in the natural and spiritual. They often tell a story about the individual. For example, the name Adam means “man.” The name Saul means, “asked for or prayed for.” In biblical days the people asked for/prayed for God to give them a king. That man was Saul.

Yet another example is the name Esther which means “secret or hidden.” That was certainly accurate of the historical account of Esther when her true nationality was hidden from the king as she became Queen of Persia around 479 BC. Her secret became a key to the deliverance of her people.

It is no different with the names of those running for office. As I researched the meanings of our candidates, I felt it was rather revealing and thought you might as well.

Donald John Trump

Donald = World Leader (Scottish), Great chief (Scottish) or Dark stranger (Gaelic)

John = God is gracious, Grace or mercy of the Lord (Hebrew)

Trump = drum

The definition of “drum” according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is:

  • to stir up interest
  • to summon or enlist by or as if by beating a drum
  • to dismiss ignominiously: EXPEL
  • to drive or force by steady effort or reiteration

Mike R. Pence

Michael – Who is like God? (Hebrew) Poor/humble (American)

RichardPowerful, brave ruler (German)

Pence – derived from the name Pen(n), it means a hill or an area that housed stray animals.

The definition of “pen” according to the Merriam-Webster Dictionary is:  

  • a small enclosure for animals
  • a small place of confinement or storage
  • a protected dock or slip for a submarine

Joe R. Biden

Joseph = God will add (Hebrew)

Robinette = bright fame (Teutonic), the communication channel of a salted fountain or barrel pond (French)  The name Robin is a derivative made famous by the character Robin Hood known for stealing from the rich to give to the poor.

Biden = button

If we look at the Merriam-Webster dictionary’s definition of button it says,

  • “something (such as a push button) that has the real or symbolic capability of initiating a catastrophe.
  • a hidden sensitivity that can be manipulated to produce a desired response.

Kamala Devi Harris

Kamala = Horrid or horrendous, abysmal (Finnish) Lotus (Hindi)

Devi = goddess of power (Indian) Divine (Hindi) A mythological Hindu title relating to Shiva’s wife who is known by different names according to her exercise of power for good or ill.

Harris = son of Harry. (English) Harry means army ruler. Definition – son of an army ruler.

Do these names tell us anything? Personally, I believe they do. It explains in part what we see in the natural. Names carry destiny and we are seeing that proven true right before our eyes.

With just days before the election, may we no longer ignore what we see with our eyes and hear with our ears from the candidates and from their actions. And may we return to the foundation of biblical instruction rather than a politically correct culture that picks and chooses, like looking for a favorite chocolate, which scriptures apply and which don’t.

May we remember that God is specific and intentional with even the smallest detail. Nothing escapes His notice or the fulfillment of His plan. May we pay attention to what He is saying.

Eccelsiastes 10:2 tells us, “The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.”

Lord, give us eyes to see and ears to hear what You are saying to us through Your Word and through information in front of us. Help us to be willing to look at uncomfortable truths. Forgive us for trying to take Your Word and make it fit our mold. Guide us back individually and as a nation, to truly seeking You and following Your voice and Your Word.

Karen Hardin is a literary agent, author, and intercessor. Her work has appeared in USA Today, World Net Daily, Intercessors For America, Charisma, CBN.com, The Elijah List, etc. To order her new book: “INFECTED: How to Stop the Global Spread of Rage, Deception and Insanity” click here. To join the city-by-city prayer movement to save our nation go to: www.city-by-city.org. For additional information on her ministry, business or to sign up for her prophetic blog go to: www.karenhardin.com or you can contact her at www.prioritypr.org. (Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

 What surprised you most about the candidates’ names?

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November 2, 2020

Testimony: In 1995 I was in counseling. The counselor had a prophetic friend with whom he would speak about the counselees in general terms or maybe with just the first name (to protect privacy). This friend who did not know me said: her name is important, she should look it up. My name means “The Bee” in Hebrew. I found that in earlier times, it meant “eloquent.” In the next few years, God spoke to me about this 11 times through people who did not know me or in other ways. Over and over the words “prophetic” “wisdom” or “the gift of words” would come up as others prayed over me. Many times other believers have affirmed that my words were healing to them or that I had such a way of encouraging them with my words. God is faithful and I praise him for his grace to me.

November 2, 2020

The last few months, I have thought many times about the kings in the Bible whom God granted peace during their reign. What a gift! I have prayed many times for God to grant President Trump four more years but this time, there would be peace and rest in our land. Tonight, I finally decided to look up these kings. Solomon comes from Shalom and there is a Scripture that says, I will give him rest from all his enemies on every side. His name will be Solomon, and I will grant Israel peace and quiet during his reign.(1 Chron. 22). As I read, I decided to look up the meaning of Donald and was shocked to discover that it means “world leader.” Imagine my surprise when I pulled up this website and saw this article!

This reminds me of the Scripture in Genesis 41 that says, The reason the dream was given to Pharaoh in two forms is that the matter has been firmly decided by God, and God will do it soon.

Father God, it is my prayer that you would do this very thing. Give Donald John Trump four years of peace. He has been nominated for FOUR Nobel Peace Prizes. He is a man of peace and I pray that he would reap what he has sown – peace. Thank you. In Jesus Name. Amen.

Karen Scaggs
November 2, 2020

Thank you for this information, it explains a lot. It is so amazing how God uses the smallest detail to give us insight into what He is thinking and doing, if only we take the time to research and dig for information. This reveals the person behind the name quite accurately I believe!

November 2, 2020

Names foretell a destiny. As a nation we are intwined with God’s destiny for JerUSAlem.

Let America’s heart incline to the right.
Eccelsiastes 10:2 tells us, “The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left.”

Lord, give us eyes to see and ears to hear what You are saying to us through Your Word and through information in front of us. Amen!

Help us to be willing to look at uncomfortable truths. Exposure of evil and corruption for the cleansing of our nation.

Guide us back individually and as a nation, to truly seeking You and following Your voice and Your Word. In Jesus name, we pray. Amen!

Mel Teoh
November 2, 2020

Appropriate names for Our President and VP Pence. God bless them. May God face shine on them as they have to work for another 4 years. May God prepare their replacements in 2024 who will continue to walk with God in Keep America Great under God Almighty. In Jesus name. Amen.

November 1, 2020

Lord, just put the candidates YOU have chosen to be over the United States in this coming election. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!

November 1, 2020

Father, Thank You that our name is important to You. Thank You that You “will not forget me, See, I [God] have inscribed you [my name] on the palms of My [God’s] hands,” (Isaiah 49).
Praise Your Holy Name!

November 1, 2020

I don’t think the candidates names have anything to do with them. They did not choose their names or to whom they were born.

    Carol Flowers
    November 1, 2020

    Not true! As the author said, our names are I believe prescribed by GOD before the foundation of the world. My name is Carol and in French it means “song of joy”. From a child to now I have always loved to sing and have always been joyful and able to see the best of people and situations. My 2 children’s names meanings also match their personalities, and when I named them I thought I was choosing names I liked only. However, their names match them perfectly. My brothers and sisters names match them too. How can a parent pick out a name before a child is born, and then find out the origin and meaning of the name even when that child is grown and see that the name perfectly matches the child’s being! There is so much we still don’t know about GOD’S Power. “For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.” So many things will be revealed to us in Heaven! Hallelujah! Saints! Make sure to make Heaven!!! We will meet in person there! Our GOD is AWESOME!!!

Abigale Barnabas
November 1, 2020

I was not surprised. I have done a study of the Biblical meaning of names from Shem to Abraham to Israel and his 12 sons and their sons and from Ham to his sons and son’s sons….it is evident the pasted down iniquities to pray for and the blessings that God has given to those who had Godly names.
Jesus will unify the body of Christ and it is for prayer, because His House is a House of Prayer. I pray and place the iniquities of Your people, Lord, that have been pasted down, upon Mercy and Truth and give thanks for the Atonement made according to Proverbs 16:6.
I ask Jesus to burn out of us with the Baptism of fire all evil iniquities all generations back and forward with all roots and perimeters for eternity, out of our mind, body, soul, spirit, thoughts, words, deeds, and actions, even the intents of the thoughts of our hearts for eternity, and I thank You for the repentance of Your people, Lord, and their deliverance. I ask You to fill us with Your Word and all Your Godly spirits that we may be one with You as You are one with Your Father and walk in Your Spirit to fulfill Your purpose for Your glory and honor. We ask You to bring all in this Nation to repentance and deliverance that we be THE UNITED States of America. You said that every knee shall bow. We ask for that to come to pass. Thank You, Jesus. All thanksgiving and praise and honor be given unto You and the Holy Spirit of Truth that has come to execute Truth and establish Your Righteousness.

    November 1, 2020

    I agree with your prayer in Jesus’ most Holy Name.

      November 1, 2020

      The candidate who went after the whistleblower for Planned Parenthood instead of the multi-million dollar abortion organization that sold aborted body parts-Kamala. The same person who locked up black men and laughed about it, and some were innocent; Plus she delayed their release-Kamala. The same person who called Joe Biden a racist yet she is his running mate-Kamala! The other candidate who didn’t want his children raised in a racial jungle-Biden. The same one who lied about fracking-Joe Biden. Names mean everything, because it connects to character. What does Jacob’s name mean? What did GOD change his name to? MSM will never tell what good things President Trump has done for the nation. The other team wants to get rid of Christians and Jews via laws, promote social medicine, open borders, refunding police…the devil is a lie!

        November 1, 2020

        Defunding police

        November 1, 2020

        The devil is indeed a liar and a deceiver. He has come to steal, kill, and destroy among other things.

jane stoll
November 1, 2020

Amazing how the names represent the people. May God protect us from deceitful and dishonorable Joe and Kamala.
A good name is more desirable than great riches; to be esteemed is better than silver or gold. Proverbs 22:1

    November 1, 2020

    Dishonorable and deceitful? Those words belong to the other candidates.

Shirley Gue
November 1, 2020

They hit the nail on the heads! God’s word and purposes always do!


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