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Facebook’s global policy manager for content regulation, Anna Makanju, advised Joe Biden on Ukraine policy during his time as Vice President. She also defended Biden from charges of wrongdoing with regards to Ukraine in a comment to the Washington Post last year.

Her position as a senior employee at Facebook handling content regulation may have given her an opportunity to influence the social network’s decision to suppress a New York Post story revealing that Joe Biden’s son Hunter, then on a lucrative contract with the Ukrainian energy giant Burisma, introduced the then-Vice President to an executive at the company. . . .

Makanju is also a fellow at the Atlantic Council, which partnered with Facebook in 2018 to promote “election integrity” around the world.

Her profile at the Atlantic Council covers Mananju’s ties to Biden:

Anna Makanju is a nonresident senior fellow with the Transatlantic Security Initiative. She is a public policy and legal expert working at Facebook, where she leads efforts to ensure election integrity on the platform. Previously, she was the special policy adviser for Europe and Eurasia to former US Vice President Joe Biden, senior policy adviser to Ambassador Samantha Power at the United States Mission to the United Nations, director for Russia at the National Security Council, and the chief of staff for European and NATO Policy in the Office of the Secretary of Defense.

A 2019 article in the Washington Post notes that Makanju — now in an influential position allowing her to steer Facebook’s content moderation — also specifically defended Biden, her former employer, from allegations of wrongdoing with regards to Ukraine.

The article notes that Makanju was Biden’s senior policy adviser for Ukraine, and that she listened to the former Vice President’s calls with Ukrainian officials.

Anna Makanju, Biden’s senior policy adviser for Ukraine at the time, also listened to the calls and said release of the transcripts would only strengthen Biden’s case that he acted properly. She helped Biden prepare for the conversations and said they operated at a high level, with Biden using language such as Poroshenko’s government being “nation builders for a transformation of Ukraine.”

A reference to a private company such as Burisma would be “too fine a level of granularity” for a call between Biden and the president of another country, Makanju told The Fact Checker. Instead, she said, the conversation focused on reforms demanded by the International Monetary Fund, methods to tackle corruption and military assistance. An investigation of “Burisma was just not significant enough” to mention, she said.

(Excerpt from Breitbart. Article by Allum Bokhari. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

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October 26, 2020

I continue to pray for truth to be revealed, and that this truth not be stalled or buried again. Father, it seems that the lies and corruption is in small and large places, but You see all. You are the Righteous Judge!
Come quickly to help America and her leaders. May those who desire to harm be turned back in disgrace, and may they be put to shame and confusion. Prov. 21:15 When justice is done, it brings joy to the righteous but terror to evildoers.

Mel Teoh
October 26, 2020

Thank You for this article. When we heard such news without understanding the mustard seed Faith power, we will be afraid and live in fear.
Father-God, You allow Facebook to become what it is today, without Your approval Marc Zuckerberg doesn’t have today. Marc Zuckerberg may not have freely breath Your air.
I am praying for the soul of Marc Zuckerberg who is still young, that in his remaining days on earth, he will repent and do the right thing as Your image bearer whose allegiance should be to YOU and not to himself. Marc Z and his staff forget that all that they have today is Your blessings.
Please have mercy to them and let all FB financial sources be shaken up so that he and his family may know You. It seems impossible to do it but with YOU nothing is impossible and we trust that it will be done according to Your will which is best for George Soros and his family. In Jesus name. Amen.

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