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Father, protect Senator Lindsey and his family. We ask for peace over our nation in the middle of this unrest.
Reading Time: 3 minutes

Protesters swarmed to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham’s house early Monday morning, blaring air horns, banging drums and ringing bells as Capitol Police tried to keep them off his property.

“We can’t sleep so neither should Lindsey,” said a banner carried by protesters. . . .

Editor’s Note: Then a protester tried to get to his door.

As head of the Senate Judiciary Committee, Graham will oversee the confirmation hearing for President Donald Trump’s nominee to the Supreme Court, which the president said Monday will come this week. The South Carolina Republican said after the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg that he is “dead set on confirming” Trump’s nominee.

Critics point out that Graham opposed holding a vote for then-President Barack Obama’s pick in 2016 after the death of Justice Antonin Scalia. But Graham said the behavior of Democrats during the confirmation hearing for now-Justice Brett Kavanaugh — whom they accused of sexual misconduct — has made him his change his mind on the matter.

“Democrats chose to set in motion rules changes to stack the court at the circuit level and they chose to try to destroy Brett Kavanaugh’s life to keep the Supreme Court seat open,” Graham wrote on Twitter on Sunday. “You reap what you sow.” . . .

Democrats demand that Republicans hold off on replacing Ginsburg on the court until after the Nov. 3 election. But Joe Biden, Barack Obama — and even Ginsburg herself — said in 2016 that the president has the responsibility to quickly fill a vacancy on the high court.

“The president has the constitutional duty to nominate; the Senate has the constitutional obligation to provide advice and consent,” Biden wrote in a New York Times op-ed in 2016.

“It is written plainly in the Constitution that both presidents and senators swear an oath to uphold and defend,” he wrote. “That’s why I was so surprised and saddened to see Republican leaders tell President Obama and me that they would not even consider a Supreme Court nominee this year. No meetings. No hearings. No votes. Nothing. It is an unprecedented act of obstruction. And it risks a stain on the legacy of all those complicit in carrying out this plan.”

In a speech at Georgetown University, Biden also said: “I would go forward with a confirmation process as chairman, even a few months before a presidential election, if the nominee were chosen with the advice, and not merely the consent, of the Senate, just as the Constitution requires.” . . .

The vice president was echoing the words of his boss, former president Barack Obama. After Scalia’s death, Obama declared that he had a duty to nominate a successor.

“The Constitution vests in the President the power to appoint judges to the Supreme Court. It’s a duty that I take seriously, and one that I will fulfill in the weeks ahead,” Obama wrote in 2016.

Obama said he was looking for a replacement with a “sterling record, deep respect for the judiciary’s role, an understanding of the way the world really works.”

“That’s what I’m considering as I fulfill my constitutional duty to appoint a judge to our highest court.  And as Senators prepare to fulfill their constitutional responsibility to consider the person I appoint, I hope they’ll move quickly to debate and then confirm this nominee so that the Court can continue to serve the American people at full strength,” Obama wrote.

But like Biden, Obama has flip-flopped on the issue — now that a Republican president is in office and the GOP controls the Senate.

“Four and a half years ago, when Republicans refused to hold a hearing or an up-or-down vote on Merrick Garland, they invented the principle that the Senate shouldn’t fill an open seat on the Supreme Court before a new president was sworn in,” he wrote in a statement.

(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Article by Joseph Curl. Photo Credit: Getty Images.)

What do you think about these protesters swarming Sen. Lindsey? Share your comments and prayers below. . .

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Mel Teoh
September 23, 2020

Father God:
Thank You for the privilege to pray.
Please protect Senator Lindsey Graham and his family from any attack physically and spiritually.
Please give him discernment and wisdom to do his job. Let the people around him be respectful for what he did. Please bless Senator Graham with drawing near You.
In Jesus name we pray. Thank You. Amen.

Anne Hirsh
September 23, 2020

The Lord is near to all who call upon Him. To all who call upon Him in truth. He will fulfill the desire of those who fear Him; He also will hear their cry & save them. The Lord preserves all who love Him, but the wicked He will destroy. Praise Him

September 23, 2020

If people can gather in a group such as this, then why do we need mail-in ballots? Surely, they can get themselves to the polls during the course of entire month of early voting.

September 23, 2020

Job 38 Who shut up the sea behind doors when it burst forth from the womb…

…when I said, ‘THIS FAR YOU MAY COME AND NO FARTHER; HERE IS WHERE YOUR PROUD WAVES HALT.” Father God, thank you that the protestors were unable to get into Senator Graham’s house. You drew a line in the sand and said “No further.” There are many who are proud in our nation, Lord. Who do they think they are being so tyrannical and bullying and extorting and intimidating people? I proclaim that this nation is under GOD, the God of Job 38 -40. You spoke of one of your creatures and said, When he rises up the mighty are terrified, they retreat before his thrashing. We ask that YOU would rise up, O Lord, and the “mighty” of this land would be terrified and brought low before the living God. Nothing on earth is your equal. No plan of yours can be thwarted. How thankful we are that your mercy triumphs over judgement.

    September 23, 2020

    Dear Heavenly Father,
    Thank you for Job 38. This far you may come and no farther.
    I ask you, Father, to hold those who would counter protest to nonviolence. It seems we may have those who want to stand with truth coming to protect those who are being intimidated. Please keep conservatives from violence. No weapons or force that would break out in armed conflict and brutality in the streets. Thank you, Lord.
    In Jesus name and through his blood. Amen


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