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I Prayed have prayed
Your throne, O God, is forever and ever. The scepter of Your Kingdom is a scepter of uprightness; You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness. (Psalms 45:6-7 ESV)
Reading Time: 3 minutes

In worship during our final session of the Sword to Scepter conference this past weekend, one of the intercessors had a word concerning the vacant seat on the Supreme Court. She had a vision of the marble steps leading to the court covered in blood, representing the innocent blood spilt in this nation. She was instructed to clean off the steps and purify them.

Then the Lord said, “You are not to wait for a replacement for the Supreme Court. You are to immediately, as intercessors, go up and take Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s seat and OCCUPY IT RIGHT NOW.” Then she saw intercessors sitting down, piled up on top of each other, reaching all the way to the third heaven. He said, “Occupy the seat now – do not leave it empty!”

There are those whom heaven is specifically calling to TAKE THIS SEAT and occupy it through intercession. This is not a vacancy if the intercessors take it first and SECURE it for Kingdom purposes! I believe Holy Spirit will reveal secrets and revelatory intel to guide these prayers and bring greater protection, promise, and providence on the one that has been prepared. The Lord is also instructing us in the POSTURE to take and the DECISIONS to be rendered concerning the courts of this nation.

Your throne, O God, is forever and ever. The scepter of Your Kingdom is a scepter of uprightness; You have loved righteousness and hated wickedness. (Psalms 45:6-7 ESV)

The scepter of His kingdom has been given to us as His heirs, sons and daughters of an everlasting Kingdom, and a government that will never end. Those who hold this scepter have been given judicial authority by heaven to render decisions for the honor of the King and the sake of His kingdom. Because this nation was established as a nation under God and its laws written and recorded as covenant-keeping edicts, we can stand secure in this inheritance we have been granted.

For the scepter of wickedness shall not rest on the land allotted to the righteous! (Psalm 125:3)

It is heaven’s judgment that wicked rulers shall NOT inherit the land allotted to us! Only those who have been given the scepter of righteousness and justice can rule and render right judgments over this nation. As heirs to this promise, we lay claim to our birthright in righteous intercession and NULLIFY any other claim to this land or its courts. THEREFORE…

We declare that this nation is under God and we LAY CLAIM to its courts and those who represent it! Being given the scepter from the throne, we hold the highest court of this nation to account! We declare that this seat only be held by one who will execute justice and righteousness for the honor of the King and the sake of His Kingdom. We nullify any other claims or rights to this seat which do not hold to the eternal laws and precepts already established through our covenant with the Lord God Almighty and the Constitution of this nation.

As we occupy this seat in the spirit, we refuse any demand, edict, threat, or ruling that seeks to evict us from this seat that has ALREADY been secured by heaven’s court. We declare blessing, favor, and honor on the one whom the King has chosen to sit in this seat and ask for the angelic host to be stationed about them to protect them, defend their honor, and establish their steps in taking this seat. We also declare that no injunction, restriction, or limitation will hold back heaven’s appointee, and those who seek to obstruct the scepter of the righteous will have to answer to heaven’s highest court.

We declare that this nation’s courts are under the jurisdiction of heaven and the authority of the King. The laws of this land WILL reflect the holiness of God, the purity of His justice, and the integrity of His crown. For the sake of the King and the honor of His throne – Amen!

The scepter will not depart from Judah, nor the ruler’s staff from his descendants, until the coming of the one to whom it belongs, the one whom all nations will honor. (Genesis 49:10 NLT)

Wanda Alger has been a field correspondent with Intercessors for America and written for Charisma, The Elijah List, Spirit Fuel, and The Christian Post. She is an author of numerous books, including “Moving from Sword to Scepter: Ruling through Prayer as the Ekklesia of God.” Follow her blog at wandaalger.me. (Used with permission. Article originally published at wandaalger.me. Photo by Jackie Boylhart on Unsplash)

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Elizabeth Wolfe
October 2, 2020

“His Name shall be called Wonderful Counselor”…!!
Yes!!! Thank you for sharing this wonderful counsel
From the Throne Room to the prayer closets and
pulpits of America. “With the mouth confession is made into salvation” Rom. 10:10

October 2, 2020

Yes and Amen King Jesus Christ!!! We are seeking Your Kingdom and Your Righteousness over this seat and The Supreme Court.
We stand in alignment with Heaven and You the Glorious King of Heaven! And we take our place in this seat, knowing that we are seated with Your in the Heavenly places, far above every principalities, power, and dominions. Every name that is named, that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow. In agreement with Your word…we place Your Name Jesus over this seat, Your name which is Righteous, Justice and Truth!!
We Praise You for Your Great Mercy, and thank You for bringing Your Kingdom, Your Supreme Authority to our Supreme Court in America!
All Glory to Your Name!!

September 29, 2020

Amen and Amen!

Margaret Young
September 29, 2020

Praise the Lord. I am in total agreekment

ellie agee
September 26, 2020


Shirley Byrd
September 26, 2020


September 25, 2020

Amen, and Amen, and Amen! So be it precious Lord!

September 25, 2020

As I was praying, I felt the Lord say to go the my county’s courthouse as a point of contact for praying in the new SCOTUS Justice, and to pray for every level of our judicial system from top to bottom.

Debra Gallagher
September 24, 2020

Amen and So Be It!

CJ (Joye)
September 23, 2020

Dear Lord God Almighty, Have Your hand and Your way concerning the choice for Justice of the SCOTUS. Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven. Keep the Justice and family members from any accidents, mistakes, harm or danger in this vetting process. Keep them from all evil and from the evil one.
For any “arrows in the quiver” are intended for the Justice nominee, President and his administration, or confirming Congress members, may they have a Boomerang effect and strike the one from which they came. Let evil be exposed as evil and truth as truth.
We pray for Roe vs Wade to be overturned in the court system and for all Planned Parenthood offices to be abolished. Until this action is set in motion by You God, we pray Your protection over all babies in-utero (in the womb). We speak and declare LIFE over every baby and may they walk out Your destiny for them. May they complete Your plan and purpose for their life. We give You all honor and glory and praise for what You are about to do in America.
We ask these things in Jesus name, by the power of Your Holy Spirit. We thank You in advance for answering these supplications and requests. Amen.

September 23, 2020

I prayed and decreed today and everyday until God’s chosen righteous and anointed is seated.

Charles Friedrich
September 23, 2020

An awsome prayer that we lift up to God in agreement AMEN

September 23, 2020

I do and will pray daily.

Thank you for this prayer. I like Christian prayers and I will pray this one daily.

James Kneff
September 23, 2020

I will pray acvorsing ro the word given

September 23, 2020


Judy S. Gibson
September 23, 2020

I Prayed and I’m Praying

September 23, 2020

Yes. I prayed and declared this prayer. And I stand in agreement with Heaven and my fellow Intercessor. In Jesus’ name we ask. Amen

Betty Flores
September 22, 2020

In full agreement🙌 Our nation needs Jesus or we are doomed! As christians we must fast and pray over this land🙏🏻🙏🏻

Jean Pullen
September 22, 2020

Thank you greatly for these posts, and Righteous prayers, as well as decrees!!!
We serve an Awesome Holy God. His ruling will prevail. I’m excited and encouraged to see such powerful prayers and to join with His Sword bearers in prayers.

September 22, 2020

Yes I agree.., Praise to our King

September 22, 2020

I am so in total agreement with this prayer for the seat in the Supreme Court. I call any and every work of the enemy that will come against filling this seat with righteousness and holiness null and void. Thank U Lord For making the plans of the enemy to no affect in Jesus name. Greater are You Lord God that the god of this age. Have Your way God Almighty And thank U Father for raising up a standard against the enemy as he comes in like a flood amen and amen !!!

September 22, 2020

It is we who gave room to the devil by living in disobedience to the clear teaching of scripture,
Let us each search our own hearts, and may GOD grant us essential repentance which is what is needed for prayers to be powerful.

“If I regard iniquity in my heart The LORD will not hear me.” Psalm 66:18

    Stephani Mikeska
    September 22, 2020

    Right on
    Psalm 66:17-20
    I teach this to my children. We need to ask forgiveness of our sins than worship the Lord and present our request and God will hear us and HIS will will be done as God answers our prayer the best way🙏

September 22, 2020

Yes I agree with the prayers from this article and hold up King Jesus’s decree over America in Jesus Name, Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Maria Walker
September 22, 2020

To God be the Glory!!!!!
Yes I am in full agreement with this prayer!!!!!
In Jesus Name!
To whom belong all the Glory Praise and Honor now and forever more!!!!

September 22, 2020

I agree and declare Amen to the prayer in Jesus name Amen.

Gary Fortney
September 22, 2020

In the name of Jesus, our heavenly Father may these angels who are seated above this judicial seat be physically seen so that the entire world may know that the Lord, He is God. Thanks for the vision of seeing the sweet aroma of prayers ascending the throne of God throughout all of the USA, North America and around the world. May this sweet aroma instill Your power and action. We praise You, we worship You, we adore You for hearing our prayers. Amen.

Dan Chapman
September 22, 2020

Lord, in mercy, identify the right person and make it clear to the President and his team. Lord, someone who will not succumb to the pressure or be blackmailed later. Lord, take the field, in the spiritual realm, and pave the way. Protect all five of these woman and their families – even now, from intimidation, from physical harm, and from slander.
We hold, by faith, the selection into the anointing of that position. And Lord, guide Lindsay Graham and the President’s team concerning the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing. I ask, Lord, that they limit the length to one day – if they must hold a hearing at all.
(Word of caution: Prior to the Kavanaugh selection, their were those so convinced Kavanaugh should not be the choice, that they were practically cursing him.) Lord, we bless and not curse. May nothing of consequence slip through the vetting – though I would guess that was completed some time ago.

Scott Singletary
September 22, 2020

JESUS please use Return a sacred assembly and all of us your people
And 10 Days of praying.
Only YOU JESUS can acquit our bloody nation and bloody government.
Please do it for YOUR name sake. And reputation
Acquit me JESUS and my family and our church es and our federal government
In JESUS name.

Michael G.
September 22, 2020

Our Father, we occupy and contend for this high seat in our land. We come before you knowing that resistance is mounting. I pray You would thwart every scheme and lie of the enemy. We ask you to give the President wisdom in choosing the right person to fill this position. I also pray for the warriors that were led years ago to occupy this seat. Lord protect them, strengthen them, pour Your Spirit out upon them. Give them revelation as to how to pray.

Sharlene Royalty
September 22, 2020

I have decreed this prayer into the atmosphere of the United States of America, with the authority of the name of Jesus, by His shed blood and the Word of the living God. Yes and Amen!

September 22, 2020

“O you who hear prayer, to you shall all flesh come”.(Psalm 65:2)
“Before they call I will answer; while they are yet speaking I will hear”.(Isaiah 65:24 ESV)

Thank you Lord for answering our prayer🙏

September 22, 2020

Amen! Yes, I am in agreement!

Sherry Mallory
September 22, 2020

Lord, the vacant seat of the US Supreme Court has been spoken for by You. I stand in agreement, pray and declare Your justice, righteousness and truth be the new normal in our highest court and in every court in this nation. Holy Spirit take control during process as our leaders decide who fill the seat. Lord bless each person involved with Divine wisdom, discernment and knowledge. In the mighty name of Jesus I bind all resistance that would come against the good and perfect will of Almighty God.

September 22, 2020

JESUS knows everything. He spoke these words over 2000 years ago.
Then it goes and takes with it seven other spirits more wicked than itself, and they go in and live there. And the final condition of that person is worse than the first. That is how it will be with this wicked generation.” Matthew 12

Thank you God that you have given us this opportunity to occupy the empty seat so that the demonic spirits cannot inhabit it.

    Danielle Hidalgo
    September 22, 2020

    Amen! So let it be according to God’s word and His purpose!

Sally Miller
September 22, 2020

I am in total agreement & so excited to be a part of this Prayer 🙏 to Almighty God to bring righteousness to bear in this situation!!!!!

Lois Taritas
September 22, 2020

I say hallelujah and amen!
Divine rule!

Kandace Phelps
September 22, 2020

Yes and AMEN!

Lorri Valle
September 22, 2020

Yes El Shaddai the nurturer and satisfier give us a Deborah uncontested for 25+ years let her anointing be upon the woman who’s heart is the Lord’s with the wisdom of Solomon!

Laura Sheffield
September 22, 2020

Praying to you God to intervene!! Have your way, open the eyes of people who are lost and do not know you. Put in someone who will make Godly decisions that reflect your righteousness. We trust you and praise you! You are always in the Move.

Jennifer Hoenisch
September 22, 2020

We pray Father that you would have your will, your way… your will, your way…. only your will and only your way with this nation in Jesus Holy and precious name Amen.

September 22, 2020

Amen! It is finished!

Dawn Ann Satsuma
September 22, 2020

Amen and Amen…Your will be done Lord. Your appointed one will sit in that seat in Jesus name!!!

Pam Johnson
September 22, 2020

I agree! No enemy of Gods government shall are the land/territory destined for the Ekklesia

Kay Bieber
September 22, 2020

Thanks be to God for His Holy Word which He watches over to perform! The seat belongs to the KINGDOM in JESUS NAME!

Bonnie Bennett
September 22, 2020

Amen so be it Lord

Barbara Michalcik
September 22, 2020

Very powerful! We are seated in heavenly places!

Denise Turner
September 22, 2020

Absolutely loved it! Read it out loud! Claiming Gods rightful justice and authority over our nation. This article really fired me up. Lest we forget, we are Gods hands and feet. Strengthen us, Holy Spirit, for the battle. Confuse and frustrate the enemy. Amen

Irene Rinehart
September 22, 2020

I am in agreement and speaking this declaration. Thank you for mobilizing the intercessors to come together to form an army that pulls together for strategic moves.
Be blessed with His breath.

September 22, 2020


Janet V
September 22, 2020

Amen! We stand united in claiming America as one Nation under God. Lord, we humble ourselves, we turn from our wicked ways and we ask you to heal our land through the hearts and eyes of it’s people. Return unity and peace to our families. We call on the mighty power of Jesus!

R Walker
September 22, 2020

I am in agreement! I heard a pastor say in one of his sermons several weeks ago “if we don’t fight for our freedom we will lose our freedom.” We are in a battle with the god of this earth
and it is about to heat up.
Father in heaven I pray for our president that You will give him the wisdom to select the right person for this seat and that You will give this person strength and courage to face what may follow. There are lot of enemies out there seeking to destroy, but our God is greater.

Vina M Elias
September 22, 2020

We as prayer warrior should pray and seek Gods face to protect this seat until President Trump fill it also we need to cover our President as never before in our prayers they are going to try and destroy him in any way they can.I pray in the Mighty Name Of Jesus Father God surround our president with guarding angles keep him safe from bodily harm in Jesus Name I pray Amen

Elizabeth Wolfe
September 22, 2020

Yes. God has been showing me Isaiah 66:8; “Shall a land be born in one day? Or a nation be brought forth in a moment? As soon as Zion was in labor, she brought forth her children.”
Zion refers to, “the govt. of God in a people!”

    October 2, 2020

    We are in the birthing pangs now…pushing in the Spirit through prayer and worship..by His Mighty Spirit in alignment with Jesus to bring worth His Kingdom!!!

September 22, 2020

I clearly see the importance of the Supreme Court’s seat for Ruth Bader Ginsburg as God is calling us to pray for something He has already declared it’s His! May we continue to pray diligently and cover our nation with the blessings of our Heavenly Father and not let the power of darkness enveloped our beautiful nation and it’s people.

Marylee jennings
September 22, 2020

Amen and amen

September 22, 2020

We need to be seriously in prayer believing God in the highest heaven that this seat is promise who The Lord Jesus Christ has promised it.

Phyllis Kutz
September 22, 2020

AMEN AND AMEN I totally agree with her. God has set His plan in motion and no one can stop it.

September 22, 2020

Amen! Am in total agreement! Praying along with you.

September 22, 2020

May it be so, in the name if Jesus

Virginia Miles
September 22, 2020

Yes I stand in agreement. A holy woman one of God’s choosing will occupy Ruth Bader Ginsburg’s vacant seat. God claims this seat. Over turn Roe vs Wade.

Karen E. Dearen
September 22, 2020

I believe! The Lord is with us . The righteous will have the victory!

Susan Sanders
September 22, 2020

Yes I prayed in agreement with you regarding the Supreme Court seat.
Only the one the Lord has chosen.

    Lois P Willis
    September 22, 2020

    Well from all these prayers it is obvious the next nominee or should we say justice of the Supreme
    Court will be a woman. Loved the pic of the stacking of people from earth to heaven- at that place that is on open heaven over the earth- a place of divine intersection for out-pouring. Thanks to all who have been in intercession for months and even years for these seats to be filled with Godly ones! Bravo Church up !!
    How lovely to see the church coming together as one in this time of tumult and seeming chaos. How it must please the Father to see the gifts He has bestowed on us being used!!
    And also how the u out of the church speaks into the chaos of the world!!

    The scrip that came to me is Psalm 68:1-4
    “ God is already beginning to arise, and His enemies to scatter; let them also who hate Him flee before Him! As smoke is driven away so drive them away; as wax melts before the fire, so let the wicked perish before the presence of God. But let the uncompromisingly righteous be glad; let them be in high spirits and glory before God, yes, let them jubilanty rejoice! Sing to God, sing praises to his name, cast up a highway for him to ride through the deserts – his name is the Lord —be in high spirits and glory before him!”

    God is moving through His church- His body- on this earth.

    How glorious that He is raising up our dry bones and breathing LIFE into is once again. Hallelujah!!

    The demons tremble before Him and before the churcH of Jesus Christ. Yes the battle is fierce . We must persevere together in prayer and word and deed.

    What a privilege to be part of this group!!

    This day we fight!!

De Etta mcgreevy
September 22, 2020

I am in agreement with the prayers. I live a little over an hour from Winchester Wanda. If u have other gatherings, please let me know.

Shelly Muff
September 22, 2020

Hallelujah! In full agreement, AMEN!

Beth MacLeod
September 22, 2020

Yes! I prayed in agreement with this and will continue to!

    Priscilla Bailey
    September 22, 2020

    Praise God! I stand in agreement with this prayer for the vacant seat on the Supreme Court. Father, it is our desire that Your Will be done. Lead us in unity as we boldly occupy this seat with the authority vested to us by our Lord and Savior! May we stand together, united in the Spirit, guarding this seat in anticipation of the one You have chosen to fill it. Yes Lord, we decree and declare Your appointee to this seat, and no other. Father, I humbly ask that You dispatch a heavenly host of angels to stand guard and protect the one You have chosen. Place a wall of fire around the areas of their life that the enemy would seek to dishonor, disrupt and tear down. Dissolve any plan, in its infancy, that would come against the plan You have for this vacant seat and the one You have chosen to fill it. You Lord are our Hope! Once again, we pray, Your will be done, as it is in heaven – in Jesus name, Amen!

Maritza Heg
September 22, 2020

Yes, Wanda !! Your declaration will be central for my intercession. I’ll share with other intercessors, as much as I can. Be mightily blessed!

    September 22, 2020

    Yes I stand in agreement!

    September 22, 2020

    Thank you for this image of interceptors stacked to heaven holding this seat for God’s chosen. Lord place me in that stack!

    Father, I pray for your Deborah to be confirmed quickly. Lord I pray for your wisdom, courage and strength be pored out on her to endure the ugly Senate process that will surely come.
    Lord, I pray for all interceptors to take these attacks and pain from your Deborah so that we can hold her and help her through the confirmation process. We ask for the precious blood of Jesus to cover her and angels to surround her and her family.
    We will not shrink from this battle and look forward to Your great victory. Glory to God. The victory is already won! Amen

      Jessica Renshaw
      September 23, 2020


      Mary, a friend of mine here in Long Beach, has powerful and accurate discernment. She and I were praying just now about the death of Ruth Bader Ginsburg. I think I had just said something like, “It must be terrible to wake up in hell and realize you were responsible for the deaths of so many babies–”

      As soon as I finished, Mary said, “While you were praying I had a vision of heaven. Abraham was there and he opened up a gap between heaven and hell. I could see millions of aborted babies running around and playing. I saw Ruth Bader Ginsburg look up and she could see all the babies she’d aborted. One kid looked down. He could see her too. He looked at her and said, “Jesus died for us, too!”

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