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Father, we pray straight from Psalm 82:3 “Give justice to the weak and the fatherless; maintain the right of the afflicted and the destitute.” Lord, Help Your people to rise up and fight for those who cannot fight for themselves.
Reading Time: 4 minutes

Christian adoption, foster and orphan care ministry Lifeline Children’s Services launched its annual fundraiser Stand for Orphans this month, but COVID-19 is making the orphan crisis “more than a crisis,” says Executive Director Herbie Newell.

Newell and his family kicked off Stand for Orphans on July 9, inviting children of all ages to raise funds for the 153 million orphans in need worldwide. The Birmingham-based adoption, foster and orphan care ministry, however, has been forced to offer alternative ways for families to raise money because of the global pandemic. Lifeline Children’s Services is encouraging people to be creative on how they go about garnering support. . . .

The following is an edited transcript of The Christian Post’s interview with Lifeline Newell, who launched Stand for Orphans with his family. He shares more about the initiative and how the 2020 pandemic has made the vulnerable only more vulnerable:

CP: How is COVID-19 affecting all of this? 

Newell: COVID-19 had been a complete game changer in so many ways. It has even affected the way we can do Stand for Orphans this summer. While some families will continue to try and pull off a traditional stand in their neighborhood, the fear for most is just too great. Knowing that the landscape has changed this summer, we are offering virtual stands where kids can do bake sales, use their talents to earn money, or sell jewelry and crafts online. . . .

And then lastly and most importantly, COVID-19 has made the orphan crisis that much more of a crisis. In many of the countries where we work, we are seeing the effects of both the illness as well as economic collapse. As always, the most vulnerable only become more vulnerable in these scenarios. Children are being separated from parents, losing parents, and left in truly chaotic situations. Just since March, Lifeline and (un)adopted has been able to feed, clothe, and get medical attention for over 5,000 vulnerable families and children in Africa, Asia, Latin America, and Eastern Europe.

CP: Why would you encourage families to raise money together for the global orphan crisis?

Newell: The need is great. There are 153 million orphaned and vulnerable children around the world and 450,000 kids in U.S. foster care. We are told in the Bible that pure and undefiled religion in the sight of God our Father is to look after orphans and widows in distress and to keep oneself unstained from the world (James 1:27).

As Christian parents, the home is the greatest place of discipleship. It’s not up to the church, pastors, or student ministers to disciple our kids. It’s our job to model, teach, and train our children in godliness. Stand for Orphans is not only a way to care for the vulnerable; it can truly be a tool of discipleship as we lead our children to get engaged in Gospel-driven justice.

CP: How can you encourage others to pursue adoption, foster, and orphan care despite the expenses or red tape?  

Newell: The good news is that there are many ways to fund adoption including grant agencies, ministries that provide non-interest adoption loans, tax credits, etc. Adoption is expensive because it is filled with legalities, travel, medical expenses, paperwork, potential foreign government fees, potential immigration fees, and time. Lifeline has three pages worth of resources to help families fund their adoption at

I could tell story after story of families who had their adoptions fully funded. The Lord will equip those He calls. Not everyone is called to adopt or foster, but we are all called to do something. And we are never promised that when we are called that it will be easy or carefree. The disciples were called to leave their nets, tax booths, and ways of living to follow Jesus. Paul was called to leave his comfort to proclaim Jesus as Messiah. The goal is not comfort, but Christlikeness and following Him.

Families need to pray, seek the Lord, and make sure they know He is calling them to adoption or foster care because it is only one of many ways we are all called to care for the fatherless.

All are called to care for orphans, but a specific few are called to adopt or foster.

CP: In addition to raising funds, what could the body of Christ practically do to help the 153 million orphans who are in need around the globe? 


  1. We can support families before, during, and after adoption and help with securing funding for the adoption.
  2. We can participate in foster care ministry, including recruiting and training foster and respite families, offering prayer and acts of service to them, and ministering to government workers, the government, and non-believing foster families.
  3. We can also participate in strategic orphan care by ministering to caregivers in institutions; minimizing developmental deficits by utilizing tutoring programs, education programs, and therapy; teaching and mentoring older orphans with job and life skills; helping with transitional assistance for older orphans who are aging out; and developing programs for reunification of orphans into their biological families through Gospel intervention.
  4. We can also get engaged with birthparent and reunification ministry by helping families who are struggling and at risk of losing their kids by teaching them about biblical family and parenting. . . .

Editor’s Note: We can take these next 6 principles found in the life of Boaz and what he did for Ruth and apply them to our everyday life now. . .

  1. Take notice of orphans
  2. Provide for orphans’ needs including food, shelter, clothing and essentials
  3. Affirm and bless orphans
  4. Protect orphans and advocate for their safety by making them a priority, not a burden
  5. Honor orphans and serve them with your time, talent and abilities
  6. Invite orphans into your family

(Excerpt from The Christian Post. Written by Jeannie Law. Photo from Stand For Orphans Twitter.)

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July 23, 2020


Darlene Estlow
July 23, 2020

Father, how you care for the children. I pray you would raise up Christians to pray, think and act in accordance with your word about foster care and adoption.


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