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Father, we pray for protection for Tucker Carlson and his family. Restore civility in our nation, God!
Reading Time: 2 minutes

At the close of his program on Monday night, Fox News Channel’s Tucker Carlson revealed The New York Times had a story in the work that would divulge the location of his home, which could potentially put him and his family in harm’s way.

“Last week, The New York Times began working on a story about where my family and I live,” he said. “As a matter of journalism, there is no conceivable justification for a story like that. The paper is not alleging we’ve done anything wrong, and we haven’t. We pay our taxes. We like our neighbors. We’ve never had a dispute with anyone. So why is The New York Times doing a story on the location of my family’s house? Well, you know why. To hurt us, to injure my wife and kids so that I will shut up and stop disagreeing with them.”

Carlson reminded viewers that nearly two years ago, another such incident occurred when he was residing in Washington, D.C.   An angry mob showed up at his home, forcing his wife to hide while the angry mob aligned with Antifa vandalized his home. [He has since moved to another part of the DC metro area because of it.]

He said the same could occur if The New York Times followed through with the story.

“Editors there know exactly what will happen to my family when it does run,” Carlson continued. “I called them today, and I told them. But they didn’t care. They hate my politics. They want this show off the air. If one of my children gets hurt because of a story they wrote, they won’t consider it collateral damage. They know it’s the whole point of the exercise: To inflict pain on our family, to terrorize us, to control, we say. That’s the kind of people they are.”

(From Breitbart News. Article by Jeff Poor.)

Let’s pray for protection for Carlson and his family. Nobody should be doxxed, intimidated, or threatened. Join us to pray Psalm 91, or share what scripture or prayer you are praying on Carlson’s behalf.

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Linda Stewart
July 23, 2020

Prayers of protection the blood of Jesus over he and his family and dwelling. No weapon formed against them will prosper.

Rolanda Shrader
July 23, 2020

Father, we apply the precious blood of Jesus over Tucker Carlson and his family and declare NO weapon formed against them will prevail in JESUS Name. Amen!
Mr Carlson declare Psalm 91 over your family daily. It is your covering from Almighty God. We are standing in faith and prayer for you and your family. The LOVE of God drives away ALL fear!

Lois Mai
July 23, 2020

As God turned the tables on wicked Haman and his plans, I pray HE will do the same on those who seek to do evil against Godly servants and truth-tellers Like Tucker, Sean, Laura, Shannon and all who are courageous enough to call out the evil that is running amok in our land today. God, please be their defender, their shield against every attack of the evil one, and turn your judgement back on the evil doers in all cases. Please make it obvious, so all will see that you are God and you will not be mocked or messed with. In Jesus Name.

Titus Woman
July 23, 2020

We plead the blood of Jesus Christ of Nazareth over the Carlson’s family, home and careers. We demand, decree and declare ministering angels surround him, going out and coming in and they shall not live under fear. We bind, rebuke and renounce demonic attacks loosed by the NY Times and it’s demonic powers and principalities In Jesus’ name, amen.

joe boudreau
July 23, 2020

Dear Carlson family,Tucker keep in mind that you have a gardien Angel and also your wife and your children,talk to them every day and ask them to protect you and your love one,thats the reason they were created to protect you and garde you,but you must ask them every day of your life for their protection. Amen. And yes I am praying for you and your love one…Joseph Gilles Boudreau,Alberta Canada.

Richard Lemon
July 23, 2020

I pray for the Lord to be a mighty Fortress over the Tucker Carlson family

July 23, 2020

Praying God will put a hedge of protection around Carlson and his family and keep them from harm and danger 🧎‍♀️🙏

Nancy P.
July 22, 2020

Father please protect Tucker and his family. We are dealing with pure evil in our world-in our country! America! We are a sinful nation and I repent individually and collectively with my brothers and sisters and ask You to please intervene in this situation! Send Your angels to keep charge over him and his family to keep them in all their ways. In Jesus Name amen!

July 22, 2020

Our Holy and Omnipotent God, we rise up in righteous anger against the demonic words and thoughts that are infiltrating into every part of our society. These times we are in are a war of words and spirits (lesser and heavenly). May the lesser spirits’ tongues be siClenced and made to whimper because Your Truth is about to be unleashed from every part of the earth and from the heavenly realms We ask for protection of all those who speak Your Truth exposing the untruths of the lesser spirits of lies and threats. May their gods be crumbled and bound. We pray Your angels will provide a way of escaping any threat to Tucker and his family. May Your Justice come to those who tear down and may we rejoice in Your Truth being proclaimed by Your chosen vessels. Amen!

July 22, 2020

Father in Heaven, We pray also for the peace that passes all understanding to guard the Carlson family’s minds and hearts in Christ Jesus during this very obvious and direct attack to silence Tucker. As a body of believers, we cover this family with intercessory prayer for their safekeeping in Christ. The enemy overplays his hand every time. We pray that You turn what the NYT & demonic powers mean for evil into good. Use it to wake up Americans to see this outrageous attack on all who would speak truth. We ask that You would give this family divine protection and courage. This threat is one more proof to help wake up America to see how violent, thuggish, anti-God forces are at work to destroy America. They would burn the country in their evil schemes to advance their anti-Christ agenda. Be strong and courageous, Tucker & family! Joshua 1:9

Darlene Estlow
July 22, 2020

Father I pray for your covering over Tucker Carlson and his family. Shut the mouths of those who would spread lies about him. May truth be his covering.

Lance Howard
July 22, 2020

Father in heaven, we pray angelic protection and a hedge of protection and perimeter guards from your angelic mighty warriors to stand guard over the Carlson family the Carlson home and each one of their family members now in Jesus name!! Father in heaven, we pray angelic protection and a hedge of protection and perimeter guards from your angelic mighty warriors to stand guard over the Carlson family the Carlson home and each one of their family members now in Jesus name!! AMEN!!

Eliza Miller
July 22, 2020

Father I lift Tucker and his family up to your throne of grace. I pray for divine protection. Cover them with your precious blood Jesus. I pray for a renewal and infilling of the Holy Spirit in their lives. I pray for justice and God’s divine intervention…deliverance from evil! Give Tucker strength and favor to speak forth truth. Cover him with the shadow of Your wings. May no peril come near his dwelling. I call on accountability at the NYT for the injustices they are committing. Bring them into right standing with You Father. If they will not repent and turn from their wicked ways I ask that you remove them from a seat of influence and power in this land. Expose them and remove the scales from the eyes of the people that they may see and hear the truth and the truth shall set them free. In Jesus’ mighty name! AMEN!!

Barbara Hesch
July 22, 2020

Thank you IFA for posting this article, so that we can all cover Tucker Carlson with prayer. I was not aware of this until now. How is the N.Y. Slimes newspaper getting away with this? These evil ones must stay up all night devising another plan to keep the truth from the people. I hope the plan to hurt him and his family backfires. This is a tactic used to intimidate and silence people. I, like so many of us, respect his style of reporting news. Tucker, we stand with you, we pray over you that no evil come near you or your household. May the Lord give you His peace and protection to enable you to continue in the work you do everyday without fear. Amen

Dr. Alma
July 22, 2020

Thank You for Your divine protection upon Tucker Carlson and his family. No weapon or wicked scheme planned against them shall prevail. His home and family are surrounded by an army of heavenly warriors.
Though his enemies conspired together to issue a decree to ruin him. It shall not be established (Isaiah 8:10). Instead I utter a decree to establish and fulfill Tucker‘so destiny for greater reach and influence (Job 22:28). His enemies shall fall into their own traps, the evil they meant for him shall instead come upon them. Exposed and without a place to hide the New York Times shall topple and crash along with their wicked plans, never to rise again. Tucker and his family shall live in peace and safety all the days of their lives. “With long life I will satisfy him and show him My salvation” (Psalm 91:16). “No weapon forged against you (Ticker) will prevail, and you will refute every tongue that accuses you. This is the heritage of the servants of the LORD, and this is their vindication from Me,” declares the LORD (Isaiah 54:17). To God be the glory. Amen!

Sally Lawson
July 22, 2020

Dear Lord I pray a hedge of protection around Tucker Carlson and his family.

Lord,defeat the evil one and his minions.

Encamp your army of angels around the Carlson’s.

Lord help the Carlson’s to dwell in safety.

In Jesus name I pray.

Alan Veasey
July 22, 2020

Defeat the purposes of the enemy, O Holy One. Doxing news analysts serves no righteous purpose: it is an act of dominance and repression. Your gospel proceeds with freedom of speech; may You preserve it.

July 22, 2020

Heavenly Father, thank you for Your watching over Your people. With the Holy Blood of our Lord Jesus Christ, I’m covering Mr Tucker Carlson, his wife, his children, and his home. Thank You for guarding their coming out and their going in everyday with Your Holy Angels. You put Mr Tucker Carlson in the Fox News for reason – for Your Kingdom. Please keep him and his family safe from the hands of the wicked and protect them from the violent who devise ways to trip their feet. Thank You for being Fortress to Mr Carlson’s family. In the mighty name of Jesus Christ I pray.

Virginia Stanton
July 22, 2020

Father in the All powerful name of Jesus we ask for angels of protection to surround the Carlson home and fill the atmosphere with your peace that passes All understanding in Jesus name… Amen tomorrow and days forth coming…


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