Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) urged Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN) to resign after calling for the “dismantling” of the U.S. political and economic systems Tuesday.
During a speech to members of the Minnesota People of Color and Indigenous Caucus in her home state, Omar said, “As long as our economy and political systems prioritize profit without considering who is profiting, who is being shut out, we will perpetuate this inequality. We cannot stop at criminal justice system. We must begin the work of dismantling the whole system of oppression wherever we find it.” . . .
Democrat Rep. Ilhan Omar calls for "dismantling" of the U.S. "economy and political systems"
— RNC Research (@RNCResearch) July 7, 2020
Omar had tweeted earlier about the event during which she made her comments, writing, “The murder of George Floyd reawakened calls to address racism in policing and reform our criminal justice system.” . . .
Omar, whose Congressional District in Minnesota served as a hotbed for protests in the wake of George Floyd’s death at the hands of Minneapolis police, also called for the Minneapolis Police Department to be dismantled last month. . . .
Later that month, the Minneapolis City Council unanimously approved an amendment that eliminated requirements from the city’s charter to have a police department. It established instead a Department of Community Safety and Violence Prevention, which would be under the management of the city council. Minneapolis spent more than $63,000 over three weeks in June to protect city council members who received threats amid the turmoil after Floyd’s death.
When this whole thing fails, take note that Congresswoman Ilhan Omar also supports the dismantling of the Minneapolis Police Department.
— Benny Johnson (@bennyjohnson) June 8, 2020
(Excerpt from The Daily Wire. Written by Jon Brown.)
Share your comments regarding what Omar has to say and if you agree with Sen. Blackburn demanding her resignation.
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Lord God, I pray that you will remove this seemingly all powerful woman from office and replace her with an American who will serve You and this country.
Holy Abba I pray in the Name of Your Holy Son, Yeshua/Jesus that You would raise up honorable men and women to run for office at evety level…local, state, and federal…that You would fill their coffers to overflowing with funds to run their campaigns…that you surround them with loyal people to help them…that Your Hand of Favor would rest upon them and lead them in victory to unseat those who do not love this nation or serve it well…Amen
Father God we ask you to remove every evil person from our Congress! For evil prevails when good men/women do nothing! We ask for you to open our eyes to the evil being spoken against our Country and take the necessary steps to remove people that have an evil hidden agenda against us! I pray Father God for you to remove the veil and expose all hidden things before this Election and bring more support for President Trump and remove the wrong people from every office in the land and put Your children in office to bring a united front to work with President Trump and not against him. In Jesus’ name we Thank You! AMEN
A huge constituency of Omar supporters is in Minnesota. Did we bring these people to America to allow them to dismantle what they now freely and peacefully enjoy? They brought war, strife, corruption and poverty baggage with them and know no other way of life. Why are we surprised? Wasn’t our intent that they learn the foundations of our society and why we believe and act as we should? Wasn’t our intent as law-abiding citizens that they would take their place peacefully beside us? I am very disappointed in Omar, AOC and their ilk. I am disappointed in us for not requiring them to change. We have not taught well or held these unruly children accountable but have given them wide latitude. This warns us law-abiding American citizens about the threat in our midst and our own indulgent weaknesses. This may include our own children or friends. I pray that each believer learns to unite and work together other despite our flaws and fears for our God’s purposes. I pray God’s scriptural precepts be applied to our real life so that He is our miraculous solution. Let’s meet reality with Him. In the wonderful name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
In the Name of Jesus, I pray for Ilhan Omar to repent, and come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior. I read where some Muslims who believe in dreams coming to faith because Jesus will show Himself to them, sometimes through dreams. I pray for her conversion from “darkness” into the light of the Triune God. Amen
Also praying that there will be a major repentance and turning of hearts to the Lord Jesus Christ amongst the muslims in Minnesota.
Yes! She needs to be removed…she is part of the problem… creating division in her state & in America… her beliefs are treasonous
GOD knows all about this–He saw it coming.
But when we ignore His teachings, we suffer the consequences.
It is the blind leading the blind and they will fall into the ditch.
It is past time that we repent of our own sin, so that taking the plank out of our own eye, we can see clearly to take the mote out of the eyes of others.
May GOD help each and every one of us to see clearly and not be beguiled or deceived by the deceitful schemes of those in the devil’s employ. In Jesus Name, Amen.
She’s wrong with her ideology: she needs to remove herself from our government as a representative: for she doesn’t represent a true believer in America.
I believe that anyone who is bent on destroying our way of life with the freedoms we have to accomplish and receive just reward for hard work should go back to where they came from. She was afforded an opportunity by the Methodist church to be delivered out the dust and poverty of Somalia and this is what she does with it? Let’s give her a ticket out of here. And we’ll pray she finds the Lord on her flight home.
Why are people tolerating such treason.
Christians must not only pray but act on their prayers for faith without works is dead (James 2:26). Christians need to vote our values. Omar got in office by the people’s vote. How many Christians decided not to vote when that seat was open in Minnesota? With elections coming up in August and November, we pray that the Body of Christ exert the power that God has given us to choose godly leaders.
Omar does not represent the people of America—our system of government or our values Wondering what she does represent.
She represents the Muslim agenda which is world domination and hatred of Jews and the infidels who are all Americans. They believe all Americans are Christians and therefore their enemy. They worm their way into all factions of our society. They are the only ones having multiple children and will eventually be the majority. They come two by two. Are sent here to tell American women they love them so they will marry them and are told to have as many children as they can. They are in every industry. They tell their women to dress in all black with the head gear to get used to seeing it. Even some are moderates they still believe in the Koran which says to kill the infidel.
We’d better not only pray for their salvation but put our feet to the prayers. The enemy is within. Whose going to win? The Chinese or the Muslim? Oh that’s right, we have the victory and must count the cost.
Thank you for your comment. It is helpful to “know your enemy”. Sadly, we didn’t vet her before she got in. I too, was wondering how can someone in Congress be so anti- American? I agree with Sen. Blackburn,she should be ousted.
Thank you for posting this, it’s information I always remember from a Catholic high school social studies class in the late ’70’s. Certainly not taught in American public school, where the pc culture cozys up to the enemy among us and our children are taught to hate America and not to think for themselves. The muslim birthrate in France has exceeded that of the French, and we’ve seen how they’re taking hold in the UK and Germany… There was a youtube video several years ago of one of their leaders defining their goal just as described above. Our news media is truly not on the side of America so there will be no help from them to inform Americans with these facts, per usual.
Adonai set Ilhan free from the evil that has consumed her heart and bring her forth to Your salvation and truth. Turn her life around and redeem the years that the locust have eaten. Set her on fire for You and You alone. Give her wisdom, knowledge and understanding. May she serve only You. Set your chosen on her path to minister salvation and truth. If her heart will never turn towards You then I ask that you remove her from office.
Thank you for your prayer!
The cancer is Omar! I support the removal of this cancer!!
Members of the House of Representatives take oath to defend, not overthrow our government right?
“An individual, except the President, elected or appointed to an office of honor or profit in the civil service or uniformed services, shall take the following oath: “I, ___, do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; that I take this obligation freely, without any mental reservation or purpose of evasion; and that I will well and faithfully discharge the duties of the office on which I am about to enter. So help me God.””
Very good point! Thank you for sharing!
Yes, they do. And under U.S. Code 115:2385
“Whoever knowingly or willfully advocates, abets, advises, or teaches the duty, necessity, desirability, or propriety of overthrowing or destroying the government of the United States or the government of any State, Territory, District or Possession thereof, or the government of any political subdivision therein, by force or violence, or by the assassination of any officer of any such government…
Shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than twenty years, or both, and shall be ineligible for employment by the United States or any department or agency thereof, for the five years next following his conviction.”
It seems to me the Congresswoman calling for Rep. Omar’s to resign is right to do so and being very generous and gracious to ask for resignation rather than bring her up on charges of violating the US Code that prohibits advocating the overthrow of our government.
I am in agreement with Eliza Miller who prayed above asking for God to change Rep. Omar’s heart, but if her heart is so hardened that it will not change, then remove her from office and set another in her place.
Yes, I was wondering the same thing. They have to take that oath and if they violate that oath, is that grounds for removal?
Our government was built to represent God’s government; righteous, peace, love, grace. She is trying to express these values but it will not work unless Jehovah God of creation and His principles are followed. This is not a battle with flesh and blood but with the rulers of darkness. We have to use the weapons that God gave us to fight these battles. Worship, crying out to God for mercy, humbling ourselves, repenting (truly turning away from the sin in our lives by Romans 12:1, putting our flesh on the alter daily) of what we, God’s people have allowed in our nation through our passivity, laziness, lack of love and care, caught up in our own wants (not so much needs), greed, etc. Christians and the denominations are the reason this has happened. We have worshipped strange gods and allowed them to rule us! I woke up 4 years ago and now intercede day and night. May God have mercy on us!
Such good truth for this topic! Thank you for sharing!
Christians must not only pray but act on their prayers for faith without works is dead (James 2:26). Christians need to vote our values. Omar got in office by the people’s vote. How many Christians decided not to vote when that seat was open in Minnesota? With elections coming up in August and November, we pray that the Body of Christ exert the power that God has given us to choose godly leaders.
Father, I ask that you would turn this woman’s heart to you. Reveal your truth to her, that you are a God of truth and love. I pray she would be removed from office if she does not repent.
Father, may we not speak out of hatred, but out of truth for you love her as well.
I cannot look at or listen to this woman. She is dangerous and shouldn’t be in America. Muslims take advantage of our freedom of religion, but what most Americans do not know is that Islam is not just a religion. They have protection under our law to bring their false religious system here to change our law to Islamic law. They will do this through immigration and birthrate. Why do they support the Democrat party?Because they are the ones most likely to allow this deception. Another reason why we need a Christian revival.
This is more true than you can know. I lived for 13 years in a very Islamic country. They have two houses that all fit into. The house of war and the house of peace.
The house of peace can only be obtained after take over of Islam is achieved.
They take vows to annilate the infidels when jihad is called. Look at the history of jihad and then you will more throughly understand theirs ways and goals.