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Thank God that Planned Parenthood’s aggressive efforts to back pro-abortion candidates failed across the country. May God move the hearts and minds of Americans to life.

Do not be happy when your enemy falls, and do not feel glad when he stumbles. The Lord will see it, he won’t like it, and he will turn his anger away from that person. (Pr 24:17-18)

“Planned Parenthood may poor-mouth when its government funding is on the line, but that hasn’t stopped the abortion giant from spending lavishly on politicians who promise to keep the taxpayer dollars coming.

Planned Parenthood’s political arm, the Planned Parenthood Action Fund, was the second-biggest spender on the Democratic side of the ledger in the special election for Georgia’s 6th Congressional District, putting more than $734,000 behind Jon Ossoff.

The only group that spent more was the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee, which poured $4.9 million into the race. . . .

The abortion giant’s spending in Georgia is just a drop in the bucket of its overall political activity. The group said it spent $30 million last year in support of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign, more than double what it spent in 2012.

As a part of the #PinkOutTheVote campaign, Planned Parenthood inundated six swing states—Wisconsin, Ohio, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania and New Hampshire—with 1,500 paid canvassers, nearly 250 outreach events and countless television ads.

Of those six states, President Trump won four. . . .

Mr. Norton attributed Planned Parenthood’s increased political activity to “desperation,” pointing to Republican electoral gains and the plan to divest the abortion provider’s taxpayer funding to clinics that do not perform abortions.” (Excerpted from The Washington Times, reporting by Bradford Richardson.)

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July 13, 2017

Thank you God for putting in office those who are protectors of the unborn babies. Forgive America’s sin of murdering millions in the past. Expose those who are hardening their hearts against the righteous agenda of this present administration. Convict them and vindicate the righteous. Heal our Land, the USA. In Jesus Name!

July 13, 2017

Please don’t forget to pray for David who exposed PP. They are trying to destroy him and his team of lawyers. Thank God for men like him but he has paid a very heavy price. I pray he and his lawyers will be vindicated!! As well as abortion eliminated from this planet!

Gayla Stahl
July 13, 2017

Dear Jesus, I know that any abortion hurts your heart, and how you are able to hold back your anger is beyond me, I started to say I wish I were you for one day, but I felt a check in my spirit, so I erased that thought, forgive me for thinking it. Please continue to draw people to you, so that maybe, just maybe one day all will know you as their Savior and Lord, I hate to even think of the ones who refuse your most generous offer of salvation. God have mercy on their souls. Thank you for this administration that is favorable to your way of doing things, bless them, keep them and use them for your glory, amen & amen.

July 12, 2017

I don’t know anyone who would want to harm a little child, if they saw one wrapped in a little pink or blue blanket. The little children who are being aborted are so alone!

Not one of these parents would want to go alone, into an operating room, without anesthesia, and have even the most simple surgery done with no one there to help them, or not know why someone continues to hurt them even though they scream. But still think it is ok to kill their child in the most horrible ways.

This truth must be read and understood. The pro-abortion people scream “it’s my body and I have the right to decide what is done with it”. But the little tiny child does not even have any rights. Though it has already been established the live child has a heartbeat. The child is alive. Dear Lord, please put Your thoughts into the minds of those who are deceived and those who want to kill for money, and if they repent, forgive them. In Jesus name amen.

July 12, 2017

The innocent blood shed in our country only God can see. It would be beyond our human capacity to see it. Knowing that behind every ounce of innocent blood, was a silent scream of pain.
Oh let those mothers who came to the alter of abortion know that when YOUR blood ran red, her sins were washed white. May each woman find forgiveness because of YOUR blood Jesus to forgive her of shedding her child’s innocent blood.

Cathy L Vanley
July 12, 2017

God is cleaning house! Praise Him for favoring candidates that respect women and life.
May PPs agenda be exposed even more so and very soon the doors shut for good. Then they can tear down the buildings and resurrect a memeriol in memory of all the murders that happened.
It’s ironic that it’s actually our tax dollars that they use to funnel into campaigns

John W Stanis
July 12, 2017

Yes! Amen Holy God

June 27, 2017

Glory Hallelujah!
We praise you Lord God for these Congressional wins for Life, we continue to implore you to rid our country of abortion, to open our hearts to all women in a crisis pregnancy, to love the Mom as well as her unborn child. We continue to ask the deliverance of these women from the long term effects of abortion, and the child from death. We ask you to heal our land of the innocent blood that has been spilt here. In Jesus name, Amen

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