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Pray for God’s will to be done in health care reform. May Congress seek God’s wisdom in crafting and passing legislation that will reduce costs and improve coverage and care for as many citizens as possible.

Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones. (Pr 3:7-8)

“Former Sen. Rick Santorum predicted that the Republican health care bill will pass the Senate with exactly 50 votes, saying the measure has enough “core Republican doctrine” to satisfy conservatives even if moderates reject it.

At least five Senate Republicans have expressed opposition the bill in its current form to repeal and replace Obamacare, but Mr. Santorum said he believes the conservatives would change their minds.” (Excerpted from The Washington Times, reporting by Valerie Richardson.)

“So the most significant lesson Republicans have learned in this period is that what they—as a congressional conference guided by the sentiments of a majority of its members—want to do about Obamacare doesn’t begin with repeal. . . .

They are choosing to address discrete problems with Obamacare within the framework it created and to pursue some significant structural reforms to Medicaid beyond that, and they should want the merits of their proposal judged accordingly. Their premise is politically defensible—it is probably more so than my premise—and the proposal they have developed makes some sense in light of it.

On the substantive particulars, I would say the bill is mostly better than the House version passed last month.”  (Excerpted from National Review, analysis by Yuval Levin.)

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karen secrest
July 1, 2017

1) Healthcare providers in rural America say they are currently just meeting expenses. Any cut in funing means they will be forced to close Completely! 2) As we cry Freedom, do you know a vet whose needs are not being met? 3) Hear Me Now: If
My people who are called by My name will turn back and call upon Me, I WILL hear their cry and answer. Amen and Amen. Our God reigns!

karen secrest
July 1, 2017

We would like our elected officials,including the President, to get beyond theory and understand those “low income people” that seem to receive So much comment are low income Because their out-of-pocket expense is enormous. Other typical families pay $10,000 for out patient care for kidney stones, as an example. When someone like Kathy Gifford is in the news regarding her extensive health care, it makes us wonder again why our elected officials appear so misinformed.

karen secrest
July 1, 2017

My family and all the non-profits and vet groups involved in daily care that is 24/7 ask for a resounding NO vote on this bill. It substantially limits health care for millions and is Not, repeat, Not cost effective for the people or our government. Let wisdom, not peer pressure, determine the needs. Eventually everyone needs health care So perhaps that suggested by some: Medicaid coverage for everyone. This is more sensitive to the needs of governments and populations.

karen secrest
July 1, 2017

I trust in God the Father to be ever present with every person connected with health care for this country. There are so many serious current needs for children, vets, the elderly and daily issues. Only the God can give the kind of wisdom for the impossible. I pray Psalm
91 over all for their protection and peace.

Maxine Smyles
June 28, 2017

Our Heavenly Father, I pray that Romans 8:28 stands firm for our American people concerning the Health Care votes that are being debated by those in our government.

Father, You see and You know what is best for the people of America. We are asking You to work on the behalf of the citizens of our Country concernng our HealthCare.

Father, please touch the hearts and minds of those who will be voting and let the outcome be done according to Your Purpose.


June 28, 2017

We turn to You, YAHWEH, as our Redeemer God. I give thanks for your faithfulness. May you will be accomplished through our government’s decisions regarding healthcare, survival of our unborn babies, the safety of our country, the use of our resources. And for Your answers to our pleas, we praise You! Amen.

Tim of Keith
June 28, 2017

Amen. In the mighty of Jesus, let the truth of what Felicia said come to pass by the power of the Holy Spirit.

June 27, 2017

Lord, we know that the number one thing you see when you look at Obamacare is not high costs, but the fact that wholesale slaughter of the innocent through Planned Parenthood is in its bedrock. In the name of Jesus and through the power of His resurrection i would ask that you bind the power of this death and lose the American people from it. I pray that no healthcare bill would be implemented that does not totally defund Planned Parenthood. In the mighty name of Jesus, Amen

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