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I Prayed have prayed
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We have prayed for God’s will to be done in immigration policy, and for wisdom for our nation’s leaders as they evaluate proposed policies. Thank God for answered prayer.

And this is the confidence that we have toward him, that if we ask anything according to his will he hears us. (1 Jn 5:14 ESV)

“The Supreme Court said Monday that most of President Trump’s travel ban executive order can go into effect, delivering the first major victory to the new administration on perhaps his most controversial policy to date.

Justices said the lower court rulings that blocked Mr. Trump’s policy were far too broad, and said the president can begin to enforce his ban against foreigners who don’t already have some ties to the U.S.

That means the president can begin denying visas to visitors from six countries — Iran, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen — who don’t already have family in the U.S., or some other prior connection such as participation in an education program. Mr. Trump is also free to halt refugee admissions worldwide, with the same exception for people who already have a connection to the U.S.” (Excerpted from The Washington Times, reporting by Stephen Dinan.)

“The U.S. Supreme Court agreed on Monday to review President Donald Trump’s blocked executive order on travel and refugees, reinstating much of the order immediately. The court said the government can enforce the ban on travelers from six mostly Muslim countries as long as they don’t have a ‘credible’ connection to someone in the United States. The announcement comes on the final day of the court’s term, so the justices won’t hear oral arguments in the case until October. Lower courts blocked Trump’s initial order in January, and the administration issued a narrower version in March, which multiple courts also halted. (Excerpted from World, reporting by Evan Wilt.)

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June 29, 2017

Father I thank you for an administration which is committed to the safety of the citizens of the United States. Grant supernatural wisdom and insight to those in homeland security and other enforcement agencies who are working to provide for our safety. Thank you for all those instances in which danger has been averted due to the vigilance and policies such as those of this administration to provide protection.
Just as You are a god who exhibits both justice and mercy, I pray that this nation and all those working with immigrants and immigration policy be led by Your Holy Spirit and reflect that same balance of justice and mercy.
Father, I ask that Your mercy be extended to those of other nations who are persecuted for their faith and oppressed in the countries in which they live. Grant them provision and safety as they cry out to You. Give Your church in the U.S. a heart to cry out to you in prayer on behalf of the persecuted church and find a way to respond to their needs. Forgive us for turning a deaf ear to those portions of the bride of Christ who daily live under danger and persecution for their faith. Thank You for the freedom we have to live out our faith in this country.
You are our Deliverer and Strong Tower. Our hope is in You.

June 28, 2017

Lord, You know fully well how we don’t realize our own hate, prejudice, or unfairness we hold while praying with the idea that we have the right heart. Shed light in our hearts, especially in the issue of immigration. You know all issues concerning the borders and all issues concerning America, please don’t allow the good to lack because of narrow thinking even if sincere at heart. Some need a safe place, many who live in America for years came for the same reason. I will cry out and complain in the evening and morning and noon, and He will hear my voice. In the same way, the Holy Spirit helps us where we are weak. We do not know how to pray or what we should pray for, but the Holy Spirit prays to God for us with sounds that cannot be put into words. “Will not God make things that are right come to His chosen people who cry day and night to Him? Will He wait a long time to help them?” If My people who are called by My name put away their pride and pray, and look for My face, and turn from their sinful ways, then I will hear from heaven. I will forgive their sin, and will heal their land. All things you ask for in prayer, you will receive if you have faith. I did not give up waiting for the LORD. And He turned to me and heard my cry. In Jesus name!

Don Wright
June 28, 2017

It goes to show America has gone to hell when the governors and senators rather have money than the safety of our country. I believe any one over here family of no family Illegal needs to go back home this includes the dreamers. When they cross over with out being invited they broke the law raping murdering child abuse and with no record how do you know who is doing it. Send them all back Morristown Tn are full of them and they are laughing at Donald Trump and the system.

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